This is an Indian study done by Indian Doctors and published in the Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery - Jul–Sep 2006, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 159-164. This is not some newspaper piece where different doctors can give contradicting views.
The entire paper is available on commercial terms for $39.95. However, fortunately the abstract of the same study with conclusions is available in public domain for FREE. Here's the detail (Citation Provided):
Dr Cheemalapati Saikrishna M.Ch., Dr Sachin Talwar M.Ch., Dr Gurpreet Gulati MD, Dr Arkalgud Sampath Kumar M.Ch.
There is no available data on normal coronary artery size in the Indian population. We attempted to establish a database for normal dimensions of the coronary artery segments during life by using quantitative coronary angiography and compared these with Western estimates of coronary artery size.
Material and Methods
Between december 2003 and June 2004, 94 patients who underwent quantitative coronary angiography for evaluation of symptoms of ischemic heart disease and were found to have no coronary artery disease form the sample size.
The dimensions of branches in the left coronary system in our patients were less and those of the distal circumflex, and the proximal and distal left anterior descending coronary arteries were significantly greater than those of Indian Asians living in the United Kingdom and the native Caucasians but the dimensions of the right coronary artery were significantly greater in our patients.
Coronary artery dimensions for at least some branches of the left coronary system are similar to that reported in the West and the dimensions of the right coronary are greater. These findings contradict the general perception that Indians have smaller coronary arteries.
The CONCLUSIONS section says it all. No confusion, no ambiguity. It's clear that these findings contradict the general perception that Indians have smaller coronary arteries. I have quoted an Indian journal as the data is available fortunately. If Indians settled in the west have smaller dimensions, it's none of my concern. Don't just look at numbers but correct them for body surface area also and then do the comparison.
Also, according to 1990 WHO report, proportion of cardiovascular deaths occurring before 70 years of age was 26% in developing countries but 52% in India. What was India eating in 1990 because liberalization only started 1991 onward? Lots of Rice and Wheat (CARBS) right? That's why we say CARBS KILL!