Yoga vs Aerobic Exercises: Hi Has anyone done... - Diabetes India

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Yoga vs Aerobic Exercises

Chandradev profile image
27 Replies


Has anyone done an experiment on these two exercises? Which one is the best exercise for diabetics?

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Chandradev profile image
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27 Replies
bnsb profile image

There is nothing like one is better than other, IMHO. You may do both, say on alternate days. As a diabetic, work out you must.

gsnrajan profile image

I am aged 63, diabetic, under went bypass surgery 8 years before, used walking for at least 5 days a week for 40 mins, do both for approximately 45 min. Normal Aerobatic exercise for neck, shoulders, hands, legs, etc for parts of body stretching taught at school with yoga of Artha Villaasana, Bujangasana, vajraasana with breathing exercises. This gives me energy for the whole day. I take limited food and fruits in my diet. I take medicines prescribed by my medical specialist.

KumaRamesh profile image

YOGA & Exercise

1. Exercise (even walking) is dynamic. It works more on Body than Mind. Hence generally one may feel relaxed but would be tired. Good exercise helps one to enjoy food. Essentially no teacher is required.

2. Yoga is static. It works more on mind. One does not feel tired after Yoga unless limits are exceeded or not done properly. Hence a good teacher helps.

3. Path to Mind is via Healthy Individual (Yam & Niyam), Healthy Body (Asana & Pranayam) and Detachment with actions and results (Pratyahar). Dharana, Dhyan & Samadhi are the domain of Mind.

4. Diabetes is due to mal/poor functioning of pancreas that is part of endocrine system. Therefore exercises help in burning of blood sugar thus helping in reduction of blood sugar.

5. At time, Diabetes due to stress related causes, can be reversed by removal of stress. Stress can be removed by getting proper advice or restoring the healthy life style.

6. YOGA is complete way of life. It improves metabolism. It relaxes both body and mind. Regular Yoga practices reduces food intake. Many Asanas work on areas where gland are located thus giving a CLAIM OF of required trigger to improve. Padmasana or SuptaVazrasan presses area around pancreas.

7. Many of Asanas and Pranayam work on particular joint, muscle or body part thus giving required benefit. Same can also be obtained by Physio exercises too but generally during these work out, one does not relaxes mind. Probably Physio exercises along with mind relaxations may make them more useful.

8. Thus there are no short cuts. A dedicated approach via Yoga would definitely help provided it is organic problem. Yoga is science of Mind. Medical is Science of Body. Prescribed diabetes medicines do their job well provided taken as per advice along with Dos and Donots.

Response is requested.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to KumaRamesh

Good explaination!I like it!!

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to KumaRamesh


Well said.

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to KumaRamesh

Excellent info regarding Ashtanga yoga We must also remember some asanas may be contraindicated for people with any medical conditions. Good teacher needed with greater knowledge of all students medical conditions.


makarim profile image

Article by Kuma Ramesh is very good .Good going.Thanks

Chandradev profile image

Thanks all for sharing your view. Everyday i do 2 hrs aerobic exercise. I get very good response on my body. I am planning to do experiment with yaga.

Can we do yoga in evening time ? is it require special training from dedicated spiritual guru ? can we not learn by our-self ?

Luckysugar profile image
Luckysugar in reply to Chandradev

Good on you Chandradev that you have been active doing two-hours aerobic exercise daily. I strongly suggest you to do yoga as its benefits are huge physically, psychologically and perhaps spiritually. As a beginner, it's advisable to do with a trained yoga practitioner. However, it doesn't mean you can't do it yourself. I am one of those who educated myself through some good yoga books many years ago and has been practising yoga at home. Yoga this day is so much available on line which you are easily learn and give it a go. Yoga is really an art of living and should be part of our lifestyles.

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to Chandradev

Yoga was first taught by Guru to one person. Yoga should not be learned from books. They are useful as reference. Yoga must be taught by someone who has gone through training for some years, Only when training has been completed, then teacher may pass on learning. After over 40 years I am still learning, I have retired from teaching. I have not retired from Yoga. We must also remember there are other Yogic paths to follow, such as Karma yoga. Yoga is a way of life.

KumaRamesh profile image

YOGA can be done at any time of the day. An empty stomach is essential hence Morning hours are better.

Alternately two hours after meals or one hour after light BF/Snack too is ok.

Those who take/coffee (or even smoke) in the morning can take before the practice of Yoga. Middle class has its essential routines and that should not become an obstacle for giving time for Yoga. Doing Yoga is important than finding reasons for nor doing.

