Glucose: The silent killer: Normal aging... - Diabetes India

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Glucose: The silent killer

Ashka9 profile image
42 Replies

Normal aging predisposes most of us to metabolic complications as a result of impaired glucose metabolism. If we fail to recognize this fact, we are doomed to suffer a plethora of degenerative conditions that were largely preventable.

In reviewing thousands of blood test results and published scientific studies, I have come to the conclusion that more than 75% of people over the age of 40-50 are suffering from some degree of prediabetic-related disorder inflicted by elevated blood sugar.

These problems may silently smolder as kidney impairment, aberrant cell proliferation, and endothelial dysfunction--or explode outwardly as a sudden-death heart attack. Young healthy people can usually maintain optimal glucose ranges, whereas glucose levels creep up as we age. The data showing that modestly elevated "normal" glucose increases disease risk cannot be ignored.

Scientific studies indicate that any amount of fasting glucose over 85 mg/dL incrementally adds to heart attack risk.

If you can choose an ideal fasting glucose reading, it would probably be around 74 mg/dL. We know, however, that some people are challenged to keep their glucose under 100 mg/dL. What this means is that it is critically important for aging individuals to follow an aggressive program to suppress excess glucose as much as possible.

The good news is that many approaches that reduce glucose also lower fasting insulin, LDL, triglycerides, and C-reactive protein, thereby slashing one's risk of vascular disease, cancer, dementia and a host of other degenerative disorders.

In this section, we succinctly describe drugs, hormones, nutrients and lifestyle changes that facilitate healthy glucose levels.

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Ashka9 profile image
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42 Replies
MikePollard profile image

I'm sure this will come as a surprise and shock to those suffering from diabetes of any stripe!

And this seemingly cut and pasted post:

"In this section, we succinctly describe drugs, hormones, nutrients and lifestyle changes that facilitate healthy glucose levels".

... comes perilously close to being spam.

Ashka9 profile image

I think more than wikipedia, life extension is a better reliable source of information. They give information based on clinical studies they have done...if u have read the whole article.

If you are right that metabolic problems come from our eating habits, my mom doesn't have any of the diseases I have...hypothyroid, diabetes which are metabolic disorders. At 70, still she can eat more carbs than me....we are eating same foods....she eat even more in quantity than me even in this age...still she do not have any "metabolic problems" so to say...neither did my father had....all are eating high carb diet as per your specification. Nobody from my paternal or maternal side had or have diabetes.

Diseases may not be due to genetic reasons in only one option remains...aging....or stress/tension....if eating habits ...or eating high carbs or eating vegetable oils are the reasons for causing diabetes...probably all would have been suffering from diabetes....

Not even 1% of population of world or even India might be taking VCO or butter or ghee in daily diet(forget about costly nuts like almond, pistachios, walnuts etc except peanuts). All people in the world (except filmy celebrities) i.e. 99% of world's population is eating high carb all have diabetes?

Japanese people eat high carb diet....

in reply toAshka9

Many are actually getting it

It's just that they are roaming around undetected

As per Dr Joseph Kraft's if an Insulin Assay is done many would be found to be hyperinsulinemic

Even a Cardiac pt without diabetes is just undiagnosed as per Dr Joseph Kraft's Insulin Assay

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toAshka9

"99% of world's population is eating high carb all have diabetes?"

Many planes fly in the sky.Do all get crashed?

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply toalwaysoptimistic

That's what I am trying to say mr. alwaysoptimistic.....problem is neither with genes or diet....problem is with stress....induced diseases...and also aging causes metabolic complications.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toAshka9

Ms/Mrs Ashka9 ,if stress is root cause then almost all prisoners and refugees must get diabetes!And,if induced diseases are root cause then almost all slums must be diabetic!Again,if aging is root cause then almost all old age people must be diabetic!!

