Can someone suggest LCHF vegetarian diet?
LCHF: Can someone suggest LCHF vegetarian... - Diabetes India

Breakfast: If you take eggs then 2 boiled ot fried eggs
Or 2 small pieces of Idli / one small dosa made of mung sprouts & brown rice with coconut chutney and ghee.
Or Small portion of Upma with ghee ample qty.
Or one small chappati with ghee and one non starchy veg in good qty or as much as you can have.
Boiled Rajma small qty. Moong sprouts one small portion.
Cucumber salad.
2 table spoons of virgin coconut oil. One teaspoon of virgin oilve oil.
Having some veg in form of salad or boiled veg is a must in the morning as it facilitates smooth motion next morning.
Any form of morning BF with good qty of ghee or butter.
Overnight soaked Almonds & or Walnuts.
Lunch: Take a small qty of brown rice with ghee & daal & one subji
Take some peanuts and or almonds . Also some salad
Eve snacks if hungry: One small apple in empty stomach or nuts
Dinner : One small chappati with ghee and veg in ample qty.
After one hr one small glass of milk with turmeric & ghee to keep your bones strong.
Early morning you can have a green juice of Karela + Amla.
with due respect to your successful experience with the lchf diet.
Isn't the menu given by you here has more carbs in form of idli, dosa, upma, roti and brown rice? Would the present menu not cross 100gms/day limit of the carbs?
Also i have studied the link given by you. They claim that the guy maintained blood sugar levels at 30mg/ 100 ml for a long time during the study period. Difficult to digest. Whenever sugar level goes below 60mg/ 100ml the person starts having symptoms of hypoglycemia. He/she starts getting dizziness, severe perspiration and confusion and clouding of mind. All because the body and esp brain doesn't get required glucose for energy. The person goes into hypothermia and coma. Further all the body mechanism like hormones, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, reduced bmr etc try to maintain blood sugar level above 60. Their claim is unacceptable. Yes we read a lot about "hath yogies" and their extreme body control but we lay people can't imitate them. We had an jain engineer here in ahmedabad who lived on water and sun light only for 40 yrs. You may or may not believe but here we are talking about common people like you and me.
These are choices
Not to be taken all together
Please see "Or"
Yes. I know. I just thought giving rice though brown would raise the total carbs limit per day. That to with items made with rice in bf.
Daal in the lunch also contain carbs as do veg albeit in smaller quantity.
Again chappati which contains 25-35 g carbs per piece.
Well i'm not contradicting you.
But you didn't say anything about that 382 days hunger study where they claimed 30mg sugar levels. Is the claim exaggerated ?
My carbs intake is not 100gm per day but around 150 Gm.
I am in good control with hba1c of 5.2.
Fasting is around 95 and PP at one hr is around 130 and around 100 by 2 hrs
So maybe it not total LCHF but I works for me well
We all have to tweak the diet to suit ourselves.
Thanks a lot sir.
won't too much of ghee or butter disturb my lipid levels?
There are many people on this forum who have been benefited by lchf diet. They have improved their lipid profile with good fat lchf diet.
But you have to be cautious with much of ghee and butter. Not only kind of ghee and butter you use ( home made or other ) but also "tasir" of your body matters. If you have family history of early deaths because of a genetic disease called familial dyslipidemia you must be careful in using fats. Also you should gradually increase the fat content of you diet over days if not months. Get lab reports done and choose oil and ghee which have been scientifically proven good. Like vco and cow ghee etc
My Lipid levels:
LDL is 113 after 4 mts of high fats
Is it convincing?
Also as ages increases we need higher lipid level
But LDL should be lower as its a marker
Also HSCRP and Homocystein is below the levels.
Take about half kg of lady's fingers, cut into small pieces, and roast it about 50 to 75 gas of virgin coconut oil. Put a quarter spoon of chilly powder mixed with quarter spoon of powered salt (for easy mixing) with one or two pods of garlick. Now LCHF diet is ready.
Quantities of chilly powder etc are given for reference only. We can alater the qty of veg. Chilly poder, salt poder, vco etc are for guidance.
We may change the veg. daily and everyday we have a new item.
I tried with inter gourd, lady's fingers, brinjal and broad beans.
Next time we will have some other items now with Coconut gratings, if you are ineterested.

Excess of anything is not advisable. Digesting ghee depends on "hajma " capacity of individual GIT capacity including liver and gall bladder functions. In addition to that a person should have metabolic capacity to deal with the fat load.

Hajma= digestive power. It's a hindi word.
GIT = Gastro Intestinal tract
i thought you were a medical person.

Lchf diet suggests that one should take 50-100 g of carbs. It should be more on ketogenic side.
Ghee or fats not more than 100-130 g.
Total calorie intake should be on deficit side. If you require say 2000 calories a day you should take 1700-1800 c per day divided as per lchf concept 20:20:60 c:p:f.

You are always welcome
Yes, GrowFit ( has several low carb programs and seen their effect on weight and blood sugar. We follow the classic low-carb protocol. You can download the app and get a typical DASH diet or subscribe to a premium diet plan and support.