Hi.. I'm 32 yr old and found diabetes 2 yr before . my fasting suger is 148 and pp 200. I have done HBA1C Test and it results 8.2. I consult to endocrinologist he started tab istamate 50/500 twice in day. Is this tab have any side effects plz help
Hi : Hi.. I'm 32 yr old and found diabetes... - Diabetes India

Thanks dear
Post your details in this post as given in below thread. It will enable people to help you better. Also go through the different links given in below post.
That apart, all medicines have some known / unknown side effects.
So your Diabetes Management should focus on ( Given priority wise )
1) Stress Free Life
2) Diet
3) Exercise
4) Medicines ( If above 3 do not help in total control, then use minimum required medicines as support )
The side effects against other alternatives appears to be minimal. However, you may perhaps be able to reduce average level by 10 or 20 for a while with medicine but LCHF can bring it down by much more.
I embraced principle of LCHF by reducing calories and in six months brought down A1C from 13.6% to 6.0% through diet and activity discipline. I have put my daily diet quota on this platform twice. Can email you* a copy. (*efar52@gmail.com), It was after achieving 6.0% I now occasionally take drugs similar to the one you take, Rajvidya in case I am invited to a dinner where I can not be choosy. Four endocrinologists had recommended Metformin but I deferred taking it till I achieved 6.0% which took six months. However, let me admit I am far away from being a success story. Google search has led me to discover several Europeans, who without drug intervention, have in about three months brought down their A1C from 13.5% to 5.4%.