I am diabetic since 1998. My age is 66 years. Height is 5 F 10 inches Weight 74 Kg; At present I take Glypride 2 mg BD. Galvasmet (50 850) OD, Morning. Roimet 850 mg OD. Poiz 15 mg OD (before dinner). And Winofit OD The BS level 125 Morning and 165 after lunch. The H1AC is 6.9. I feel weakness. Kindly suggested whether it is better to switch on insulin or some other medicines.
Whether I should switch over to Insulin - Diabetes India
Whether I should switch over to Insulin

No harm in switching to insulin,but under medical advice and supervision.
Better is start with Insulin as too many medicines are taken very harmfull,Normally FBS should be upto 140 andPP 180 to 200 which will not harm organs

Try lchf diet.
With your taking so much allopathic medicine, I am hardly surprised to hear of your feeling of weakness, which is very likely one side effect.
Try going natural and seek a good Naturopathic or Ayurvedic physician and they will teach you how to slowly wean off the allopathic medicine. In that way, your body will slowly regain its strength. Supplement with Ashwaghanda or American ginseng as these are capable of rejuvenating the body.
Beware of exogenous and synthetic insulin as it is known to shorten one's life by an estimated ten years. Naturally-derived insulin even though exogenous was safe to use but they have been replaced by the synthetic ones from Big Pharma.
You have to follow certain strict diet for one and half year and ur diabetes will get cure completely .God Bless Mr Tate for this invention yes its ayurvedic medicine which have no side effects no bhasma and powder.
Just give refrence of Dhotre Guruji.
Diet you have to follow very stricktly for one and half year
No rice products and rice
No sabudhana Products and sabhudana
No sugar and sugar free tablets
No potatos and swet potatoes
Fruit u have to eat in evening time around is only Apply or Awla / jambhul....no other fruit strictly
You have to follow very very stricDiabetes is not curable disease which we use to say but today one person Mr Tate invent the medicine by which u can get cure the name of that medicine is Ojamin just give the refrence of Mr Dhotre Guruji and call on this mobile number i.e 09322889242.
Do diet for one and half year compulsory.
pls dont give any excuses if u started this course eg: today my friend wedding so can I I eat rice or sugar product ...you have to follow this diet for one and half year regularly i.e for 550 days .
your constipation problem will get solve .
your sugar level will get in control and your pancreas will create natural insulin in your body.
This medicine tones up pancreas and yes since its ayurvedic it will take time for positive results i.e minimum 30 days to 100 days.
this medicine purifies ur blood and increase ur immunity system.
stop taking metformin medicine and use only this medicine and after one and half year start ur normal lyf..
Metformin contains side effects such as hair loss/kydney failure after some years.
yes u have to gradually slowly slowly start taking small amount of sugar after one and half year. Since its depend upon u and ur body tendency.