Return To India: Swami Vivekanad...a Militant... - Diabetes India

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cure profile image
90 Replies

Swami Vivekanad...a Militant Yogi...

Who preached peace at Parliament of Religions in Chicago..... exactly 100 year prior to attack on Twin towers...

Here is one nice story which I would like to share with you all...

Swami Vivekananda enjoyed the sea voyage back to India, relaxing from his strenuous activities in the West. But his mind was full of ideas regarding his future plan of work in his motherland.

There were on the boat, among other passengers, two Britishers who, in the course of a heated discussion with the Swami, lost their tempers and savagely criticized the Hindu religion. The Swami walked to one of them, seized him by the collar, and said menacingly, 'If you abuse my religion again, I will throw you overboard.'

And why did Yogi and such highly spiritual person reacted so strongly....

Look at this post by one member

This member is habitual of insulting Indian culture and unwanted aggression towards any one talking about Ayurveda...never understood principles of Ayurveda...

His knowledge about Ayurveda is limited only to cow urine....

This is very disgusting....

I Reacted strongly against his is more disturbing that he already insulted Indian on his facebook post...and proudly flaunting same here...may be to derive some sadistic pleasure out of his act...

In PM I received many messages...some telling me not to be touchy and sentimental...

some were advising me to ignore such insults....

But will this suffice the purpose????

World always thinks that India is soft state....and any one can make fun of Indian culture....and they will always say forget....

How long this attitude will continue??

How long world will keep us treating as soft target????

@anup Hidden shrisamarth jingale karch Ashka9 suramo arunkumar Hidden

Written by
cure profile image
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90 Replies
cure profile image

I wish MikePollard to come forward and clear his stance on this issue.....

Let us discuss here and find out the truth.....

Let all members know what is really in your mind....

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply tocure

Hi all,

Good morning here in India.

Nothing better than to speak about my homeland to start the day today.

See, if the world is treating us as soft target, we do not have to worry at all. We can't leave our TRUE NATURE just because somebody else is at fault.

British had ruled India for about 200 years if I am not wrong. Even after leaving India, they didn't spare India and applied DIVIDE AND RULE policy to create permanent enemy of India by dividing India into Pakistan and Bangladesh. As everybody knows, India, in it's history, never invaded any country. So, India will ever remain soft and not aggressive. See our dealing with Pakistan. So horrible situation in Jammu and Kashmir due to terrorists which are fostered by Pakistan and financed by all Muslim supported by ISIS.

Our spiritual base has taught us to be positive and treat fellow humans around the world in the best way possible. These kind of spirituality arises from HINDU religion only. Otherwise, see in the WEST, all Christians and Muslims run after POWER to RULE THE WORLD. Too much ambition they have to do atrocities to other weaker countries. WEST is the reason of WARS always.

All spiritual GURUS around the world preach the same thing.

However, attitude of the world towards India would change for the better because India is going to be SUPERPOWER if I predict right, in future. Not sure though exactly when. Even zero and one, which is the base of mathematics, science and computer was invented by an Indian Brahmagupta. Indians, however, are more Intelligent and Intellectual compared to others. See, the flow of scientists, engineers and doctors from India to abroad. The western world cannot do without the technical superiority as well as spirituality of Indians.

Wisdom is obtained by strong spiritual base in life. Wisdom gives us all how to treat others and show tolerance towards other cultures. Religion gives us direction in life. All religions. I have read Bible also. I have read books by American Authors also.

Life is too short to brood over one thing i.e target Indians. People around the world should see their own SELF first, then their HOME, then their SOCIETY, then their RELIGION, then their COUNTRY...instead of letting down other cultures or societies or communities.


jingale profile image
jingale in reply toAshka9

"British had ruled India for about 200 years if I am not wrong." :)

"As everybody knows, India, in it's history, never invaded any country." :)

venkyb profile image
venkyb in reply toAshka9

Well said.

cure profile image

Let bygones be bygones and start with a clean slate

ok @anup bhai.

Let mike say and accpt here in forum that he respects indian culture nd never meant to insult....

I will say sorry to him here openly....

let slate be clean....

cure profile image

wonderful.... great.... but sure some one can show the respect....and saying that not shameful....

