Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Reduction ... - Diabetes India

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Intermittent Fasting vs. Caloric Reduction – What’s the Difference?

suramo profile image
11 Replies

Is there any difference between fasting and caloric reduction?

Some would argue that the beneficial effect of fasting is entirely due to the caloric reduction. If true, then why is there such a striking difference between stunning failure of chronically reducing calories and stunning success of fasting?

Caloric Reduction as Primary (CRaP) has been tried innumerable times over the past few decades, and failed virtually every single time. Yet fasting is often effective where simple caloric reduction is not. Why?

The short answer is that the beneficial hormonal changes that happen during fasting are entirely prevented by the constant intake of food. It is the intermittency of the fasting that makes it so much more effective. This prevents the development of resistance.

The failed CRaP technique advises people practice portion control, or reduce daily caloric intake – for example simply reduce 500 calories a day and expect to lose 1 pound of fat per week. Success is as rare as humility in a grizzly bear, but that doesn’t stop well meaning, but idiotic health professionals from recommending it. After all, who hasn’t tried to portion control strategy of weight loss. Who has been able to maintain long term weight loss? Nobody. Does it work? No.

Failure never deters the fervent calorie believers. Medical professionals have advised people for at least 40 years to count and restrict their calories. Calories In, Calories Out. Technically true, it turns out that the Calories Out, the part we do NOT consciously control is vastly more important than Calories In. Nevertheless, prominent doctors such as Dr. Katz, continue to advise cutting their calories and pretend that they will lose weight. When it doesn’t work, they blame you, the patient for its failures. Doctors love the fun game of ‘Blame the Victim’. It absolves them of their failure to understand the aetiology of obesity.

Caloric reduction doesn’t work

The failure rate is 98%. Practical personal experience confirms it. We’ve all done it. We’ve all failed to lose weight. So, whatever else you may believe, caloric reduction DOES NOT WORK. This is a proven fact. Proven in the bitter tears of a million believers. But, no matter how many times I tell a calorie enthusiast, I get the uncomprehending gaze of an anxious monkey.

So, what happens with this CRaP strategy? A detailed review can be found in the Calories series. Essentially, the body maintains its body set weight (BSW). As you start CRaP, weight goes down, and the body compensates for this weight loss by trying to regain the lost weight. Hormonal mediators of hunger (ghrelin) increase. This means that measures of hunger and desire to eat increase. This happens almost immediately and persists almost indefinitely. This is no psychobabble that people lose their willpower over time and compliance wanes. People are really, physiologically hungrier because the hunger hormones are stimulated.

Next, the body’s metabolism starts to shut down. In response to a 30% decrease in calories, there is a roughly 30% decrease in total energy expenditure. We start to feel tired, cold, and we have little energy for things like exercise.

As the body’s TEE decreases, the weight loss starts to slow down and then plateau. Eventually the weight starts to go back on, even as we continue to follow the diet. So the metabolic adaptations to CRaP is an increase in hunger and a decrease in basal metabolism. So, as you diet, you feel hungry, tired, cold and generally miserable. Does this sound familiar to any dieters? Probably sounds familiar to every dieter. This is what Dr. Ancel Keys had shown decades ago in his Minnesota Starvation Experiment. Despite its name, this was actually a caloric restriction study, with people eating 1500 calories per day, a level not far off most ‘expert’ advice today.

The worst part is that this strategy is guaranteed to fail. It has been proven by science long ago. The huge 50,000 woman randomized trial (Women’s Health Initiative) of the low fat low calorie diet proved to be an utter failure for weight loss. The problem with this strategy is that it does not address the long term problem of insulin resistance and high insulin levels. Since the insulin sets the ‘BSW thermostat’ – the body keeps trying to regain the lost weight.

Here’s the bottom line. As you reduce calories, appetite goes up, and metabolism goes down. Yowzers. You reduce Calories In, but Calories Out goes down, too. This is failure guaranteed 100%. It’s stupid.

