Do we have ignore button available on this ... - Diabetes India

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Do we have ignore button available on this forum???

cure profile image
41 Replies

It is said that stress is one of the reason for high IR.

High IR leads a person to diabetes....

It is very disgusting and shameful for all matured members to fight like kid...

This is forum to share info and experiments.....

It is so unfortunate that there is no ignore button available on this forum....

May I request mod to make it available so we can summarily ignore all these kids who fight  like KG boys.

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cure profile image
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41 Replies
cure profile image

lol...close eyes.....take a deep breath......and then forcefully utter some dirty words.....stress is gone..... lol

Guess this is great Stress reliever Yoga


cure profile image
cureAdministrator is individual.....

So closing eyes ...taking breath and further action is not possible on forum....

ye sab apne aap karna hai......

Aur yaha pe sirf 'LOL' likhna hai.....


shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to cure

:D :D :D

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to cure

"So closing eyes ...taking breath and further action is not possible on forum...."


karch profile image
karch in reply to cure

@cure...super cool reply :D :D

cure profile image

ahhh...thats american style of  writing.....

why bother so much???

Its individual personality.....

just look at what he is saying.... points he is raising...

Bhavanao ko samzo......

alwaysoptimistic profile image

What is your opinion about  ?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to alwaysoptimistic

really speaking I don't know....but guess he is stressing more on exercise..

Have u seen in one reply...anup said he had something sweet and then went for long impact on blood sugar level...

it is something like that....

it is said....beta cells can be recovered.... with less calories diet...

New castle experiment was all about that.

with exercise you are creating deficit.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to cure

OK.Got it!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Anti-LCHF people must understand that LC means " low carb" and it does not mean "no carb".Also they can logically/practically disprove LCHF.Then why attack and insults?

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Very useful!Thanks a lot for providing this link!!

Shailp profile image

@Cure Now look what you started!! 😁😁😁

I too have posted in the past that people be respectful of each other and present their opinions in a respectful way. IGNORE button can be in everyone's head if people like to fight like kids 😁

cure profile image

Thik hai yar....

if some one is presenting his point forcefully....its his style...

everyone here are knowledgeable....U have gone thru posts of all.. including rajivrao and LCHF followers and non followers....

I respect every one...I am really thankful  to all these ppl who helped me to find new path to cure...(yes cure) diabetes....

I am no more scared of i know how to tame diabetes...I am confident I can remain medfree for all my life...

This is only because of this forum.

I know LCHF is no cure...but the best way to tame....and with help of that I can remain healthy for long(long time non diabetic range without medicine is what I call cure).

request to all my friends.... plz understand..every one got his own point....we are all Indians....we got long history of caring and allowing different thoughts...different way of life....

We Indians never forced our thoughts on anyone....So plz be open minded...welcome all thoughts with open arms....let everyone speak....we all diabetics are here to find out some path which will lead us to we are here to share each other....let everyone speak..may be we will get some clue

Let us be remain true Indian....

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to cure

"Cure" mitra, I agree with you that we are all here to help each other and every body is entitled to voice their opinions. I too always feel a sense of gratitude towards those who help me and like to help others. It is easy for some to just ignore others, while for some it becomes an ego issue. Human nature and it applies to all of us so I am not referring to any particular individual. Like you I believe in respectful behavior and do know that respect cannot be commanded but it has to be earned.

The one thing I disagree with you about is "We Indians never forced our thoughts on anyone". You might mean something else so forgive me if I took a different meaning of it. I think a huge part of the Indian culture is people not only voicing their opinions and giving suggestions to others but they are upset and offended when the other person doesn't want to follow their suggestions.

I didn't realize this until I left India and was among a much diverse group of people. I too had been guilty of such behavior from time to time. Even now sometimes I have to remind myself that I need to watch myself and not impose my opinions on others.

Together let us try to keep all the people on this forum unified and see how we can help each other.

Good health to all.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to Shailp

Very nice shailesh

cure profile image

come on friend....

Forget it....I am not from any tribe.... I am your friend also( if you consider me your friend and not to consider from other tribe )

This is just forum... nothing very great....

Let everyone speak....and react... just don't fight.... that is my humble request

cure profile image

LOL.....yar this is just forum....nothing much....

cool down plz....

I want everyone to speak and we may find some clue somewhere.....

cure profile image

are yar....bas bhi karo.....

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to cure

लोकांच्या जळफळाटाने माझ्या अंगाला भोक नाही पडत. सवयीचे गुलाम. कुणाचे quote आहेत, कुणाला उत्तर दिलय हे काहींना कळत नाही. :D LOL

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Can I expect some useful discussion especially from senior members? 