If some one is not doing that...what it shows???

cure profile image

ok.... but showing respect and expressing respect after some misunderstanding should notbe shameful

cure profile image

ok let us hear now from Dear Mike

cure profile image

should we expect to hear from our dear friend @anup??

cure profile image

but if he doesn't......then things are very clear i guess....

cure profile image


but anup ball in his court.... he should clear (mis)understanding.

cure profile image

क्षमा, दया, तप, त्याग, मनोबल

सबका लिया सहारा

पर नर व्याघ्र सुयोधन तुमसे

कहो, कहाँ, कब हारा?

क्षमाशील हो रिपु-समक्ष

तुम हुये विनत जितना ही

दुष्ट कौरवों ने तुमको

कायर समझा उतना ही।

अत्याचार सहन करने का

कुफल यही होता है

पौरुष का आतंक मनुज

कोमल होकर खोता है।

क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को

जिसके पास गरल हो

उसको क्या जो दंतहीन

विषरहित, विनीत, सरल हो।

तीन दिवस तक पंथ मांगते

रघुपति सिन्धु किनारे,

बैठे पढ़ते रहे छन्द

अनुनय के प्यारे-प्यारे।

उत्तर में जब एक नाद भी

उठा नहीं सागर से

उठी अधीर धधक पौरुष की

आग राम के शर से।

सिन्धु देह धर त्राहि-त्राहि

करता आ गिरा शरण में

चरण पूज दासता ग्रहण की

बँधा मूढ़ बन्धन में।

सच पूछो, तो शर में ही

बसती है दीप्ति विनय की

सन्धि-वचन संपूज्य उसी का

जिसमें शक्ति विजय की।

सहनशीलता, क्षमा, दया को

तभी पूजता जग है

बल का दर्प चमकता उसके

पीछे जब जगमग है।

.....रामधारी सिंह "दिनकर"

cure profile image

personal insult and making fun of your culture are two different things @anup



How I see is:

This forum is meant to provide some guidance to those who come here with some diabetes control issues by those who can offer some support or advise

Here we do know some dietary measures which can help some troubled diabetic which mike has been doing

At the same time he is against "cow urine" therapy which he is vocal about

I am sure that we all agree that even we all are not really sure about this therapy

And now not only in India but world over many unscrupulous persons are just waiting to fleece diabetics thru various so called "cures"

Fake ayurveda manufacturers, cow urine therpahy, acupressure, acupuncture sujok, colour therapy etc etc etc

Yes.. Mike always among other things points out to cow urine therapy. But is his intention is to insult us..?

He is also vocal about ADA.. so he is also against all the diabetic association who advocate high carb even if it's from his native land

So basically MikePollard is against all those remedies which intends to keep a diabetic as a diabetic life long or thy to fleece the diabetic

He is vocal about cow urine as much as he is vocal about ADA

I believe that certain people would only be happy to have him banned just because he advocates LCHF

I don't agree to this stand.

I would suggest to all to spend energy in finding solutions as well as helping others.

Internal enemies like roque etc are much more dangerous that external ones

Just like it's happening around in this nation which we all can clearly see


Lots of energy is spent to thinking about mike than thinking about our objective.. "to find a cure for diabetes"

24-48 hrs already lost on this issue

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Hidden exactly..... I accept this is my (mis)understanding about very high intentions of Mike....

So I just expect him to clear things and say he respects Indian culture...and his intention was very clear.....

I think being Indian you will also expect same....

in reply tocure


Why not clear up here

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply to

Let us hope to hear from him....

and once again.... If he doesn't.....get us clear about his high intention....

Ashka9 profile image
Ashka9 in reply to

There is no cure for diabetes. (DON'T BANG YOUR HEAD ON WALL UNNECESSARILY FOR IMPOSSIBLE) Everybody knows that very well. Everybody comes here on this forum for ways to better manage their diabetes. Only allopathic medicines or LCHF diet is not enough for sustainable health. We all try our home remedies, nutritional supplements, herbs to manage our multiple problems. Ayurveda is a science and if we discuss Ayurveda as one of the means to control our symptoms to lower blood sugar levels, that practice should not be called as NONSENSE as the GREAT MikePollard said in one of his posts which aggravated the discussion leading to him again saying that Ayurveda is our cultural practice and it is not valid according to him. He doesn't have any right to let down our cultural practice or our own Ayurvedic Medicine system because he is not aware of it's results which cures the root cause of the diseases than simply cure the symptom of diseases as Western Medicine system does.


