I am a diabetic for the last ten years. I h... - Diabetes India

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I am a diabetic for the last ten years. I have a kidney stone and also High BP. I need Homeopathic Medicine.

neeraj1957 profile image
9 Replies
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neeraj1957 profile image
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9 Replies
Krichenakoumar profile image

Do not self medicate. Consult a qualified Homeo physician. Kidney stone is a dangerous phenomenon. Try homeo but when laparoscopy calls for, go for it.

vijayakrishna profile image

Dear friend. Nothing to worry about kidney stones. Best advised is to consume water as much as possible so that the stone may get washed out in the normal course.Now laser surgeries have come which are painless.

rajeevpandey100 profile image

You need to visit a regular and good homeopathic practitioner. Homeopathy is purportedly helped clear many patients of kidney stones but over a long period of time ; about 3 to 6 months. But these days lithotripsy gets your stone out in non invasive manner in a day on a OPD basis. It could cost you about Rs.10-20,000 depending on the clinic. The treatment is safe and foolproof. In the meantime start taking green coconut water at least two times a day to help you flush your kidney better.

rajman profile image

Years ago, I used CYSTONE of Himalaya to remove my small kidney stone after having a severe pain. It was prescribed by an allopathic doctor in Chandigarh. He asked me to take medicine for three months and drink lot of water. I did not come across to know as when it was flushed out. Later on, I got ultrasound and everything was fine in the report.

p9039464737 profile image

call me 9329464768

alexen profile image


abhaygadkari profile image

If you like you may visit website ahhhc.com/ and find out about the Doctor NIkam.

He has treated various diseases with Homeopathy.

It is your personal choice and should make it only if you feel it is useful to you.


dustycloud profile image

Dear sir,

just go thru this and know what wrong u are doing to your body.... make food your medicine not medicine your food....

We as human being is the most complex machine in this universe and there is a instruction operating manual for every machine, every manufacturer give a instruction manual for the usage of machine with precaution and regular maintenance of every part or in wholesome. God has given us sense of right and wrong both, which help us in choosing our moral acts and also food, yes on moral acts we keep little bit of check on our self, but when we come on food, we definitely ignore our instinct and opt out for foods which activate our taste buds, we eat at any time we want, at our own will, we have slowly opted to eat according to watch which is created by human and ignore the watch which is given to us by god here the metabolic changes start accruing in us very slowly which are so minor that our body seems prefect for few years and in young age as the time passes along with these habits, our body start showing symptoms like high cholesterol, high BP, arthritis, heart blockage or attack, constipation, cancer and the list continue. These all are called chronic diseases or life style diseases. Modern Science is still trying hard to find the solution for these diseases, earlier theses diseases were not so common in people around globe but as we made our self so called modernised race there is boom in these diseases doctor are trying hard to control them but seems loosing the battle, the pharmaceuticals companies invented medicines to curb the symptoms temporarily and you are left dependent on these medicine till you die. You can under stand it by following example.

When ever you get diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension doctor prescribe a medicine for same, what do this medicine do? It works on the principal of pressure which is: - Pressure is the force per unit area applied in the direction perpendicular to the surface of an object. Pressure = Force divided by Area. P=F/A

By giving you this medicine the diameter of your veins get increased and your pressure gets low and all symptoms get disappear like breathlessness, raised heart beat etc and you feel normal but again it comes back when this effect of medicine is washed away. DO YOU CALL IT A TREATMENT?

In this book we will talk about what, when and how we are supposed to eat and what wrong eating habits we have developed and what are the diseases we get from our eating habits and slowly poisoning our bodies and hand our self to various diseases and get dependent on the medication which is not required at all. You can live a healthy life by following some simple basic principles of nature.

How are digestive system works?

In normal scenarios and in today fast life we have our breakfast in morning, lunch in afternoon and dinner in night and there is no specific time to have these three meals and we eat them as per our own convenience. Here is the first wrong thing we start doing and no one teaches us when to eat how to eat and what to eat and what are the specification to eat there are no such guidelines know to most of the families or we can say we have forgotten them in course of time.

It is a know fact that we are part of this universe, all laws of universe are applicable to us know or unknown to humans till date. God has given us an invisible body clock which function silently inside our body to check it, there is a simple example whenever to want to wake up at a specific time in morning just memorise it while sleeping for a while and you automatically wake up in morning around that time and can also check the clock.

In this same way our body part are functional at full capacity at certain period of time in 24hrs cycle and also take rest as per our natural body clock and it is scientifically proven also, you will find

Most of the heart attack cases around 0230 to 0400 hrs in morning and that is the time heart work at full capacity.

