What is insulin resistance?How does it affe... - Diabetes India

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What is insulin resistance?How does it affects blood sugar?Can it be reversed?

patliputra profile image
45 Replies

How to recognise it!

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patliputra profile image
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45 Replies

you are right

patliputra profile image

Thanx,but I do not go for occult methods.

kasauli profile image

Ihv used debonil.I usually carry when i travell as drops are difficult.I have not used them continiously.This is in addition to d allopathy which i take.after travell my count does not hike up at all.so i can give credit to debonil.

klgksharma profile image

But the basic question that what is insulin resistance?How does it affects blood sugar? remains unanswered.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to klgksharma

You have nailed the reality.

patliputra profile image

It is not possible to go through all the correspondences.Precise and concise solution is most welcome.

Mkjsarma profile image

Insulin resistance means,even in the presence adequate insulin the glucose is not cleared from plasma. This is in contrast to insulin sensivity,where without additional insulin the glucose is cleared. Metformin is insulin sensitizer.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to Mkjsarma

Well said.It has all the potential of becoming the focal point of discussion.

There is a write up in Wikipedia.Pl. open the the link below.


patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

If some one had written a few lines about eg. what is insulin resistance, that would have been more useful.In my view forum are not meant to be referral stations.

in reply to patliputra

Sorry about that.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

I am sorry too.Perhaps because of some one else I got a bit irritated.

patliputra profile image

Every body has his own thinking and he is entitled to his own views.There are hundreds of sites where they can find answers,if they have time and patience as well as ability to understand it clearly.People come to these type of forums to find answers in simple language ,so that they,can understand at least the basics.

For them mere reference to a web site does not serve any purpose.

patliputra profile image

You do not own this forum.Your suggestion is very well applies to you.

ranga profile image
ranga in reply to patliputra

MR Patiputra, Pls stop personal attack. Are watching all psotings and give guidens. If medfree is meticules and dedicated to this site and follows majority of enquiries and replies. I hardly see anyting from you.

Please mind your own

patliputra profile image

No need to justify.talk only about diabetes and the current subject.

patliputra profile image

I was never off the target.It was you who started about starting a forum.Stop doing that., and don't

play blame game.Full Stop.

gangadharan_nair profile image

* Insulin resistance is a condition in which the cells of the body become resistant to the hormone insulin.

* Insulin resistance may be part of the metabolic syndrome, and it has been associated with higher risk of developing heart disease.

* Insulin resistance precedes the development of type 2 diabetes (T2D).

* Insulin resistance is associated with other medical conditions, including fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, acanthosis nigricans, skin tags, and reproductive abnormalities in women.

* Individuals are more likely to have insulin resistance if they have any of several associated medical conditions. They also are more likely to be insulin resistant if obese or of Latino, African-American, Native American, or Asian-American heritage.

* While there are genetic risk factors, insulin resistance can be managed with diet, exercise, and proper medication.



patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to gangadharan_nair

Thank you for quoting.the point nagging me is how insulin resistance happens.What are the factors which lead to the development of insulin resistance.Before we are able to tackle this problem effectively,the cause must be understood clearly.

Is there any one in this forum who has very seriously thought about it and has willingness to share it.

Insulin Resistance - What, How, When & Why ? Great post @patliputra.

Would be great if we become aware of the causes.

Just wild thinking, Is there a possibility of the Insulin produced getting degraded in terms of quality in Type 2 & hence becoming partially useful / useless, for the body to use ? As a parallel, the same acid HCL - Strong ( Concentrated ) versus Weak ( Diluted ).

In short, are there any studies, where the quality of insulin of an healthy individual has been compared to the quality of insulin in the body of a Type 2 ?


patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

Recyan@,Thanks,I must congratulate you on your wonderful thought.Quality of insulin, it's degradation an original thought.I will try to find if any thing is available on the subject.I am so happy about you.Thanks again.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

I don't think it is related to quality of insulin. It is rejection of the cell receptors to the action of insulin to accept glucose as they can't store more glucose. It is self defense mechanism of the cells. Some may have both IR and beta cell dysfunction.

As in case of MODY it is it inability of beta cells to secrete insulin.

in reply to shrisamarth

@medfree & @shrisamarth,

Appears I was not clear.

I was not talking about quality of insulin in connection with Insulin resistance.

Was suddenly wondering, whether any studies have been made regarding the quality of Insulin in an healthy individual as compared to the quality of insulin in an individual having Type 2.


shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

Never read about quality of insulin. And according to the observation about action of insulin, response of the beta cells to medications and other cells it is hard to come to any conclusions about quality of insulin. :)

It is either resistance or inability of the cells to respond to insulin.