Don't say about Indian insulting Indians or you got insulted on this forum when somebody from OUTSIDE is letting us down. Stay UNITED as INDIANS please! This is one trait which some of the Indians especially lack!!!!!!!!


If @Mikepollard is against any remedies which keeps diabetic lifelong diabetic, that remedies do not necessarily means Indian cultural remedies are not effective and he needs to fleece diabetics from it...what nonsense it is? Nobody should try to demean Indian cultural practice or our ancient Ayurvedic system which we all believe and follow. Talking about fake Ayurvedic Manufacturers or cow's urine...or acupuncture etc... is not at all intellectual discussion or a valid argument. It shows THE SHALLOWNESS of the person who makes such stupid comments about negative aspects of our medicine system instead of gaining something substantial from our cultural practice or ancient Ayurvedic Medicine system which can help all manage their diabetes well.


Why you needed to apologize MikePollard and for what? Our reaction should be strong and nobody else has any right to let down us Indians always. If you have taken any stand on an issue, stay upto it. Just because people who don't feel for their culture, religion, or fellow Indians and instead try to patch up in favor of a foreigner, you don't have to give up your self-respect!!!!!!


cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toAshka9

let all members know truth.....even Hidden and anup both tried to seek his response .....

let them know who they are defending.

bijoy profile image

,P don't read avoid him

He is fake

Mike is misguiding us

Boycott him

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply tobijoy

Everyone has to learn to get along and work together-- not against each other, bijoy .

cure profile image

should we expect reply from Mike @anup Hidden

cure profile image

It is very sad that in order to maintain good atmosphere in forum... I came forward 2 steps ahead....

I one sided apologized mike for misunderstanding....Now it is his duty to prove that it was misunderstanding.

But sad.....he is not responding....I am sure being Indian...all our moderators are expecting same.

If that doesn't happen ball is in their sure they will take strict action and inform all forum members about action taken.....

Ashka9 profile image

Dear Mr. Anup,

Only Logical way of thinking without emotions is not applicable everywhere..there has to be some emotional quotient also to have the ability to think and feel for others as well.

Our internal problems within Indians Vs Indians should not be presented or mentioned everytime when somebody else is letting down our culture and our ancient time tested ayurvedic medicine system. Now don't say Karela (bitter gourd) or cinnamon powder or fenugreek seeds do not help maintain blood sugar levels!:-)

I know you don't believe in culture or religion or society, but we all are connected to each other as humans and also as Indians we can understand each other better....we know our dietary habits, which is very different from Western diet. You are taking you believe in Ayurveda atleast to some extent? No? So, then why not defend our medicine system instead of just complicating things saying set an example first and all that.

Anyway, I know you and Hidden both trying to be diplomatic! Is it a part of your duty as volunteers of this forum?

Ashka9 profile image

I give up again, today, Mr. Anup! I am not talking about any churan...I am talking about our reliable ancient medicine system. Don't try to highlight the negative aspect of our Indian culture or medicine system infront of foreigners...instead make them aware of how it is useful to overall well-being of a person.

You don't believe in emotions at all? Emotions only drive our lives. EQ is more important than IQ. Have you read Daniel Goleman's book "Emotional Intelligence"? I have read it. A must read for you.:-)

Ashka9 profile image

Arre...bhai....! How come terrorists come into play here? forget it...

Karela have this property of reducing blood sugar level. and lot of other herbs and spices as well. You just have to find a reliable brand or manufacturer. Similarly, for an allopathic medicines as well...there are duplicate allopathic medicines in the market also. Why you didn't talk about that? What about cheaper GENERIC medicines after patent expires? Are they all reliable? Cheaper allopathic medicines contains cheaper low quality fillers which damages our health in long run. Don't you know that?

cure profile image

There are two approaches to get treated with Ayurveda....

1- Understand root cause of problem...and treat the same.

2- is like just gobbling any herb which is said suitable to the condition....

First of all we should know and understand cause of condition....then help our body to over come the same with help of herbs...

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

Between @anup bhai... the original post of mike is not seen it deleted???