A stress-free environment is difficult to find,induced diseases can be treated to some extent only and aging can not be avoided!Then how to deal with diabetes?

in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Stress was more in ancient times

They had to battle with carnivores and humans who attacked others for food and other stuffs

Stress of hunting for food etc

Relatively we are secure now

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toAshka9


genes are the main factor. If we screen all the t2D and preD people we would be able to find out about the responsible genes in each of us. Very costly affair hmm and useless too. Hardly any practical implication.

Stress might be adding to the metabolic syndrome but to a very little extent. We all are living very easy stressless lives. There are many like military, police, politicians etc who live extremely stressful life and according to theory of stress all these people must be D - at least most of them if not all.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toalwaysoptimistic


I doubt if 99% of the world's population is eating high carbs. There is high % of people don't get enough food. Only india has high population eating pure veg. Rest of the world is non vegetarian. And if you screen all the obese people for 12 hr fasting insulin and bs many would be having developing IR.

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tosuramo


I have been the member of other Diabetic community where members from all over the world communicates...europe, russia, US, Canada....

And I have found that high carb diet is cheaper.....for even highly developed countries. Common people in these countries struggle the way we middle class people all over the world. LCHF/Ketogenic diets/Paleo diets all are found to be expensive even by these people.

Rich people belongs to hardly 7% of world's population....even some of those might be addicted to high carb diet.

Carbs is an integral source of energy...just because we have diabetes due to whatever reason (acc to u genes are responsible for this) that doesn't mean people who don't have diabetes can't eat high carb diet. If they can digest and metabolize carbs well, what's the problem? If their genes are healthier and are not capable of causing diabetes, or health problems, why can't they eat roti/bread/rice/potato?

These are the blood sugar levels we follow

Not the ADA recommended levels

Good post Ashka9

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


Present levels are fine. Ab ada pe thoda to rahem karo. Yes the truth must be appreciated. May be it's from devil's mouth.

The older generation have had home made cooked foods and had good wholesome foods relatively free of pesticides and other contaminants

But we are exposed to all these at a younger age with many junk food ingested.

Also newer gen consume junk sunflower and soya oil either at home or at restaurants And roadside unknowingly

So it's difficult for us to survive this onslaught

We really cannot compare with older gen that they are well of consuming high carbs

My father is on high carbs for a long long time and now on insulin and pills with a very disciplined life

My cousin younger than we is already on insulin and multi pills on high carbs

He refuses to listen

But I could see that the prognosis is poor. He graduated from being controlled with diet alone with so many medications

I believe that we cannot really compare ourselves with the high carb consumption of older gen

It's our health. We have to take care ourselves

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

I understand what you say about pesticides and contaminants...but we are better equipped with water filters now than before....we still prepare home cooked meals ....I have eaten same meals as my mom for whole my life.....not that she ate something better...?

All individuals have different body composition, different metabolism...according to body said in Ayurveda...Kapha type, Vatta type, Pitta type...or combination of any of these.

So, different people respond differently to all foods including carbs. My mother being obese and eating high carbs don't have diabetes and her masi being thin has cholesterol and other Masi being an average weight has BP , diabetes and cholesterol everything. Being diabetic, she and all other relatives eating normal food that we eat and they still living longer ...already 70 yrs of age...

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toAshka9


firstly your's and your mother's genomes are different.

Secondly, since we have greater knowledge about D please check your mother's blood insulin and bs level after 12 hour of fasting. Find out if she is developing IR. You can prevent her from being D or let her enjoy the food she takes.

alwaysoptimistic profile image

"Scientific studies indicate that any amount of fasting glucose over 85 mg/dL incrementally adds to heart attack risk."

Is it possible to maintain such BS level on what is called a balanced diet?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

"Was Apple as sweet during grandpa days as it is now?"

Valuable hint!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

"Just because anyone can eat more carbs and be 12 kg overweight means diet has been wrong."

Then how to deal with hunger?

