What is the effect of melatonin on blood su... - Diabetes India
What is the effect of melatonin on blood sugar?

Melatonin is indicated as an antioxidant. It decelerates ageing. Jet lag and insomnia are other indications of its use. So a person even if not insomniac, is benefitted by its routine use. In USA it is sold over the counter as a nutraceutical for routine use especially for people of both sexes esp above 45 yrs.
I am a diabetic and 73 yrs old and will like to knowt if melatonin has adverse effects on blood sugar.
Substituting beverages like coffee / regular tea with Green tea is a good ,cost effective and natural way of increasing the intake of antioxidants .Green tea contains EGCG ( Epi Gallo Catechin 3- Gallate ) which is a potent anti-oxidant ..ALA ( Alpha Lipoic Acid) is also another miracle nutrient .It recycles ant-oxidants and its efficacy manyfold.
I am sorry, indiacratus as I am inclined to agree with Medfree on the subject of melatonin.Most of the studies suggest that it does increase blood sugar level in diabetics as well as in healthy individuals ,though mechanism is not under stood.Even the persons who take this medicine are advised not to take it regularly.Actually it is a hormone secreted in brain during night time.Its supplementation is mainly used to regulate sleep pattetern.
Hey Boss, quite an interesting reply.
Dear friend,as the query was very specific so I did not dwell upon its uses in psychiatry,depression or even as an oxidant.I am a man with afew words only ,so do not divert from the main topic.
You have mentioned that I am a religious person.You must have read the communication with medfree.Many times I wonder what is religion and what is the meaning of being religious.
Friend, I am in preparation to move,so I will not be able to devote much time for at least one week or so.
Thanks for every thing you said about me.
Google this: Acute Melatonin Administration in Humans Impairs Glucose Tolerance in Both the Morning and Evening