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to alwaysoptimistic

Senior or junior (just like ladies or gents) doesn't matter. If everyone leaves their ego aside sure we can have useful discussions :)

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to Shailp

It matters.We can expect more mental maturity from seniors and more patience from ladies.  

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to alwaysoptimistic

My point is there is no need to discriminate between men and women or senior/ juniors (lets not forget they are all adults). So everyone alike can/ should leave their ego aside, that is all what I was saying.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to Shailp

This is your view.

I have just expressed my own view.In my view-"Equality can not be established as seniors are seniors." We can challenge their talent but we can not challenge their experience.They are more respectful,responsible and matured.That is why,I am expecting that they will not involve themselves in unnecessary argument.Instead they will remain focused on what is expected from them.I have learned a lot from them and thankful to them all the time. Also men build houses and ladies make home.So they are distinguishable in this respect.    

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to alwaysoptimistic

Sure there are differentiation between people. My reference to everyone being the same is related to ones entitlement to voicing opinions, and being courteous and respectful of others on the forum.

I am not sure what time and age you think you live in, but I sure take offense to your statement

"Also men build houses and ladies make home."

, even though I am not a woman. I don't want to steer into topics not relevant to the forum so I will stop here.

Have a good day.

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to Shailp

Thanks for interacting with me. 

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to alwaysoptimistic

Thanks to you too friend.

shrisamarth profile image

पगलोंके मुंह नाही लगते

karch profile image

@Shailp...Ego  makes us to get out of our own inner peace and spread anger  ....even if we are wrong ..we try hard to  protect our ego clad  arguments ... and that creates more unhappiness further to us ....ego makes no difference to a kid or a adult ...both behave in same way when ego get hold of them :)  :)...they  never understand what they are going to win at then end of the day :) They argue just for the sake of arguing :)  :) ... Does these hints makes sense .... if yes ...then please stop this non sense conversation .. :) :)  

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to karch

@Karch everything you said until the very last statement makes it seem like you advocated what I said about everybody leaving aside the ego. And then your last statement about stopping the non-sense, not sure why you are saying it directing it to me!!

karch profile image
karch in reply to Shailp

@Shailp....I am sorry ...if you feel so ...but that was not intended for you :) ...the people for whom it is directed ...they must be knowing that it is intended for them ...

What kind of comments are these ???Is this suiting to this forum of such elite people ....his forum is not for using the offensive language the roadside has to keep the limits in using the language...this is social forum...Where are the moderators now .....a'nt they listening ?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to karch


it old age...when you do not have ppl around can not enjoy life .....ppl tend to vent out frustration this way....

This his way to vent out frustration...

If forum doesn't have iggy least our brain got one....

push them in iggy bin forever....

Sure God will forgive him.

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to karch

@Karch apology accepted. I would like to say though, have you heard of a saying "charity begins at home"?  Calling other people's opinions "nonsense" is not a sign of elite behavior either. I will leave it at that.  :)

karch profile image
karch in reply to Shailp

:) :) ...wait ..wait ...I think i am misunderstood :)  I was calling the offensive comment non-sense(The comment is taken down from site , so cant quote the comment now :) ) ,  not everyone else's comment.I think I should have more clear for whom it is intended...did you see the comment is now taken away from site ?? That was actually not making sense in this context non-sense :)  :) Does this make sense now  :)

I think sense -less was better and soft  word :) :)

Cheer -up now ...dont feel offended ... :)

Shailp profile image
Shailp in reply to karch

Thanks for the clarification @Karch. Personally I try to keep a thick skin and like you I am against some off topic discussions that result in nothing but arguments between members. I am also a big proponent of not saying something outright rude or disrespectful or offensive.

Again I appreciate you owning up to what you said and the explanation. Have a great day.

karch profile image
karch in reply to Shailp

decent reply ...good one :)

cure profile image

cheer up friends.... all is well which ends well......

we are all friends....

What we got form this long discussion. Zero,multiply by any number,result is Zero.(0)

karch profile image
karch in reply to

I have learn a formula ...If you are not happy with any discussion  and dont want to participate... just type :) :) :)  or face to face just give a big smile (smile is a great exercise for your face muscles :) ) ....continue whatever you are doing :) :) ...stay cool and happy wherever you are :)

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to

Adiabetic2015,Please do not mind and let me to correct the concept-

Zero x any thing not equals to zero but zero x any finite quantity equals to zero and here is the case of zero x infinity which is not defined.So conclusion of this discussion is not zero.It is undefined.   


cure profile image

are yar Adiabetic2015

a smile on  face of  every one who participated in  this discussion is worth million...

try looking world from this angle someday.....

You will also learn to smile...

Come on...cheer up....

Not what you're looking for?

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