Intermittent fasting

The hormonal changes that happen in IF are completely different. In contrast to CRaP, during fasting, appetite goes down and TEE goes up. The body is trying to lose weight and helping you along. The main point is that it addresses the long term problem of insulin resistance. During caloric reduction alone, you do not get any of the beneficial hormonal adaptations of fasting.

CRaP-vs-IERDuring IF, the intermittent nature of the intervention helps to prevent the insulin resistance problem. A recent trial – The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women – compares CRaP to IF. In this study, 107 women were randomized to two strategies. The first was a 25% continuous energy restriction (CER) – similar to the CRaP strategy of portion control. The second strategy was intermittent energy restriction (IER). Patients were allowed normal intake on 5 days a week, but only 25% of their usual calories on 2 days of the week – very similar to the 5:2 diet of Dr. Michael Mosley.

Let’s assume the usual caloric intake was 2000 calories per day. With CER, calories are reduced to 1500, or 10,500 calories over 1 week. With IER, weekly calories are 11,000 calories per week. Harvie1So this study effectively keeps caloric intake steady – or even favouring the CRaP group slightly. The basic diet was a Mediterranean style diet with 30% fat.

Over six months, what were the results? In terms of weight loss and fat loss, there were no significant difference although the fasting tended to do better (5.7 vs 5.0 kg weight loss, 4.5 kg vs 3.2 kg fat loss).

What happens to insulin resistance?

But the real important part of the study was the effect on insulin and insulin resistance. After all, hyper-insulinemia and insulin resistance are the key factors driving obesity and weight gain.

Harvie3Fasting provides a clear, substantial improvement in insulin levels and insulin resistance. The CRaP group had no improvement in their insulin resistance (IR), which will continue to provoke higher insulin levels in a vicious cycle. This keeps Body Set Weight (BSW) high and prevents successful long term weight loss.

Fasting for thousands of years has effectively controlled obesity. Portion control (CRaP) has only been used extensively for the last 50 years with stunning failure.

But the one strategy that does help, fasting, is continually belittled as a dangerous practice akin to blood letting and voodoo. The problem with most diets is that they ignore the biological principle of homeostasis – that is the ability of the body to adapt to changing environments. If you try to keep a constant diet, the body will adapt to it. This means that successfully dieting requires an intermittent strategy, not a constant one. This is a crucial difference.

The difference is between restricting some foods all the time (CER) and restricting all foods some of the time (IER). This is the difference between failure and success

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suramo profile image
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11 Replies
Luckysugar profile image

Very interesting article, thanks for posting bhai suramo :)

Activity2004 profile image

Thanks for posting this information, suramo .

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Very informative!

Thanks for posting!!

Keep it up!!!

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to alwaysoptimistic




You are welcome.

I have advocated repeatedly on this forum hypocarb hypocalorie diet.

Well i posted this article for the people to respond. Practically i have reduced my weight, ir etc with hypocalorie diet. Very true the the body adapts to the reduced calorie intake by reducing bmr. But i still believe that unless calorie expediture doesn't cross intake one cancan't lose weight - a key factor to reduce ir / lose visceral fat.

How about IF with calorie reduction and exercise?

The article touches the calorie aspect but not the quality of food. If one goes on taking same food 60:20:20 c : p :f as recommended by ada/ aha/ ama the weight loss can't be achieved.

Anup and i have different views on this.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to suramo

Not everyone is going to have the same opinion sometimes.

banku007 profile image
banku007 in reply to suramo

Please let me know what's hypocalorie diet? Thanks.

banku007 profile image

Please let me know what body's"TEE" means? Thanks

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to banku007


Total energy expenditure.

Hypocalorie diet means a diet that provides less energy than required. Usually less by 30%

banku007 profile image
banku007 in reply to suramo


banku007 profile image
banku007 in reply to suramo


Good article

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