(damaged cells)

patliputra profile image

Indiacratus,as usual very elaborate reply.Thanks.


Thanks a lot, for the simple & informative response.

As I skimmed thro, a few questions popped up. But, I will go thro again later, to understand things better & then pop the questions, if any are left. :-)


shrisamarth profile image

Yes, the main causes of diabetes are more important. IR is a later stage. Jenny Ruhl has also given more importance to other factors in her both the books.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Over half a century, the link between insulin resistance and type 2diabetes has been recognised.Insulin Resistance is IMPOTANT.Not only it is powerful predictor of future development of type 2diabetes,it is also therapeutic target once hyperglycemia is present.

Most likely genetic mechanism contribute to muscle insulin resistance that PREDISPOSES to type 2 diabetes.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. --for detailed study.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to patliputra

My point is, genetic factors are more important. Mere IR is not cause of diabetes. Hereditary, environment pollution, genetic modification of foods, pesticides are more important factors. As they damage certain genes which leads to diabetes.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

You are quite right that IR do not cause diabetes.In most of the cases it preceeds full blown diabetes.It is an indicator.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to patliputra

Most of the doctors don't test for IR. If there are some indications or markers present, then they are just ignored which ultimately leads to diabetes.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Precisely the point. Most of the doctors diagnose type1 or 2 based on the age of onset.If age is young ,it is type 1 otherwise type 2 .Never going for lab. Test to confirm whether it is type1 or type 2.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to patliputra

Even for type 1 diagnosis, I am doubtful for how many cases antibody testing is done in India.

patliputra profile image

Disease management consists of two parts.One is prevention,which includes the study of factors leading to development ,continuance and spread of a disease.It also studies the means and ways to prevent occurance and spread of disease.

The second part is curative part.If there is a disease how to control it,and take measures to eradicate it.

Both the aspects are equally important and inter dependent.

patliputra profile image

Preventive and curative medicine are two sides of the same coin.The central theme is disease .It is just like "cause and effect theory". Unless you know the cause ,effect can not be stopped or modified.

shrisamarth profile image

Great no. for march towards complications. :)

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Complications starts taking root the moment fbs goes beyond 110.

shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to patliputra

As per my understanding to avoid complications FBS must be <100 even better if <90 and for PPBS <140 (including spikes.) Best if PPBS <120.

patliputra profile image

Dr. R.Bernstein as all know,suffered from auto immune disease,Type1 diabete.jenny Ruhr suffered from MODY,a

genetic disorder,caused by mono genetic mutation .System

does not play a role here.

1) If Insulin Resistance is the cause for a particular person, then how does external insulin work, while the insulin generated within the body, not work, even though there is high level of insulin within the blood ?

2) If Insulin Resistance is the cause for a particular Type 2 Diabetic, Will he / she have to go on increasing the External dose of Insulin taken, for the same Diet Input ?



shrisamarth profile image
shrisamarthVolunteer in reply to

Person resistant to insulin normally don't need insulin dose. Metformin, diet and exercise is sufficient for them to increase sensitivity to insulin.

Those who continue with high carb diet, their IR go on increasing. So all medications fail for them over the period. Exposure to high BS levels cause their beta cells to die. Then they are prescribed insulin. Ultimately rise in insulin dose does not help as the high carb diet is maintained.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to shrisamarth

Insulin resistance preceeds development of d2m,some times many yrs..so initially pancreas compensates this resistance by increasing its production.But a time comes when this increase is also not sufficient to regulate blood sugar and that is the time one goes for external insulin.

patliputra profile image
patliputra in reply to

I must thank you for this very pertinent observation.What happens initially, when insulin resistance starts developing, much before full blown d2m develops,pancreas starts Woking to its maximum capacity,which ultimately leads to beta cell burn out.So gradually insulin production goes on decreasing.

How insulin works in blood glucose regulation is well known.But one important aspect of insulin ,how it works is generally missed.And that is Insulin has concentration dependent actions to increase whole body glucose disposal.The maximal effect of insulin defines insulin responsiveness, while insulin concentration required for half maximal response defines insulin sensitivity. Other actions of insulin on fat metabolism,kidney,cardiovascular and brain function also exhibit concentration dependent response

So exogenous insulin by increasing the concentration of circulating insulin help in glucose metabolism.

Dose is dependent upon how much internal insulin is produced and effective.

ranga profile image

Excellent Mr.Medfree I like it

getz08 profile image

Those who are Insulin Dependents, Body generates Antibodies against Insulin, which may go on increasing resulting in increasing dose in Insulin.in available methods other type of Insulin as Basilog, Glargine etc. can be used having non responsive to antibodies. It can not be reversed.

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