My blood sugar is in fasting 200mgs & PP is about 25mgs. I am taking Novamix 30penfils 25 unit in morning & Human Mixtered in night before dinner 25 units . Is that quantity is sufficiet to reduce the blood sugar. What are the side effect of insulin.
Result of taking over dose of insulin - Diabetes India
Result of taking over dose of insulin

Regarding insulin dosage,you have to follow the doctor's prescription scrupulously.Not advisable to seek guidence on a forum like this.Insulin is not reported for any side should be careful to avoid hypoglycemia and reactions caused due to frequent injections at the same spot.

Insulin dose can not be standardized. It's requirement varies from person to person. If you want to reduce insulin dose then you have to reduce your carb intake with close monitoring of your BS levels.
High insulin levels have severe consequences than high BS levels.
Indeed very good observation.I have a question.When we are really hungry and feeling rather low in energy,we eat some food and feel energetic immediately even before the food is digested and absorbed into the system.Is it merely psychological or does the liver play some role? Just an academic question.
I found an article on "insulin overdose".May be of interest to the link below:
My view is this.Any drug administered for curative purpose implies that it has to be administered at a particular time,at particular intervals and a particular duration.If you do not follow these underlying guidelines any medicine can be deadly.Let us not forget that snake venom is also used in certain medical conditions but only in extremely small quantities.In that sense side effects of insulin usage need not be recognized.But, if one takes an overdose,there are bound to be adverse reactions which should not be classed as side effects.
I have one point to be clarified from the study cited by Meetu77.In the study the reference dosages were 0.5 units and1.00 to 1.5 units per kg.of body weight.As per my limited knowledge and exposure patients are generally prescribed much lower dosages than 0.5 units per kg body weight.I will be happy if somebody with better knowledge throws some light on this.
This thread is becoming more and and more interesting and educative as well.My understanding of of ketosis is very much limited,like any other layman.But I do understand that presence of ketones in urine/blood indicates that the body is metabolizing the proteins in the body i.e the body cells because extreme diabetic conditions.So,the person loses weight gradually,exhibiting a classic symptom of uncontrolled diabetes.If I am correct in this,I have some questions.
1.You have mentioned three types of ketosis. Are all the three types equally harmful?
2.If you follow a strict regimen of LCHF diet,is there a chance of ketosis happening ?
3.In addition to loss of weight,what are the other cons of ketones,if any?
Kindly elaborate,since the information has more than academic interest.
Incidentally,I may add that I have no position on LCHF diet.