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure


Swami Vanarvaidyaki word made u smile??


shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply tocure


karch profile image

MikePollard used to insult Ayurveda in strong words many times and we ignored his comments many times ...but by this post cure has proved that ignoring doesn't mean "feeling timid" ...It means that " I dont care what you say" ...but how many times ?????

That was a good step to start this thread ..."saying out loud that everyone listens :)" ...

cure profile image

Enough is enough..... This member is really disturbing to Indian community by his sarcastic remarks....

I request moderators to take proper action against this person to enter and insult Indian culture and get some sadistic pleasure out of agonies and pains of we Indians....... in order to improve friendly and supportive environment of forum...

MikePollard profile image

I'll say one thing, and one thing only.

It's NOT about the culture, it's about the medicine!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toMikePollard

So do you respect Indian culture....which includes....Indian Medical system which always attack without knowing ABCD of the same???

Further look at this link....

Do you really think this is to maintain friendly environment of forum???

Activity2004 profile image

No more fighting. I want things to be changed for the better. Everyone needs to get along with each other.

cure profile image

I one sided apologized him....for with open heart he should say he respects Indian culture....

And fight will be over....

cure profile image

In other post he insulted me...but that was personal....I never bothered to report same....

And when this is Indian forum....and therefore expected that he need to restrain himself and behave in controlled manner.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply tocure

I understand, but this has to stop.

cure profile image

I already apologized....that was yesterday....

Now I expect same type of open heart from him....

Am I asking too much???

cure profile image

Ok.... no probs if he is so adamant .......I request all three Indian openly warn him for his misbehavior....and improve in future....

And we will close this chapter forever....

alwaysoptimistic profile image

I know cure and MikePollard are good for each other.In the past,they have made many useful discussions in the forum as both are knowledgeable.I hope they will come out of mutual confusions very soon and will arrive at a discussion useful for the learners.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Oh yeah.... alwaysoptimistic I never reported for my personal insult by Mike...

But when it come to my culture....I always remember lines from my school....

अग्रतः चतुरो वेदाः पृष्ठतः सशरं धनुः ।

इदं ब्राह्मं इदं क्षात्रं शापादपि शरादपि ।।

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

But he ( MikePollard ) is saying above that it is not about culture and is about medicine only.I think there is no confusion now.So,you ( cure ),please leave it!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic no twisting and playing with words.... let him come out simply.....

This is least expected from some one who enters in your group that he respects you values....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

sorry dude.... alwaysoptimistic there is direct insult hurled to me by this same guy....

And when I openly said what he is.... he reported me.....

Such person should not escape unharmed....

This will become a practice....

So far ..this happened for many centuries....

Instead of warning all are trying to calm me down....


I will not respond any more on this issue.... and I am deleting my reply apologizing him....

Once again you proved what world says...

Thank you friends....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

Do you want to know his views?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

why you talk on his behalf??? let him come and discuss...does he have guts to discuss issue openly???

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

I am not talking on his behalf.I am talking to you just like a forum member.Probably,he does not want further argument and he is silent.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

because he does not have answer....and he knows indians....

He is fully aware about how they behave in such situation.....

Infact his this action is very predictable....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure no twisting and playing with words....

Thank you,cure for your quick understating!I expect that you will bring out soon something very useful for us i.e. for diabetic people.

This is least expected from some one who enters in your group that he respects you values....

I hope that MikePollard will take care of it,in the future.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Bas dikha diya ......kya yar..... I have not finished yet.....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

what happened to you???? don't u have any pride???

Kya ho gaya hai tum logo ko???

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

what happened to you?

Nothing,cure !Every thing is OK!

don't u have any pride?

Yes,I am proud to be.But I do not want you and him to waste energy any more.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Ok.... thats good....why I am wasting energy????

For nothing????

Why no guts to tell him what he is doing is bad and he should improve and show us what is REAL BRITISH GENTLEMAN....

But isn't this sad.... that you are trying to explain something on his behalf???

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

Not on his behalf but only as a forum member.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Stand up dude stand proud Indians....whatever we have its ours.... no one else got right to talk and make fun of us....

Have guts to talk about such things....

Look this is just forum.... not life.....what maximum can happen??? you will be deleted....

Look at those brave soldiers... they lay there life....just for pride of Tiranga.....

come on dude....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

cure ,cool down please!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

how do u expect me to cool down dude????

and for what???

