Please some one tell me the address where can I get LWMDR .Please give me the details contact
Where can I get LWMDR: Please some one tell... - Diabetes India
Where can I get LWMDR

98 50 766330 Vitthal Gangaram menkar from pune
Where do you live?
LWMDR is not readymix. first you purchase long wheat from local shop (not ordinary wheat). one portion of long wheat with six portion of water cook for 45 min, then grind with mixie along with cooked water. you will get Long Wheat Mash Diet Regimen.
Take long wheat 1gm = 1kg body wt ( ex; if 70 kg take 70 gms of long wheat) . take breakfast and dinner. avoid milk, sugar, biscuits, fruits, sugar added products while taking LWMDR. walk 30 min /day, with in a week u will get better result.
There is a supplier in Bangalore called Nilgiri's Super market.I enquired with them today.They say if they have an order for more than 20 kg with prepayment,they may send the LW to you.The owner was not there,so could not get full particulars.If you are interested,I will go again tomorrow and talk to them.They are reliable and you can visit their web site also.

Yes I want please ask what is the cost for per kg and can the delivery to manipur
take 70 gms breakfast and then dinner you will take another 70gms of longwheat. per day you will take two portion of LWMDR
yes u take vegetables, sprouts, egg, black gram,& buttermilk.
black channa
lunch as usual rice or chapati
Glad to see that persons who have seen the good effect of LW are helping others by sharing their experience. Please note that all suggestions are not bonafide.
LW stands for Long Wheat; this is a variety of wheat.
When any grain is cooked in water it is called mash. Hence LWM when LW cooked in water.
When it is eaten it becomes part of diet. Hence LWMD.
When a pattern of activity is followed for a period of time it is called a regimen. Hence LWMD is followed along with other specified restrictions & activities it becomes LWMDR.
Thanks you sir for the suggestion
LWMDR bringing down Blood Sugar (BS) to normal range & finally curing Diabetes is NOT due to buying whole-grain.
I have never said that LW was or is to be cooked in Salt-Water; some skewed propaganda is in the air. This may be to mislead or discourage innocent patients. Any body with cooking experience will know that salt is added towards end of cooking, because earlier addition of salt will drastically slow down cooking. Persistent dissemination of such wrong information may be intended to discourage patients (for reasons best known to the proponents only!) who wish to start or are already following LWMDR.
I have never said that LW was or is to be swallowed as whole-grain, ie without chewing. This skewed propaganda also may be to mislead or discourage innocent patients (for reasons best known to the proponents only!) who wish to start or are already following LWMDR.
Long Wheat (LW) alias Triticum Dicoccum reducing Blood Sugar (BS) is clearly shown in the data of Table II of a Scientific Study Paper published in 2001 ADE. It showed that LW flour reduced BS during the study period.
The Table II data mentioned above shows that the Group II subjects (patients) who added Common Bread-Wheat flour to their diet did not show any significant variation in BS where as the Group I subjects who added Triticum Dicoccum (Long/Jave/Khapli Wheat) whole-grain flour to their diet showed very good response. The increase in BS exhibited during the first two fortnights was neutralized by the third fortnight.
Dear George Sir,
I saw in one of the posts that milk and fruits are not allowed to be taken at breakfast with LWMDR. Is it right? Only vegetable and egg?
Please reply.
I did not take milk & fruits during LWMDR. That is why it is suggested to others also.
Milk contains lot of Glucose (for offspring's growth) in addition of all other things. Fruits are enjoyable due to the abundant presence of Fructose which is a variety of Glucose (C6H12O6).
Milk & fruits are not good at any time for a diabetic. This is my opinion based on my limited experience & personal experience; don't know whether it is scientific, proven r not.
thank u sir for valuable guidance
Dear George,
Can you please help me locate stores selling LW in Bangalore.
Name of a store-chain & email Ids, phone number & name of a branch are already given above by member venkataramana. If it is not sufficient please come up; I shall try to get other addresses given by other members earlier here.
It appears that my reply is removed.I may clarify that I have absolutely no commercial or other interest.