Yogic postures like vajra asana; ,mandook asana;,hala asana ;yog kiriya and agnisar kiriya are effective for stimulation of Pancreas .
Yoga and Diabetics: Yogic postures like vajra... - Diabetes India
Yoga and Diabetics

Hi, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to ms49mani@gmail.com. I have a diabetic with neuropathy on the feet/sole. Thank u in advance.
please send postures to my e mail chennappack@yahoo.com
if you get these postures snaps thru e-mail, pls forward them to my mailer id: lalit.jhaveri@gmail.com Thanks a million in advance,
Madam Monadarling! Please accept my note of appreciation for the earnest efforts taken for sharing your positive experience wit others. If possible and I repeat if possible could you transmit video postures of the relevant yoga aasanaas for the benefit of all.
Shall b grateful if the detailed postures/position b sent on my mail ID.
Hi, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to kalpeshshah33@gmail.com
Among all mandook aasan is very effective. Being diabetic i used do that & my medicne gradually reduced & finally without medicine.But it should be regular with kapabhati aasan.
Sunder Singh
hai,pls send me the posture of yoga which you mentioned it,my email id shajiklt@gmail.com.
hai,pls send me the posture of yoga which you mentioned it,my email id laiju2604@gmail.com
send yoga picture amarakbaranthny@gmail.com
pl send yoga pictures to my mail ID loistics_general@pure-chemical.com
Pl send detail of these exercise th mail ID manaknahata@gmail.com
pl send me some yoga images for Type 2 diabetics my email: kkadavul@gmail.com
Please don't follow YOGA-ASANAS ACCORDING TO PICTURES. ONLY spend few hundreds & attend 1 or 2 week classes where experts conducts classes & learn postures.Practice regularly & get the benefits.
Hi, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to kusubudd@yahoo.com. I have a diabetic with insulin intake. Thank u in advance
if you get these postures snaps thru e-mail, pls forward them to my mailer id: lalit.jhaveri@gmail.com Thanks a million in advance,
Yoga can not cure diabeties.It helps to keep your organs strong enough to ressist after effects of this illness. So keep it practising.
I strongly believe that some yoga asana definitely activate pancreas .Thanks for interest of so many persons .I shall post separately details of few asana
Please send me the details of the above mentioned yoga poses for diabetics that will activate the pancreas.I mean the pictures of the poses or detailed explaination about how to do it.Also i would request for some home remedies to keep sugar levels in control.please mail me at bsaxena14@gmail.com.Thank u
Please send the mentioned yoga postures to my mail I'd ravidjoshi@yahoo.com
Would love to learn more about these asnas,My email id stmt0044@yahoo.co.in
Go to Patanjali store in your city & purchase CD for Yoga for diebeties which will cost Up to Rs 60/- & follow it daily for 45 minutes you will get results in a week.
please send me the pictures of these asanas
Can I hv yogic postures on my mail ID vishnukolanu@gmail.com
Hi, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to dd_pp_cea@yahoo.co.in I have a diabetic with neuropathy on the feet/sole. Thank u in advance.
Sir, information posted about Diabetis and its remedies are well received by the customers. It is advisable if you post information with relevant pictures (if it relates to YOGA) so that people like me can have a glimpse of the same and practice it. You can very well see the comments by as many as 33 people on this subject. Please do help us to over come this dreadful disease. Please send the Yogic postures to my email id gkr495@gmail.com
Hi, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to krishnan1945@gmail.com Thank u in advance.
There are other Asanas too for diabetes. One is Dhanurasana. The other one is Paschimotsana and one machhindra asana. Please try these asanas in addition to what mentioned there.
Dear All,
Yes,it is true and scientifically proven that Yogasanas give tremendous benefits not only to diabs but also improve other health parameters in ones body. Instead of sending the yogic postures to individual e-mails, it is better to send to HealthUnlocked site.OK.
It is good but practically was not found to clear the diabetes from yoga.
Pl.send me those aasana at manjuarya50@gmail.com .I may be able to do those as I am an obese 63 years old woman .
i am a diabtic for the last 5 years, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to my mail rajendran_kumar@hotmail.com
I had sent an E-yoga book to all friends ,who had desired to receive detailed yogic posture .This book is simple and illustrated
I had just sent you your copy of e-book enjoy .............kunabalasingam12@yahoo.co.uk
Shall b grateful if the detailed postures/position b sent on my mail ID pritpal558@gmail.com.plssss give some time to mail. thank you
Monadarling , I became member of this site just today . about 44 people have commented on your blog yoga and diabetics . I felt no body got reply about posters .I suggest
1 give the site address for e-book or
2 The applicable postures may be loaded to your seperate mail
pritpal558@gmail.com .....I have just dispatched E-yoga asana and a copy of my lecture on diabetics.Hope it will be useful
ksacharster ,I may let you know that I do not have any address for the e-book .Some of my friend shared it with me and I found useful .Book has 39 pages ,so can not be uploaded here .I am forwarding it to you .If you useful do forward to your other friends.
Regarding your suggestion of poster ,it is better if it can be uploaded separately .My mail is ....mohun2007@gmail.com
I am not a patient of diabetic but I had delivered several lectures on food n medicine ,diabetic,cardiac disease etc
pl. send me yogiposture photos my mail shroffnileshm@gmail.com
Pls send these yoga postures to my email id... kushwahasps@gmail.com
i am a diabtic for the last 5 years, Can u please send me above Yogic postures to my mail rajumuralidaran@gmail.com
Please send me the details of the above mentioned yoga poses.on my email id, hbubere@yahoo.com
Please see ASTHA channel at 5.00 AM for Yoga by Ramdev Baba. It is from 5 to 7.30 AM. Watch and listen carefully and do 7 Pranayam. Do share experience to all. At the same time keep carbs minimum. Reducing carbs will give results in 24 hrs. I have been doing it for last 4 months. My FBS is 95 and PPBS is 120. Also have 50 minutes bricks walk. Eat lot of salad, curds,eggs, fish and chicken. Bot no grains, chapati,rice,bread, roti etc
please send photographs of these asanas to anilraut2008@gmail.com
thanks anil
thanks for sharing your good experience.I am diabetic and dont like to have medicines. I would like to practice yoga to cure it. will appreciate if you can forward the same to me as well, - Ramesh
please forward me ebook on my email id - ramesh360@gmail.com. Thanks - Ramesh
ramesh360@gmail.com -----dispatched e-book as desired by you by mail-----
can you please send a copy to my mail id which is rhama4915 @ gmail.com