No reason..... don't know the mind set behind all this fun.......and why I am disturbed.....

I have much interaction with all such ppl.....

his each action and reaction is very predictable....

you can read my comment on this long back on complete herbal my remark

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

how do u expect me to cool down dude????

and for what???

Simply,because you are a gentleman!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Dude.... Arya Chankya said 'Shatham prati shathyam'

When some one is not nice.... being nice to him is your weakens....

That is not gentleman... he is treated foolish.... read that poem....

रघुपति सिन्धु किनारे,

बैठे पढ़ते रहे छन्द

अनुनय के प्यारे-प्यारे।

उत्तर में जब एक नाद भी

उठा नहीं सागर से

उठी अधीर धधक पौरुष की

आग राम के शर से।

सिन्धु देह धर त्राहि-त्राहि

करता आ गिरा शरण में

even Bhagwan Ram ko bhi usika shahhara lene pada.....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

Relax, cure ! Have peace of mind!!We diabetic people must avoid stress as far as possible.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

मऊ मेणाहुनी आम्ही विष्णुदास।

कठीण वज्रास भेदूं ऐसे।

भले तरी देऊ कासेची लंगोटी।

नाठाळाचे माथी हाणू काठी।

संत तुकाराम महाराज

here is few nice lines from 16th century Saint from Maharashtra....

This means....we are softer than butter... but when time requires... we are harder than Vajra(the weapon of Indra)

If required we will give him everything...even last cloth on our body... but if he acts sure will will break his head.....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

Agree!But you please cool down.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Ok.... Am I expecting lot???? He is worth to be restricted....But mercy....and if he agrees to behave....just warn him....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

Thank you, cure !

I wish to see you having useful and polite discussion with MikePollard as before.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Only after warning to him......

expecting warning form all volunteers....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

and let him understand....this is just mercy that we are talking to rude person like him.....

he is not fun.....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

Not me....but many members...(oh yeah LCHF follower also)are disturbed....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

alwaysoptimistic do u still want to enjoy him sadistic pleasure by disturbing Indians????

Great national feeling....


alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

No way and never!

But just think what you will get as return of this fight?

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

I will establish...that there are ppl here in thos forum...who got some bones...and any TOM DICK and HARRY can not just walk in make fun of Indians....

Have some guts.... stand up dude..stand up.... open your eyes.... have some bones....

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004Administrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Thank you for saying this, alwaysoptimistic .

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply toActivity2004

It is my pleasure,Administrator!

cure profile image

Hidden rightly said.... whining in vain.....disgusting......

cure profile image

Thanx dude....

after all this episode I am sure he will feel ashamed to enter in this forum..


Activity2004 profile image

Thank you for the explanation!

alwaysoptimistic profile image

Peace,peace and peace,please!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Bhai alwaysoptimistic

ek labz toh nikalo uske liye....

Kya sab hamko hi sikhaoge???

kabhi toh apne dil pe hath rakkho??? hame andaz hai ke wo dhadkata bhi hoga....khoon mein garmi bhi hogi....itne toh budhe nahi huwe ki khoon garam hi na rahe....

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

cure ,Let MikePollard to have peace of mind!Cool down man!!

We have to win over diabetes and not to fight with each other.

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

Bhai log....diabetes huwa toh kya huwa??? suagr hi badh gayi na???

Khoon ki garmi toh khatam nahi huwyi????

Bhai mere....wohi app ke ghar ke baju mein....Buradi ghat.../Shukratal...(Mujaffarnagar mein....

Dattaji shinde.... mundi katne se pahale kaha tha....

Jab pucha...'kyo patel aur bhi ladnge??? usne kaha....ha bachnege toh aur ladenge..'

Keep that fighting spirit....

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

He was a Maratha military general who was given the command of Punjab during the Afghan-Maratha Conflicts over the regions of North India in 1758-59.

Dattaji was defeated and killed in battle with Afghans at Barari Ghat (Buradi ghat), on the plains of Rudhir, near Delhi on 10 January 1760. Dattaji was known to be a terrific warrior and brave hearted. In the battle field when he was severely wounded & pinned on ground, Najibjang Rohila asked "क्या पटेल और लडोंगे ?" (Do you still want to fight Dattaji?) He replied to Najibjang Rohila before he beheaded him "हा बचेंगे तो और भी लडेंगे" (Yes, if I live I'll continue fighting).[2]

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply tocure

And why did dattaji traveled all the way to Mujjafar nagar....

