Hello ....I am new here and still learning to blog...i would like to really try out the long wheat diet. I am also researching on the effects of fat in pancreas and its outcome on insulin secretion. Dr Georges account on cure through long wheat is spellbinding. appropedia.org/Diabetes_mel... ...Is he in this community..i believe so...if so is he the same as Shooter George....would like to see where I could get the long wheat...
SEARCH FOR LONG WHEAT: Hello ....I am new... - Diabetes India

Where are you located?
Any of the members used L W in Bangalore ? if so inform where L W avilabale ? what r the nutritional value is it used cooked or grind like roti or chapathi

Its available in all the Nilgiris stores. Its sold as Samba Wheat and is 95Rs/kg
where it is available at kolkata(.) Pl tell me if anybody knows(.) My Mobile No. 9874958493 mail ID biplabkar1373@gmail.com.
I am an Indian born, brought up, educated, employed/worked & living in India. My name is George. E. M. (GEM !) I am the main contributor of the Appropedia article refd. My user name here is my nick name in the college during the master's course 1969-71. I am neither a medical graduate nor tried for a PhD.
While handling any issue, I dig up to the bottom end of the deepest root - during software work in ISRO or in personal life. As a result most people in related fields find it difficult to appreciate/accept my findings/view-points.
Can somebody guide me about the availability of LW in Lucknow. My e-mail address is susheelsrivastav@yahoo.co.in
There is an article on web which gives some related information on LW such as pictures & names in different languages. Google search of the 3 words GEORGE CURED DIABETES will give the link to it. Click to go there. From the CONTENTS section at the beginning of it, click the line NAME IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES to jump there. Write down the names & ask your near-bye grains dealers. They will be knowing some names & will guide you for sure. Best of luck
Thanks Mr. George.....but in that list it says in hindi as gehoo which is normal wheat...probably I need to read more unless you can help with that.