Do the diabetics feel more irritation and a... - Diabetes India

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Do the diabetics feel more irritation and anger ?

patliputra profile image
22 Replies

Any personal experiences.

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patliputra profile image
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22 Replies
ramana42 profile image

I do not think they are directly related.Irritation and and anger are caused by a person's inability to adapt to the environment.

in reply to ramana42

it is the other way around. irritation,anger,lack of patience largely contribute to diabetes.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Does irritation and anger indicate rising blood sugar or may be loosing control over self due to some effect on brain.

in reply to patliputra

irritation and anger etc., can result by increased b.s. .

to a statement made by indiacratus that he has not seen any diabetic with sdpecial irritation., there is nothing called special irritation. a lack of adaptability/humbleness/understanding leads to diabetes and other diseaces.psoriasis also is an example.

from what i gather., these traits can be manifest or subdued. when expressed there is a lesser danger of health., but when suppressed these result in ill health.

exp[ressing these feelings also has a disadvantage of social backlash. so its catch22 again. either way we lose.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to ramana42

Inability to adapt due to diabetes, is it possible ?

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to patliputra

It is possible,particularly in matters like family relations,stressful job situations,business losses and so forth.Ultimately it boils down to how well one has educated himself about diabetes and how well he has disciplined himself to face the challenges.I know any number of rampant diabetics who are always cool.I would even say that if one wants to overcome his diabetes,first and foremost,he has to manage his mental faculties.To put it in another way,if one is unable to control his diabetes and because of that becomes disillusioned,irritable and angry,at least I do not blame diabetes for that.We face any number of problems in life successfully.Diabetes is one of them.

in reply to ramana42

@ramana42., i too studied a number diabetics who are very cool in behaviour and poise. the IMPRESSION they create is that of cool,balanced and all positive points of life.

Are they reallly? as an extension if we study our own behaviour in a unbiased way before getting afflicted we get a clea picture of what landed us in trouble. it is adifferent story how we manage the problem, be it allopathy ayurveda lchf or a hundred or other ways. i find common traits in those ARGUING HERE FOR SOME WAY OR THE OTHER, the response is very much the SAME.

All are having same response. (Those who are for or against LCHF for example. they want a moral support for their beleif or to convince that others are wrong. THE SAME attitude., instead of calmly pursuing what they think that is right.

2. instead of silenly following what is right according to them, why try to convince others? instead of knowledge sharing this has become show off platform. I am also no exception. Got the common mental disorder? this is the common factor shown here in a majority of diabetics. i am happy that i came here to study diabetics. not diabetes.. the knowledge apart our minds are rotten and here we are with diabetes.

thats all i can say dear friend. )

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

sridhar1, exactly my point. as you have rightly said all the arguments and counter arguments, what does that indicate ? People might say they are cool or many pretend to be cool,are they really ? Irritation and anger which is deep within self,though outwardly not apparent or expressed,is it due to diabetes,whether controlled or not ?

At same time i do not agree with you that our minds are rotten.It is simply a difference in our perception of things,and is it diabetes which is making us all impertinent and obstinate ?

I am just trying to understand.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to ramana42

How can we say that a particular person is irritated ? Irritation is in a way a normal phenomenon,So how to say that it has got diabetic relationship ? If Any ? Does diabetes act in a very very slow manner, even without our suspecting ? No one has worked on this aspect.

in reply to patliputra

we cannot say if any particular person is irritated. we can only say/study our own state. we only have to study ourselves NOT others. we only take cues/advices from others. this is my limited observation/knowledge.

in fact i should not say our minds are rotten. i was symbolically speaking that we are preoccupied with questioning,doubts,egocentic approach etc. i apologise for the word rotten.

patliputra profile image

Irritation is an inner feeling and it is generally not shared or expressed. Even if I am irritated it might not show . A diabetic has to make a confession. Or a self analysis ,is he really feels a bit more irritated or angered than previously. The causes may be many.

accepted. also iritabilty arises from perfectionist attitude. like when others dont meet upto ur expectations., and when we cannot meet others expectations. its the GAP between expectations and results. the more the gap the more the problems.

2. the coverups can be flight/fight response., showing anger and so on.

3. this GAP can be a large source of mental/physical disorders by means of sustained hormonal disturbances. we understand that insulin,glucogan,leptin,cortisol etc. are all basically hormones. and much of the time they act instantaneusly and for short duration., like our minds :). and the drama is on.

3. and my point of interest was and is to find the link between mind and disease. looks like i did not learn much. :(

sure dear duo.

patliputra profile image

Rao, all i request is a sincere self assessment.Is it possible that most of the diabetics suffer from deep seated irritation, which may sometimes get expressed or may remain dormant,may be due to diabetes, due to some changes in our neural system, of which we are unaware and never thought about it.This imperceptible change in our behaviour pattern goes unnoticed.

@ultraduo., w.r.t medfree it is a surprise he could win so many admirers. those who hate him means they really like him. am i wrong? :) (arguments and logic aside. :) )


ashoky profile image

The subject matter is very much interested. Before reading these comments of various takers, I was of the opinion that the people suffering from Asthma get irritation and anger always when someone is not listening to them or not doing as they want. Now, I am bound to look into my case in person. I get irritated often and annoyance is a part of my life because I am a diabetic and keeping sugar level under very control. I also can't bear any untrue events and would not tolerate if someone is speaking lie. Though, by BP is normal. The ageing factor and tiring works done without any rest may also lead to anger and irritation. Many times, I think that I should control my temper and irritation to be avoided as these two help in spoiling one's personality. These two also makes people to speak in loud. The other side of the story tells that when you are not satisfied with your essential requirements and get deprived of what you expect, these two menaces control your routine life. I would invite more discussions on this subject to help myself as well as others to get rid of psychological diseases.

patliputra profile image

Ashoky , I am very much thankful to you for your reply. I also feel many times agitated and angry, some times on very trivial matters. There may be many causes for this behaviour as very rightly pointed out by you. But how do we know that it is not related to diabetes ?

I very much share your view that more diabetics should come up with their experience. Again thanks for your wonderful reply.

ramana42 profile image
ramana42Volunteer in reply to patliputra

I am glad the discussion came back to the original track.Point I would like to make is this.Most people fail to be objective when analysing human behaviour,whether their own or others.Speakīng of other peoples anger and irritation,it is not a simple task to understand the phenomenon,because we do not know or understand the actual reason why the person is getting irritated.There could be any number reasons for the irritation that we cannot fathom,even with a long association with that person.But when we consider our own anger and irritation,I believe in a concept called 'constant choiceless awareness'(concept not mine).It means simply that you become a witness to your own behaviour constantly without getting judgemental.You just become aware that you are getting angry and irritable under certain circumstances.You need to do do nothing substantive about it,but the awareness and your disapproval of your anger and irritation,works at subconscious level.It is possible to eliminate the anger and irritation over a period of time.It has worked for me but I am not sure if I have conveyed the point adequately.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to ramana42

"Constant choice less awareness ",the philosophy behind is beyond the grasp of a common man like me and to practice is beyond comprehension . It rotates around body, mind and consciousness . How to separate consciousness from body and mind ? Buddha could do it,but we are not Buddha .

We are just trying to find out,whether the disease is cause or effect of certain physical or emotional problem.

patliputra profile image

Good way to de stress oneself with yoga, but I am not in favour of Ashwagandha.

patliputra profile image

Discussion is diverting towards philosophy. ,but no psychologist is required.

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