Diabetes & Milk and its products! - Diabetes India

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Diabetes & Milk and its products!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Dear all,I just searched internet for effect of milk and its products on diabetes and I have got a lot of controversy.So,Please,answer the following:

i)Is milk good for a diabetic person or not?

ii)Which milk should be preferred-full fat or skimmed?

iii)A diabetic person can add milk in tea/coffee or not?

iv)Which milk products can be taken?

v)What quantity of milk and its product can be included in daily diet?

Please,share your experience and knowledge!

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alwaysoptimistic profile image
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34 Replies
Balsura204 profile image

How to obtain TG/HDL target of 2.5

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to Balsura204

Lower triglycerides by eating lower carbs.

All processed food should be avoided.

Curds is better than milk . YOU can take up to 250 gms per day . Coffee as it is , is not bad . Three cups a day is in allowable limit.( black coffee is good for diabetics )

When one is in low carb diet , a tea spoon sugar with little milk can be added .

shrisamarth profile image

Milk is definitely good for everyone if the person is not allergic to milk.

One should take full fat milk.

All milk products can be taken by a diabetic.

Quantity of milk and its products will depend on individual.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to shrisamarth


A little sour hung curd or yogurt without sugar is the best. Whole milk - full fat or skimmed - should be avoided. Both milk contain almost same amount of milk sugar.

usually the curds sold in the Govt dairy farm with the top layer removed , since we don't prefer high fat products . I found out that coffee and curds both are good for diabetics . I didn't make a national survey .In my limited circle they didn't give adverse results . Especially for vegetarians curds give a feeling of fullness .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


"since we don't prefer high fat products . " we prefer high fat food.

I experienced that there are no adverse results and after having coff ee with one teaspoon sugar ,no spike in the sugar readings was observed .But I specify that is for people with low carb diet.

the whole idea of avoiding carbs is ok to some extent , because excess carbs contribute to the problem . But the high fat diet definiitly could result in arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis . That takes place slowly in course of time and not overnight . Why this factor is overlooked by the advocates of lchf diet . A record of 5 or 6 years is not sufficient to verify . Many times we see scientific research going back on its theories especially in the field of health . At least we can depend on the theories of Ayurveda because it had had been in practice for thousands of years.The root cause of all health problems is fast food & polluted food . polluted air and polluted water . If care is taken in these things all the health problems would vanish overnight.Even milk is not good now a days because the animals are given harmones for better yield.

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


" . But the high fat diet definiitly could result in arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis . That takes place slowly in course of time and not overnight ."

I have been on grain free diet and taking co, evoo and ghee liberally for last 4 months. My lipid profile on 16/12/16 reads very good . also i'm not taking statins for 4 months.

Total lipids 561

tc 152

tg 105

ldl 80

hdl 44

lpa1 1.01

lpb 1.13

lpa 17.9

Crp .03

Now tell me as per present knowledge what are my chances of getting cvd chd.

"At least we can depend on the theories of Ayurveda because it had had been in practice for thousands of years.The root cause of all health problems is fast food & polluted food . polluted air and polluted water . If care is taken in these things all the health problems would vanish overnight." Incidence of t2d is high and more and more people are becoming D even in the western and european countries where there is very little pollution and food is good.

people who are pure vegetarians get Vitamin B12 only through the milk and milk products .Absence of B12 could lead to diabetic neuritis in some cases .

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


Yes. There are certain undesired side effects of low carb diet. Anemia and b12 deficiency. But it's better to control D by diet and the anemia and b12 deficiencies by medicines. For anemia one can take 3-5 dates and figs daily.

Champak 045 as per your statement u have tried below 50 gms carb When u have tried it as per your other discussion your HBA1C is stiil 6.9 since u are non veg so u may possible to carb below 50 gms for vegetarians it is difficult. Further u may know in this forum so much members were used carb below 130 gms and some of them may also up to 200-250 but they also have hba1c 6- 6.4 Even good expert member in this forum CONCERNED also states up to 140--150 gms as low carb I think if u stick on carb less than 5o gms Your HBA1C must be 5 or 5.1 Even Anup also used carb uoto 60-70 gms his HBA1C is 5.4 can u clarify in details

suramo profile image
suramoStar in reply to


champak must be taking excessive amounts of proteins.

Gillkashmirsingh profile image

I was on LCHF since 14 February 14. I lost 12 kgs of weight in one year. By BP came to 120/80. Then I was worried because I was loosing weight and every one was saying what happened to you are becoming very lean.I read dr.mcdoughal article on plant based diet .switched on to that as he says dairy products are killers. I changed to that had an other problem . I got hypotension .my BP came to 90/60. Now again I have changed to LCHF .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply to Gillkashmirsingh

So,it is again proved that LCHF works!Is not it?

Gillkashmirsingh profile image
Gillkashmirsingh in reply to alwaysoptimistic

Yes it works .