1000 miles away from his home town????

why did Marathas fought on Panipat??? 2000 miles away from home???and laid life????

What was the reason???

They were always in peace....away from friction....

alwaysoptimistic If we go on saying peace all the time.......then it is misfortune of ourmother land and culture...

alwaysoptimistic profile image
alwaysoptimistic in reply tocure

cure ,relax please!

cure profile image
cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

रणभूमिपर घावोंसे व्याकुल होकर दत्ताजी शिंदे मृत्युशय्यापर उलटे पडे हैं । ‘बचेंगे तो और भी लडेंगे ।’ मृत्यु समक्ष दिखते हुए भी वह नजीबखानको फटकारते हैं । ‘हतो का प्राप्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा का भोक्ष्यसे महीम्’ ।, अर्थात लडते हुए वीरगतिको प्राप्त हुआ, तो स्वर्ग मिलेगा तथा युद्धमें विजयी हुआ तो पृथ्वीका स्वामी होगा । यही क्षात्रधर्म है ! वीरवृत्ति, निर्भयता, अभिमान अर्थात दत्ताजी शिंदे ! वह अभिमानसे कहते हैं कि क्षत्रिय स्वधर्म यह है कि युद्धमें विमुख नहीं होना चाहिए । रण छोडकर भागनेसे दोनों लोकमें वंचित रहना पडता है । इधर नरकसाधन, तो उधर असफलता प्राप्त होती है जो मृत्युसे भी निरर्थक है । इसमें मरते ही स्वर्गप्राप्ति होती है, जो उत्तम है

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cureAdministrator in reply toalwaysoptimistic

क्या लोग थे वो दीवाने

क्या लोग थे वो अभिमानी

जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी

ज़रा याद करो क़ुरबानी

तुम भूल न जाओ उनको

इस लिये कही ये कहानी

जो शहीद हुए हैं उनकी

ज़रा याद करो क़ुरबानी

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cureAdministrator in reply tocure

और आज ये आलम है... के किचड उच्चालने वालों से यारी कि बात कि जा राही है

शांती का समझोता तो हमारे खून में हमारे बसा है...

कब तक शांती कि वार्ता करोगे??

क्या ये शांती हमारे कायरता का दुसरा रूप है??

क्या हमारे खून कि गरमी इतनी कम हुवी कि हमे कोई ऐरा गैरा नत्थू खैरा लाथमार के चला जाये??

cure profile image

ok....but as forum member is it wrong on your part to even not to make simple 'uff' against such activities???

क्लैब्यम्, मा, स्म, गमः, पार्थ, न, एतत्, त्वयि, उपपद्यते,

क्षुद्रम् हृदयदौर्बल्यम्, त्यक्त्वा, उत्तिष्ठ, परन्तप।।3।।

श्रीमद भगवद गीता-अध्याय 2 : श्लोक 3

Translation :

(इस लिए) हे पार्थ ! नपुसंकताको मत प्राप्त हो, तुझमें यह उत्पन्न मत होने दे ! हे परंतप ! हृदयकी तुच्छ दुर्बलताको त्यागकर खडा हो जा । ३

alwaysoptimistic @anup Hidden karch Ashka9 jingale suramo

I have said enough ....what I wanted to say....

Now ball is in your court.....

Hope mike will learn lesson from this episode and never visit this forum where ppl don't like him.(most of members here look him as trouble maker)

However hope everyone will follow Shrimad Bhagwatgeeta.

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cureAdministrator in reply tocure

Thank you @anup bhai Thank you Hidden thank you shrisamarth Thank you alwaysoptimistic and all those Indian members who stood by me in such time and supported me....

I feel very sorry...if in spur of anger I hurted or uttered any hurting words to any of my brother....

I din meant anything it was just my anger....I am requesting all my brothers to accept my words...and hope they will pardon me ...

Thank you everyone......

cure profile image

very true Bhai....But kya kare...genetically we are warriors...and anger is the strength giver for warrior …..

Plz you will understand my feelings….

Thank you once again for the support.

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