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply toalwaysoptimistic


One has to control hunger. It's said that hunger and sleep you can increase unlimitedly. Follow the principle of ayurveda. 1/3 stomachful of food, 1/3 liquid and rest 1/3 empty with air. This is to allow churning and proper mixing of food and gastric and salivary juices.

vyas123 profile image

Nowadays, the incidence of every disease (lifestyle diseases, cancer etc) has increased exponentially among all age groups. Every doctor, every clinic, every hospital is doing roaring business. Most people (>90%) now seem to be living on medicines (allopathy, ayurvedic/homoeopathy, something or other, children less than 20 year may be exception for the time being). The additional things that we have now and not there in the past are:

1. Mobile and other radiations in the atmosphere.

2. Remnants of Pesticides, Insecticides in all the foods (vegetables, fruits, grains)

3. Water is also contaminated. (Coke and pepsi in spite of their excellent filtering capabilities, they were reported to have contaminated)

4. Less Physical work and more mental work.

5. Night life, night work - disturbed natural body cycles

Many more....

Ashka9 profile image

Rajivrao Sir,

Also for thyroid, extremely low carb or ketogenic diet not recommended. We can go for moderate carbs....from 25%-30% of total calories taken. I have hypothyroidism also, so going for moderate carbs...but can't take fat I liberally use ghee on roti most of the time...and take lot of ghee in Khichdi once a while taking very small portion of it..add butter in bhajii Pav with pav roasted with lot of butter again...just live normal life...that's it!:-)

Ashka9 profile image

Thanks, Anup..will read it for sure

Ashka9 profile image

BTW, read from Jenny Ruhl's site. She explains why fat has to be restricted when one starts going to 30% CARBS

Can you post me the link to the above site where she has explained why fat has to be restricted if going above 30% carbs?

I surfed over her site where she has written that hypothyroid people should take above 105 g carbs but not above 110 g. So, if I take say 1200 calories approx everyday, 90 g of carbs comes to 360 calories which is 30% carbs of total that ok? So, how much fat I should take then in this case? because she has written

Get your Thyroid Checked Out

A failing thyroid can make it impossible to lose weight. Get your doctor to check out your thyroid and make sure that isn't your problem. In addition, it turns out that some people respond to very low carb diets in a way that alters thyroid hormones so that they don't test abnormal on lab tests but do affect your energy levels.

If you suspect this is the case, the only way to address it may be to raise your carb intake to over 105 grams a day. There's some evidence that eating at this level will, over time, cause the thyroid hormones affected by ketogenic dieting to rise back to normal levels.

If you do raise your carbs, keep them under 110 grams a day and go a bit easier on the fat. As your carb intake rises out of the ketogenic intake level, fat becomes far less benign and eventually can become unhealthy.

so, at what level of intake, fat becomes unhealthy?

Ashka9 profile image


yr above link doesn't work...

if as per above bold text we go, it comes to total 90% of total calories (30% each from carb/fat/protein) ...where does another 10% go?

Ashka9 profile image

ok. thanks....what is 5:2 IF?

Ashka9 profile image

That's good...better for 2 days in a week, one need to eat only 300 calories (fasting) if we consider 1200 calorie diet daily.

This is what Jenny Ruhl mentioned...on her site.

One Important Warning

When I went back and carefully reread the low carb research discussed on this page while working on my new book I found some new details, and a couple longer lasting studies that pointed up an important fact that did not come out in studies that lasted a year or less.

What they have to teach us is this: Low carb diets are very healthy as long as they are really low carb. But the bad news is that if your carbohydrate intake starts to rise over 120 grams per day, your diets will become very unhealthy unless you cut back on fat. A high fat intake is only healthy with a truly low carb diet.

The studies that convinced doctors in the 1970s that low carb diets were dangerous were all studies of people eating "low carb" diets of 150 grams of carbohydrate a day or more. And more recent research suggests that those diets are just as unhealthy now as they were then.

If you can control your blood sugar with a diet that cuts carbs to a level nearer 150 grams a day, as opposed to 100 grams a day, keep your fats to 30% of all calories and you'll be fine.

The last para is good consider initially.....for people who can't go to extremely low carbs below 120 g....

