Apart from treatment of high blood sugar,is metformin used in treatment of any other disease ?
Another quiz for diabetics.: Apart from... - Diabetes India
Another quiz for diabetics.

I am talking about any disease and not as a weight loosing measure.

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There is no doubt about what Anupjee is saying and spreading message that diabetes is basically problem of carbohydrate metabolism...Any medical professional will agree to this fact...Do you deny this fact??
I am myself experiencing that reducing carbs helped me to bring down my BS level to almost normal.
If you agree to that...then LC part is agreed.
Further to HF part...Now if you are cutting down your carbs...from where will u get energy?? There is possibility of if deprived of carbs body will process
proteins.Therefore...increase in fats is required..
But sure I do agree that if you want to reduce weight you need to make calories deficit.
So it is ok for some one to go for normal fact diet.
Further,about metformin .....it depletes you B12. I will show you that from my blood reports.
But....as it was for Statin...some one even suggested that statin should be supplied in drinking water....some one suggested that metformin is key for longevity....And every one should take it.
Hmmmm guess earlier metformin use to be manufactured from Fish.....now is it manufactured from Goat's Rue???? or synthetic???
We have to understand the mechanism of body metabolism.
1St carbs are utilized for energy. Proteins are the next and fats are the last one. Actually fats are the sored energy to be utilized in case of severe srarvation.
The proteins to be utilized are available from the muscles. But if you are doing exercise your muscles consume energy even at rest because exercise increases muscle mass. Thus helping in brining down blood sugar even at rest. We see cachexic people in many countries where people are starving. This because they lack prots in diet and because they don't get required calories in diet their muscles are wasted for energy requirement.
This is a general overview. Actual body metabolism is very complex mechanism.

Yes...I am experiencing it .....And...non veg is only way to make up B 12 deficiency....
As metformin hinders the B12 absorption, sublingual or injection is the best solution for B12 deficiency.
Cure,do you mean vegetarian diabetes have to face vit B12 deficiency?If yes then what is solution?
Vegans and vegetarians have much more higher % of B12 deficiency than non-vegetarians. Not necessarily diabetics.
Supplementation is the only solution.
What are symptoms of Vit B12 deficiency?

Yes....very true.

There are also few who have long writings.

You can not help those, who are wearing horse blinders.
I hope that learned members will continue discussion with open mind and heart for the benefits of others.

Some medicines have useful side effects. Metformin is one of them. It causes anorexia - reduce the appetite - so that the food intake by diabetics reduce leading to desired weight reduction.
In pcos. Insulin resistant is considered to be One of the causes for pco. So metformin is used.
I don't know if anyone is using metformin for the sole purpose of losing weight

Whatever we eat never get absorbed as such. All the food we eat is first broken down to its single or simple units.
For example if we eat meat its would first be broken down into amino aids or a very simple chain of 2 or 3 amino acids which can go across the intestinal walls into the blood.
Same way fats that we ingest first get broken down to fatty acids.
And carbs into glucose,fructose or galactose. That is the reason why we can't digest grass etc because our intestinal tracts don't have enzyme cellulase which can break down grass to glucose but animals do have enzyme cellulase. So they can eat grass etc
Dr Naseem, you have nearly solved the quiz. So without beating about the bush, answer is it is used in treatment of breast cancer.