company says that needle has to be changed for each use. but diabetic educator says to use for 3 to 5 times. please advise.
i am diabetic for the last 18 docto... - Diabetes India
i am diabetic for the last 18 doctor advised to start insulin -i have started with lantus by using prefilled pen.

Single use of needle is a good practice. Since it is not being shared with anybody I am using the same 3-4 times safely.
It depends you should sterlise neede with spirit also it should not be hard to inject, pain, only then yu can try repeat shots. Alchohol also used.
What company says I don't know but I use Novopen penfill pengun and cartridge of Humane Mixtard 30/70 insulin. I use one needle several times but sterilise it by spirit fully wet. I wet it in spirit before taking injection and after that also.
As I read that insulin has very less side effects than tablets.Main side effect of insulin is hypoglysemia.
You can use till you feel pain or difficulty while you press. Better to keep inside fridge covered and take it out some before use. If roo temperature is not too warm then you can keep inside the bedside table
Yes you can more than three or four times until you feel pain or difficulty to inject.
Yes you can more than three or four times until you feel pain or difficulty to inject.----------------perfect reply.It depends on the pain you feel.
thanks a lot for the perfect t reply
The same needle can be used for 5 to 10 time by a single user. excess pressing of needle generates pain. but do change the needle if it is bended or blocked.
I have been using Mixtard 30/70 insulin for several years now. I use one needle for one cartridge. Each time after use I wipe the needle with cotton soaked in spirit.