Hi guys I am on lchf since last 2 months and everything was going well. I quitted all drugs and my sugar was quite controlled fbs as well ppbs was in range ,just before 3 days I was under heavy stress and found my sugar spiked doubled! Is any one having idea why this is happening?
Sudden Rise in glucose while under stress - Diabetes India
Sudden Rise in glucose while under stress

WebMD Feature
WebMD Feature Archive
It's hard to dispute that most of us live life at breakneck speed. It's the nature of a fast-paced society, where numerous family, social, and work obligations can easily overpower your precious time and resources. But for people with diabetes, both physical and emotional stress can take a greater toll on health.
When you're stressed, your blood sugar levels rise. Stress hormones like epinephrine and cortisol kick in since one of their major functions is to raise blood sugar to help boost energy when it's needed most. Think of the fight-or-flight response. You can't fight danger when your blood sugar is low, so it rises to help meet the challenge. Both physical and emotional stress can prompt an increase in these hormones, resulting in an increase in blood sugars.
It's our body's reaction to release glucose/sugars to help deal with 'Stress' as explained below. It happens to me as well. Exercise, meditate, yoga all help restore balance
How many days it takes to come back
Really depends on your body and the period of stress. I have gone through a day and also longer periods of higher sugars and hence the need for increased insulin units. That said, adding /forcing exercise to the schedule helps not only burn sugars but restore balance. So my suggestion don't wait on the stress to settle fight it with some exercise. If you can't find time, take the stairs. Waking stairs (climbing up) is an amazing sugar buster. I would do a total of 20 floors and it had a magical impact on sugars. Actually quit the elevator anyways and that's good for ur sugars. Trust you have a healthy heart. Feel free to take a break and catch ur breath and resume the climb.
Yes it's a fight or flight response, but in someone with a healthy pancreas insulin can function properly and glucose levels corrected.
Sorry to be bold, but if you would please try to heal your pancreas, blood sugar sickness and pharmaceutical insulin wouldn't be an issue for you.
Hi Raj1034083
During my primary school days there were no electricity or battery-torches in my as well as nearby villages. People used to assemble to help others prepare feast in connection with events like marriage, house-warming etc. On one such occasion one came from a town with a torch. It drew the attention of all. When the owner kept it aside and engaged in cooking, out of curiosity another one examined it. To his surprise it got put on but didn't know how to put off. To save his face he covered it with a basket and vanished. Though the torch was glowing, nobody except the curious man didn't know that torch was glowing and drawing power until the owner picked it to return home.
I am very poor in cracking jokes. I wonder how it will be here!!
Some time back a senior doctor gave a talk on old age problems at our Senior Citizens' meeting. He said that when there is only one hormone (Insulin) to reduce BS level, there are three hormones to increase BS!!!
Hence, as long as your Insulin function is not normal, the cited experience is not abnormal.
You have to monitor BS level with normal Starchy-Sweety-fruity food intake to know whether Insulin function or Glucose metabolism is intact or not.
In my opinion & experience cheating Nature/God is impossible. It is omnipresent & omnipotent!!!
Learning from own mistake is good,
Learning from other's mistake is better,
Learning before a mistake is the best!
Oh sure I am also doing all the possible experiments with my body not much accurate as you did, but committed to revert my diabetes.I have met dozens of so called diabetologist none of them were able to answer my queries so far hence decided to study more n more on the subject.With people like you m sure will get success.Thanks a lot sir
Withdrawing medicines, after being on them for some time, should be experimented on a gradual basis and under medical advice. Consult your diabitologist.
I had similar experience when I quit medicines. It could be because the medicines will have effect for a month after quitting and give withdrawal symptoms later of spike.
Short term medicine, diet, exercise, walking to burn the excess glucose. Long term heal your pancreas, exercise is of course a necessity in all persons. The right vegetables and fruits and correct oils will heal the pancreas.
The biggest cause of diabetes are unnatural oils and fats and lack of nutrition via high consumption of starches.
Naturaly raised meats contain fat that won't get stuck, but are not a great source of nutrients. Starches like grains and potatoes are high in calories and very filling but still do not come close to that of fruits and vegetables, beets are high in nutrients, carrots, turnips, herbs, greens, etc. should be our primary source of food. Make sure they get feed with natural sources like composted leaves for example. The chemical fertilizer lacks in many aspects especially minerals.
You can win with this issue. Also short term is bitter melon. It can help reduce it right away while you get the rest of things in order
My apologies for the delayed response.
I wish you the best health.
"The right vegetables and fruits and correct oils will heal the pancreas."
Could you please elaborate more? Thanks in advance.