Please help me
Fasting sugar 150 & Post sugar 180 but HB1A... - Diabetes India
Fasting sugar 150 & Post sugar 180 but HB1AC is 5.6 (normal). Do i am diabetics?

Better do the Hb1Ac n a reputed lab...
HB!Ac is average of 3 months. The former results depend upon what you ate the previous night and last few days. May be u had been enjoying more than what yr pancreas can tolereate. Take it easy dude before u screw up yr pancreas and HB1AC readings.
You must have been taking lots of sweets lately, going to weddings/parties and over indulging
Your FBS & PPS are inconsistent with your hb1ac. Please recheck your levels again and in a reputed lab. Fasting sugar of 150 is definitely a marker of diabetes, while 180 PP is somehow acceptable, though it is high by acceptable standards. Your average blood glucose based on extrapolated figure is calculated by me as 150 +/-5 & therefore your hba1c should be in the range of 6.7 to 7 & not 5.6 as stated. Kindly get yourself examined in a good reputed lab.
5.6 A1c indicates normal ,but the FBS is not normal you have to the family doctor,he will guide you,I think you need lifestyle modification ,and other advises
Please heed to what your wishers on this forum are saying.They are always right.I want to know just nor thing,did you have frequent attacks of hypoglycaemia in last two month prior to hba1c test?
Your HBA1C readings suggests may be you are non-diabetic. Your FBS and PLBS are higher side but.
Pl re check. At these nos you cannot be 5.6
You have Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Which a pre-diabetic condition. Please get Fasting Insulin level and Lipid profile done.
Pl go in for GTT i.e. glucose Tolerence Test, and modify your lifestyle.
Better to have Glucose Tolerance Test along with Urine tests to exclude DM.
you rare a pre diabetic.That means-your blood sugar levels are above normal but does not require drug treat ment.
1-IF anybody blood related in your family has diabetes.if so you may also develop
2-check sugar again at one month interval.
3-highly right time for exercise(if you have not started)and diet modification
Don't worry, sometimes FBS and Post Sugar goes up due to the previous day night meals , check after one week, if FBS is high , better monitor for one month and if continues the same range better meet a doctor otherwise you are not a diabetic
Please get glucose tolerance test I will fully agree with Dr arun has said
Definitely, you are diabetic-2 type. You have not mentioned your age. Sometimes, it happens that the person is a diabetic, but he is not aware of. Since it is within controlled limit, try to medicate and show to any diabetician and do as per doctor's advice.
GTT can give conclusive evidence of your D!
You are OK. please download the free-book from and read it.
Hello Brother
You have to Monitor as below:
HB A!C reading is the Authentic for deciding the prevalence of Diabetes.
your Fasting & PP readings depend on the carbohydrate intake and the Hours of Fasting
Fasting reading generally after fasting 8to 10 hrs & Hb A!C every 3 months.
Have you consulted any Endo chrinologist.
Fasting and P P levels are high but HB1AC is normal but u are diabetic, pse take fiber rich diet with coarse grain bread , fengu greek seeds soaked in water over night and taken early morning, reduces the level of blood sugar but precaution is necessary.
I am 70 year old. My blood sugar levels (140/170) are of same level as mentioned by you. As per our doctors, we must try to control levels WITHOUT MEDICINE by walking, Yoga, reducing sugar intake to zero (minimum), reducing intake of rice and other carbohydrates, increasing fiber etc. Medicine may be introduced when post postprandial value crosses 200.
Please keep a check by repeat samples at least once in 4-6 months. There is no immediate concern.
HB1Ac result mentioned by you MAY not be right. Next sampling will clear the doubt.