All these diets can be done by most of us and evaluated with lab reports

As well as results of many in several blogs

Instead of rejecting this beautiful was of life we just keep squabbling

A pity since many diabetics can really benefit out of LC** with IF added

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to


It is not as easy as you say. Changing diet means you have to cook separate meals for yourself other than what your family eats...nobody would like to change their diet because of a single person in a family is diabetic...moreover separate grocery shopping...not affordable by most acc to me...

Also eating fat alone is somewhat not likeable by most many nuts u can eat in a day? or how much butter/ghee/VCO u can gulp without carbs? veggies/beans/legumes also contain lot of carbs...body is also not habituated to digest so much fat ...with less carbs...headaches are there....

in reply toAshka9

I put in 2 teaspoons of ghee over veggies in the BF and dinner

A cube of cheese added in

3 eggs fried (if taking eggs then possible)

One bullet proof coffee

Some sprouts

Paneer burjee done in butter

Some choices in BF are as above

This fills up till afternoon and does not disturb the preparation of other family menbers

Night time again veggies with small qty brown rice with ample ghee

My wife makes roti for herself

I agree it difficult but possible if we try

I am not forcing anyone but we have to adopt and adapt for our own survival with good health

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

u know what? I checked my PP blood sugar levels couple of times after eating wheat roti (2-3) and white basmati small amounts say 150g approx..

After eating wheat and rice both together, my PPBS was 137 after two <140 it should I feel I can eat these two...meaning wheat and rice...

I don't eat rice regularly daal chawal at all though it is cooked everyday at home...I am not that fond of rice...but eat when Khichdi (daal+rice) or pulav is just once or twice a week

Major food is roti+veggies+buttermilk in lunch

Breakfast is varied...may be millet roti with fenugreek leaves, Parathas, boiled moong (Green gram), Puffed rice...we call it mamra and Paua....Alupaua made sometimes...once a week..or dhokla (steamed and made of daal+rice), etc...sprouts sparingly...

So our staple food wheat and rice can't be avoided totally...potato mixed in almost all vegetables!:-) what to do?

in reply toAshka9

As long as u can tolerate it.. may be ok

But maybe atta with besan can reduce the spike

Brown rice in place of white rice can reduce the load

Increase veggies qty and Salad of cucumber and tomato can help

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

Thanks for your suggestion, Mr. Shashikant. I will try to do that...infact I have tried eating roti from Barley flour with besan....for few months...

I don't like taste of brown rice and it takes a more cooking time...

we can eat beans/legumes also....for protein sometimes....salad is always good

in reply toAshka9

I use a combo of brown rice+quinoa + moong sprouts. All steamed in a cooker,

This increases the qty & give some psychological satisfaction .

Also can make daal kichidi out of this with ample ghee tooped before eating

Can have this with good qty of non starchy veggies

I use this at dinner time

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

That's good...but quinoa is very costly...I saw it online at Rs. 390 for 500 kg....

I tried Ragi flour since it doesn't contain gluten for making cheela which we call Puda in gujarati...but I didn't like it's taste...

I read that for some people Ragi even increases blood sugar...not measured yet..

in reply toAshka9

Yes. Its costly

But since many days are grainless i use very small qty.

Approx 3 dinners in a week i use the above.

Maybe only rice + moong sprouts will do i guess

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Hidden how about horse gram

in reply tocure

Horse gram sprouts

Good one

I used it for some time

Good u reminded me

will start again

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

I haven't tried horse gram in my life...

Ashka9 profile image

u mean protein 40% of total calories taken? what tests to be done to check for protein wastes?

bijoy profile image

Apple is not sweet now

Karela is not bitter too

But member'posts are in different taste

I like much.

Pl Carry on

suramo profile image


isn't it 16:8 fasting in addition to what you said ?

Ashka9 profile image


Fat decreases metabolism and it's heavy to digest as well. Digesting carbs for normal people (people who don't have diabetes) is less stressful according to me...this is my experience. If I eat more ghee/butter or fried food, it becomes very heavy to digest for me....I can't eat even beans/legumes more or in dinner....not even high protein diet is good for body....

It is very easy to digest whole wheat roti and good quality rice like basmati. Even millets are heavier to digest.

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