Water a source of life and also slow poison for human body

Yes you read it correct it can act as slow poison to you body, if not taken properly and timely, every one knows our body contain 70% of body weight as water and mother earth also have 70% of water. What a coincidence isn’t it?

Followings are the things to be remembered while drinking water.

Never drink water while having your meals or before your meals.

Your straight question will be why not?

Let me explain it, whenever you drink water with your food you dilute the hydrochloric acid of your stomach and your food which was in process of digestion and bonding with various digestive juices and chemicals inside body is now diluted with water, the food which is supposed to be inside your stomach as paste and passes to small intestine after processing in about 90 minutes, is rushed, towards small intestine with the extra load of water and without properly broken at second stage of digestion( first stage of digestion starts in mouth where you chew the food, we will talk about this also later on).

Now, as it has been rushed, to small intestine for third stage of digestion, without proper bounding of chemicals, your small intestine wall linings and good bacteria (its the good bacteria which break your food into various nutrition and vitamins and then body absorb it thru them only) are unable to identify it properly and most of your food is pushed further below to large intestine where it is stored as stool which our body extract daily. since this food was not digested by digestive system so it becomes sticky and start sticking to wall linings to digestive system and process of fermentation starts which produce gas, acid etc, now few of it byproducts of non digested food are absorbed by body and goes into blood and are stored in various body parts and this process keep on going over few years or by touching the age of 30 or around this age, now body systems start showing up with different diseases like high blood pressure, high HDL or cholesterol, diabetes and even cancer.

Why not before meals also? As I told you earlier that you require hydrochloric acid for digestion, when you drink water before also, water dilute this acid and there is less or no acid left for digestion, so its always better to have water 40 minutes before your meals, so that the acid ratio is good while having your meals.

Whenever we have our meals the body temperature raises few degrees (it can vary form 1 degree to 3 degree in individuals) to help digestion, but when you drink water it lower down that raised body temperature to normal and your ability to digest food get disturbed.

Now you will have a question in your mind then at what time should we have water.

You can have water after 90 minutes of finishing your meal, what do this water do? This water will now help you in digestion of food in proper manner as the bonding of chemicals have been done properly in your digestion system, it require water to make it diluted and less sticky and can evenly spread it in your small intestine so that it can be absorbed by small intestine wall lining and good bacteria, it also flushes the food stuck to your stomach into small intestine for digestion and make it possible to move further down in your 22 feet long digestive system and don’t let your food to become hard and sticky when it reaches large intestine for final storage where most of the water is absorbed by body.

What is the water temperature ideal for drinking?

The best temperature on anything to drink or eat is the temperature close to your own body temperature which is generally 37 degree centigrade it can be plus minus 3 degree not more then that.

Don’t drink cold water or clod drinks and always have water or food at room temperature

This means one should not drink cold water or drinks and cold foods I.e. ice-cream, which are served chilled they are bad for your body digestive system and even body parts.

As an intelligent human being now your mind is again asking a question why not?

So my friends there is a simply theory behind it which all of us have studied, it is HEAT MAKE THINGS EXPAND AND COLD MAKE THINGS SHRINK. This formula applies on you also, whenever you drink cold water the first thing happens to your stomach is that it also freezes or you can say the digestive system temp of 37 degree comes down to 15 degrees or lesser in matter of seconds. Now for body it’s an emergency situation brains receives a signal for sudden drop of temperature in body it sends alert back to body, body goes into a recovery mode, all the warm blood form all vital organs and body parts are instructed to rush warm blood to stomach and digestive system. Which are these vital organs please note them. They are lungs, heart, kidney and liver, so they starve or work under pressure until the desired temperature is revived. You do this to yourself at least 10 to 15 times a day, by this line you will be aware of that over a period of time your body parts get weaker and weaker which led to failure of and organ or start working under capacity, which lead to diseases in your body. Do you want this to happen to your body knowingly?

What happens to your food?

Your food particles are bonded together and become harder and your digestive system can’t recognize it anymore and a second process start as fermentation in digestive system and all the byproducts of this process is absorbed by your body and goes into the blood and with this it start traveling to various part and get stored their, now this storage when increases as years passes away start showing symptoms of illness in your body which doctors call chronic and has no answer as why this happened and start giving you medicine which only temporarily curb the symptoms.