Gillkashmirsingh profile image

My BS 100 and ppbs 140 to 150. Little chea ting I do as I take coffe with one tspf of Honey .this is with no medicines..my bp is 110/70. And hope it come back to 120/80'again. I practice yoga sans and pranayama . Feel energetic . I took plant based diet for three months and now dropped it. I go for run and during the run I felt reeling sensation and came home and checked my bp it was 90/60. Then I continuously checked my bp it 100/60 and after yoga it came down to 90/60. I was worried. Thought over it and switched back to LCHF . I am taking nuts soaked in water overnight.

suramo profile image


i don't understand why Gillkashmirsingh 's bp should fall while on plant based diet

suramo profile image


"Presumably because they ate less processed/high-glycaemic food."

Still why should they get hypotension ?

suramo profile image


for decades we know that milk gives instant energy. If you are tired take a glass of warm milk with or without sugar you become fresh. Your tiredness gone. Also on honeymoon the boy is given a glass of warm milk, not the girl. Although she can also have one.

That means milk has sugar which gives you instant energy. Must be high gi sugar. So only curd and or yogurt a little sour are the only dairies products should be taken IMHO.

Butter milk is also the liquid that is left after churning out butter from curd. So it must contain lots of sugar. Tell me if i'm wrong.

How about yogurd ? I tried homemade yogurt without sugar but i didn't like it because of its jelly like texture. So i mixed curd and yogurt to make yogurd so that we can have benefit of the microorganisms in yogurt also. As such yogurt is better than curd.

suramo profile image


Yes. That hypertension - increased bp.

But why hypo - fall ?

suramo profile image


I don't agree. Can you explain how ?

suramo profile image


Well everything said is right but milk is an instant source of energy because the sugar in it is easily available. Starch eaten raw has different gi than cooked starch because the bonds amongst glucose molecules become weak on cooking. This releases glucose faster.

Milk doesn't have fibres.

Milk -whole or skimmed is not for us. Skimmed never. A bit sour hung curd, cheese paneer etc good because sugar is removed during their making /production.

suramo profile image


"Mendosa lives on a 50-60 gm carbs/day, IIRC. Too difficult for Indians to live on that range of carbs". Indians also can live on 50-60 g carbs. What's iirc ?

suramo profile image


"1 part carbohydrate also holds about four parts water in the body, further increasing blood volume."

Water trapped with carbs or any other substance does not increase blood volume.

Insulin / igf1 is never in the list of etiology of hypertension. Insulin igf has no direct constricting effect on arteries or arterioles.

D itself make arteries less compliant by causing wall edema.

suramo profile image


Body doesn't take "time " to respond. It reacts quickly. There are many mechanisms to keep the bp in range.

suramo profile image


Cool down.

No i'm not medicine free and i don't expect miracles to happen. I'm on IDM just for four months and can't push away long standing disease so easily.

Well my recent reports a few days back show that i have been able to bring my parameters to a reasonably well under control and i have reduced my drug dose and still bs under control. Not to forget saying i have stopped statins for last four months and my lipids are well wnl. I'm trying to pin my reports here. Soon shall that be done.

Please show me that insulin and igf1 are in the list of aetiology of hypertension in the standard medical books and i will thank you for helping me correct my ignorance.

suramo profile image



I really like people like you. I don't know what makes you angry.

The examples you are quoting are not life threatening events with our body.

BP, posture etc have to be corrected quickly or may be life threatening. Reactions to a pain sensations have to be quick. So strength training or aerobic exercises do not poise threat to our lives and body adjustments may take time. Your muscles can't become strong overnight but blood pressure control can't wait in a normal physiological condition.

Drinking excessive water can take few minutes before kidneys can throw it out because excess water drinking is not a life threatening immediately but may put load on heart because of overload if K don't clear them after some time.

In short body knows when to react and how. My dear body can't wait to respond until hypotension becomes symptomatic and may harm the body. Only if body mechanisms fail because of medicine of some disease like septicemia that the pathological fall in bp may occur.

suramo profile image


....Absolute nonsense!...

These were your words.

Well. Merry x'mas to you too sir.

Well i have read that article on igf. I find that very hypothetical.🙏🙏

suramo profile image


Medications may or may not undo harm. Depends on the mode of action. Some may cure the diseases, some correct symptoms and some may have reasonable control over disease.

GVGnanasooriyam profile image


It is my 2nd year with LCHF.

My readings; sugar, blood pressure, loss of excessive weight etc are very satisfactory. Being a Type 2 since Year 2000 I am now on half the dosage of the medication I used to and I am confident I will be able to go further down as time passes.


The new problem, however, I now face is the loss of mussels in areas like arms, thigh ect forcing me to refrain from stain exercises. Is it because of my strict avoidance of crabs from usual rice/ wheat diets I used to?

beasdevc profile image

Milk and its products help increase your sugar. Diafree doctors ask you to totally avoid taking milk or its products. If you cannot sustain without that then take double toned cow milk or almond milk as a substitute.

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