Still best is in the morning. Taking worm two glasses of water and visiting toilet is preferred. Evening around 1800-1900 hrs are ok after returning from office. To get best results 30-40 minutes of practice of chosen Asanas, Pranayam and bit of Meditation is useful. If not possible, 20 minutes is minimum. A trained teacher helps. Those who are in Bombay have many such helps so also must be in all cities.

Aerobics and Walking can be added to it if required but after a gap of one hour.

maisiecrawford profile image

Both are equally important for physical health. But as far diabetic is concern, there are lots of asansa and breathing techniques in yoga for overcoming diabetes. Simple exercise i just you to do morning walk and evening walk as per your capacity.

narasimhan2003 profile image

As a long time practitioner of yoga and a patient of diabetes , my experience is that it does not cure one of diabetes. But it is helpful in making you me feel refreshed and your alertness is markedly better at the end of the practice - usually the practice lasts for 85 to 90 minutes. If a Yoga teacher out of ignorance or irresponsibility, tells you that yoga cures you of diabetes, don't buy that. Short of promising bringing back to life even a dead person, I have known yoga teachers promise anything under the moon to trusting followers! There is no other option to exercise, diet control and right medication in dealing with diabetes.

A word of caution in practicing yoga. Don't rush rush through it, with a target approach. Do it with awareness, in a relaxed, non tiring manner, ending it with shavasana and meditation.


Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to narasimhan2003

Yoga does not cure any disease. It can help you come to terms with what is ailing you. We must also remember that a person with epilepsy should approach meditation with caution. So too someone who is taking non-prescribed drugs.

in reply to Vivante

It is a proven fact that vipareethakarani and sarvangasan cure thyroid problem with out taking any modern medicine. So one can't say yoga does not cure diseases . Even in case of diabetes certain asanas help the control of the disorder.

narasimhan2003 profile image
narasimhan2003 in reply to

Dear Swathy: I refer to your statement "vipareethakarani and sarvangasan cure thyroid problem with out taking any modern medicine." Where is the data base to say so? I have known yoga instructors claiming all kinds of illnesses being cured by yoga, including instances of some of them not even knowing the spelling of the illnesses they claim to have cured!

Yoga practice, done properly, improves alertness of the mind, is relaxing and improves body's immunity. This is what has helped me to remain reasonably active, though albeit slowing, even after being a diabetic for 35 years, and having suffered a mild stroke three years ago, but if someone were to ask me to certify that it has cured me of diabetes, I would beg to differ.

Good luck! Good health!


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to narasimhan2003

Does this also go for Zumba, narasimhan2003 ?

narasimhan2003 profile image
narasimhan2003 in reply to Activity2004

I have not heard of Zumba

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to narasimhan2003

Zumba is a type of exercise/dancing. I will send you some information in a few minutes, narasimhan2003 .

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply to narasimhan2003

Zumba information: Click on the link.

in reply to narasimhan2003

there is no data as such . But an yoga teacher of a reputed yoga school told me that . In any case if it turns out to be correct there is nothing wrong in trying out the same . If it fails to give any benefit even then one does not loose any thing . But I do believe it helps because the thyroid gland gets some benefit with it .

narasimhan2003 profile image
narasimhan2003 in reply to

Wrong yoga practice is also, bad like wrong medication!

narasimhan2003 profile image
narasimhan2003 in reply to Vivante

Dear Vivante:

To your statement "We must also remember that a person with epilepsy should approach meditation with caution", I say that one should understand the meaning of meditation, before beginning to practice it. It is not concentration, but its opposite, allowing the free flow of thoughts to gradually calm down. You don't restrain or regulate your thoughts, but observe the same calming down on its own. It is not an effort to please a superior force - commonly referred to as God - so that we are granted what we wish for. In fact asking for a solution to what ails me or someone close to me distorts meditation.

Properly practiced it is the path to bliss. Any one including one who is suffering from epilepsy, will gain from meditation.


Chandradev profile image

Thanks for the reply. But there are so many yoga guru who used to claim that i have cured so many patient who were suffering from Diabetic type 1,Type 2, and Cancer like disease. Yesterday i went to ask about the training course, they were demanding Rs 20,000. I live in Bangalore.

narasimhan2003 profile image
narasimhan2003 in reply to Chandradev

The world of yoga teachers and some institutions in this pursue the profession, increasingly in a commercial spirit and seek to take the gullible person for a ride. Unfortunate.


gsnrajan profile image

if anybody do an aerobic exercise, the movements are fast. if the same exercise, with inhale, exhale breathing controls and movements very slowly done equals yoga, which will not make you tired. Always eat diet within requirements.

Vivante profile image
Vivante in reply to gsnrajan

Go slowly and wise, for they stumble who go in haste.


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