Never stand and drink water

Your body’s has some natural elasticity, the food pipe or in science word it your esophagus tube which carry food down to your stomach, in its natural position, it will not allow water to drop down directly (means in sitting position) so water move slowly towards stomach but when you stand and drink you increase the gravitational pull and velocity of water also increases, because of it, water directly hit your stomach and you can have hernia problem in future, it can rapture your stomach outer protective lining and your stomach can dislocate and then you have to get your self operated for it. the second thing which can happen, if you drink water fast then it will not mix with the acid in stomach and push the hydrochloric acid into small intestine in non diluted form and it will be then absorbed by small intestine walls and it gets into blood and increase the PH value of blood and even can damage small intestine linings and body cells function get disturbed.

Always drink water sip by sip and of room temperature only.

We should drink water sip by sip and roll every sip in mouth for a while and then drink it. You will ask why like this? Let’s understand this concept.

Our bodies produce hydrochloric acid till we die and it is acidic. To counter this acid nature has given us saliva which is present in mouth and in 24 hours we produce around 4.5 liters of saliva in normal healthy human being. This saliva is naturally antacid or in scientific term it’s alkaline, when you roll the drink water in your mouth this saliva get mixed with water and neutralise the stomach acid very effectively, so please don’t be so eager to have antacid tablets when u feel acidity try this simple remedy, I was hyperacdic and now I follow this principle and is completely cured.

The second thing this water rolling do in mouth is that it controls the germ build up in your mouth and by rolling water in mouth all germs go down to stomach with water and hydrochloric acid will kill them easily, you will not have teeth, bad breath and gums problem at all.

Always have water as your day’s first drink when you wake up in morning

COLD WATER - Body has to expend energy to warm up water in order to use it. Helps to cool down the body after workout / exercise. Constricts blood vessels, this reduces hydration and absorption ability. Solidify fats from food, causing body to work harder to digest.

WARM WATER - Soothes blood vessels, allows better hydration. Helps move the fats along, reducing risks of clogged arteries, and allows better digestion. Helps to flush the kidneys and improve bowel movements. When having fever, warm water reduces the body’s effort to fight the virus.

By end of this chapter I hope I have made everything clear in simple scientific way also.

By not following these simple steps while having water we can get the diseases listed below

Stages of digestion


Our digestion start from mouth , theets are given to us by nature to crush food to paste and mix it with saliva, what we do is that we only partially chew the food and let it go down to stomach without knowing what will happen down there.


Now this partially chewed food which was meant to be chewed by theets comes down to stomach and get mixed with hydrochloric acid along with other enzymes (do you believe that your guts will do the work which was supposed to be done by theets? No way can it do). And if you drink water with your meal or after (before 90 minutes after having you food) it then the chemical composition becomes worse.

What went wrong here?

The food which you partially chewed has large pieces and these larger pieces are now coated with acid and other enzymes only the upper film as acid and enzymes wont be able to penetrate fully, this is pushed down to small intestine, what ever is covered with these enzymes and acid is digested by intestine which is not coated, converts into sludge and becomes sticky and fermentation start, now you feel bolted and the byproducts of this process is absorbed by intestine this product turn into bad cholesterol and your triglycerides levels increases. Slowly and gradually as years passes it makes your blood thicker.

First thing will happen that there will always be a possibility that you start depositing fats in body, as you body feels that you are not getting proper nutrients from your food, so to cope up any emergency situation you body go into survival mode and start depositing fat for future. How hard you exercise it will come back or even do fasting, to control it also wont help, as thousand of thousand people have tried these with same result, back to same weight or more weight within few months.

Your blood become thicker your heart is working harder to push this blood around the body, and entire chemistry of your blood start changing, cellular level changes start, as fat start depositing around them, you may become diabetic type II by age of 30 years ( its just average age taken may be les or more) or even high blood pressure these two are the common modern life style diseases.

As the process further go on after dumping bad cholesterol at cellular level, when no places is left start increasing in vanes and arteries and start sticking to inner linings of arteries and they start narrowing down since heart arteries are very thin, it effects the heart function most and you can get a heart blockage or heart attack, doctors will insert a stunt in your arteries. Do you feel it is a cure? No way. It only gives you a temporary relief for few months or years and again you can have same problem. No one in this world wants to get sick but still most of us are getting sicker and sicker and it starts from our eating habits.

In the worst case your blood Ph value will change and this change in Ph value can damage cells at micro level and bone joints also and you may get arthritis as gift, due to high Ph level body cells damage start and uncontrolled cell growth start which we call cancer. (Acidity is first disease and cancer is last in the line of diseases of total no of ------)

Refined oil v/s non refined oil

Approximately over 100 million tons of edible oils are being consumed annually in India. That’s a lot of Oil.

The presence of toxins even in small quantities may have profound effect on the health and well-being of the common masses including me and you.

Most people believe that brands like Saffola and other refined oils are healthy for us, as they claim to reduce cholesterol. Below is a detailed process of how cooking oil is refined for you to decide if you still think it is healthy for you.


Oil refining is a process where crude oils; i.e. natural oils from vegetables are refined to remove any substances that may contribute to off flavor, off odor, undesirable color, or for keeping standardization, and standardization is required because if 100 million tons are being sold, there would be chaos at the supermarket if every bottle would be different in color and clarity as it is naturally supposed to be.

Step 1: “Washing” of oil using water, salts and acids in order to remove waxes, phosphates and other impurities.

Step 2: Oil undergoes a neutralization process. Alkali which is soap mixed with oil and heated to 180F. A separator then removes the soap from the oil.

Step 3: The oil is subjected to “physical” refinement to remove odor compounds by vacuum steam distillation process.

Step 4: Next the oil is subjected to cooling. By doing this, some fats will crystallize and are removed using filtration.

Step 5: The oil is then bleached. This process stabilized the oil. Bleaching involves using clay to remove color and impurities from the oil. Oil is bleached by heating it to 130F, and mixing with clay. The mixture is held for several minutes and then the hot oil is filtered from the clay and cooled.

Step 6: Hydrogenation process is completed by pumping pressurized hydrogen into an agitated tank filled with oil. This must be done in the presence of a catalyst metal, such as nickel. Hydrogenation is done at 204C and pressure of 60psig.

Do we want to be eating the end result of this rigorous procedure? It has already been the cause of much illness, continuing to eat this is to ask for irreversible damage to health.

Testing survey work carried out: This project was undertaken to spell out the heavy metal contamination in edible oils, especially the chemically processed ones like Hydrogenated vegetable oils & Refined oils. For example Nickel is used as a hydrogenating catalyst for hardening of vegetable oils. Nickel has adverse effect on Respiratory system, liver, skin, metabolism, interaction with DNA/RNA, crosses Placental barrier also carcinogenic action.

Popular brands of HVO viz. Rath, Ruchi,Gagan, Dalda, Panghat, Suhagin, No.1, Postman, Vital, Crystal, Saffola, Dalda refined, Dhara etc. were collected randomly from the local market belonging to different batch numbers and subjected to testing/screening for the presence of heavy metals.

Following the discovery of high nickel residual contents in the edible vegetable oils including hydrogenated vegetable oils, the Indian Prevention of Food Adulteration Act has been amended to incorporate the fixing of maximum upper limit of Nickel (1.5 ppm) in the vegetable oils. But please note, it’s still allowed and if it’s a small quantity it all eventually adds up!

Bottom line

Refining is accomplished with the addition of sodium hydroxide and temperatures around 450 degrees. The refined oil is not considered edible without further processing, such as filtration, deodorization, bleaching.

The process of refining oils is equivalent to the refining of whole wheat and whole sugar into white ones. In all cases, one takes a product full of natural vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other food factors and reduces the original natural food into a relative “nonfood”—devitalized, stripped.

Crude oils i.e. cold pressed Oil, retain their natural anti-oxidants; which contains all its natural vitamin A, all its natural vitamin E, all its natural lecithin, and all of the other natural food factors.

Refined oils find their way into the human food chain and become the raw material for every cell in your body. Countless diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, allergies, emphysema, stomach ulcers, premature aging, impotence, hypoglycemia and arthritis exist because chemically synthesized substances disrupt the bio-chemistry of hundreds of billions of microscopic living cells which make up the body.

The life of most cells is short; new cells are constantly being made to replace dead ones. The raw materials for this rebuilding come from the blood stream. When it contains toxins, the process of rebuilding cells is disrupted. Resistance to disease diminishes. If you have a genetic weakness and continue to eat refined oil, the cumulative effect of toxins will increase the risk of becoming a host to disease.

Eradicating every guilty pleasure in life is not the end goal here, nor is it a particularly realistic approach to making changes…we all enjoy the occasional pav bhaji, cheeseburger, fries, or bag of chips. But it’s important to understand the consequences of making what ought to be an occasional treat into your mainstay diet.

Opt for unrefined sesame or mustard oil when it comes to cooking . Make sure to not use Extra Virgin Olive oil for cooking as it has a low burn point.

OIL, SALT & SUGAR are basics that we all require and are important for good health. At least make sure these are natural and pure.

dustycloud profile image

convert to kala sanak or sendha namak or rock salt from white salt u will never get this problem of BP again

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