Fasting sugar around 150 but other time wit... - Diabetes India
Fasting sugar around 150 but other time within 120, how to reduce fasting sugar. morning walking about 4 to 5 km is regular almost all days.

Do yoga daily. Join art of living course,.Use ayurvedic medicines.Continue walking daily
try to take the first dose of oral pills as soon as you are up and about to start your regular work
Your diet & medicine administration appears to be improper.
Why don't you, continuing present medication, try Long Wheat Mash Diet? Details are available at
* Do not consume food after 6:00 pm.
* Eat less food more times in a day.
* Avoid bakery foods.
I assume your fasting blood sugar is the test that you take in the morning after waking up. If it is high at 150, then walking with high BS is strictly not recommended.
Like me, you probably suffer from Dawn Phenomenon or Liver Dump. I have yet to find a way to counter this problem. If I do, I will post.
I too have normal blood sugar at all other times of the day, including after meals.
Maybe, you could try walking after dinner (night meal) instead of in the morning and see whether it makes any difference. If it does, please post here. I will then try the same
Or perhaps Somogyi effect.
In my case, reducing the medicines at night, was helpful.
Perhaps the discussion in this thread might be helpful.
Thanks, Recyan.
I went through the discussion. I do not take ANY medicines whatsoever. Sooo, the question of reducing or increasing "medicines" doesn't arise.
I have cut down drastically on carbs and hardly eat any for dinner.
I finish eating by 8pm latest. Earlier I used to finish eating by 7pm but have extended it a bit because of the long gap between dinner and breakfast.
Finally, no I do not suffer from the Somogyi effect. Mine is the Dawn Phenomenon for sure.
My only concern is : Is it bad for me to have high blood sugar for a few hours in the early morning ??? And, if yes, then how to solve this problem preferably without resorting to drugs or insulin or quackery in various forms ???
Cheers !!
Really great to hear that you r managing to control, without medicines.
Hope I manage to reach your stage soon.
As far as, your question
" it is bad to have high blood sugar for a few hours in the morning ",
you could check your sugar 2 hours after having dinner, in case you have not already done so. If that within the normal range, then I guess, one needs to find out, at what point in the early morning, the dawn phenomenon begins for one-self. At that point or a little before that, supplying the body with food input (breakfast), perhaps should help.
From what I have heard, It is also the spikes / surges in sugar level, that is supposed to be dangerous to the organs.
There are 2 things that I have heard, that helps in controlling morning sugar for some.
1) After 15 mins of Dinner, having a walk for 15-30 mins.
2) Having a snack ( a piece of cheese or almonds, for some or a little bit of carbs) just before going to bed.
Since you are on a LC Diet, would suggest reading up on Dr Bernstein's - Diabetes Solution, in case you have not done so.
I have tried snacking before bed, eating at 3 am in the morning and unfortunately absolutely no effect.
I have also read Dr. Bernstein's book and he offers no solutions for my case.
The ONLY thing I haven't tried is walking after dinner. Perhaps, I should try that (walking after dinner) for a week or so and see whether it has an any effect.
Thanks and best regards.
If the walking does not help, you could experiment with weight resistance exercises in the evening (Dr Bernstein has touched on this in his book, albeit very briefly. I almost missed it. while reading). If nearby gym is not available, you could take a look at push-ups, pull-ups, squats and plank exercises, which can be done in the home itself.
Thanks & Here's hoping to a quick control for all of us.
Thanks, Recyan, much obliged.

I am also facing the same problem for the last 10 years. Morning @3 am BS is in the range of 100-110 and immediately after wake up (@ 5.0 am) it is between 120-130 then again increasing to 150. Two hrs after breakfast (@ 7.00 am) it will be less than 140. Rest of the day also it will be in the normal range.
I am not taking any type of medicine (although doctors prescribed some medicine since my fasting BS is 140-150) – I don’t have the habit of overeating –always take homemade food - doing regular exercise (in the morning – 45 mts) and evening walk (45 mts). I used to have dinner between 7.00 and 8.00 pm and go to bed @10.00pm. I tried different types of food for my dinner and even tried walking 20 mts after dinner but not able to control the morning sugar level. Recently I have switched to LCHF food – I couldn’t see much improvement in fasting BS.
Exactly the same problem with me. I agree LCHF doesn't seem to help this Dawn Effect. I am thinking of consulting a specialist in diabetology. If I do, I will post here what he/she recommends.
At 8.00am you take a tablet - diapride 2 mg,then at 8.30am you take four chappathis,At 2pm,vegetable food and then at 8.00pm,you take same tablet , at 8.30 pm take four chappathis,follow this for one week, You will have better result. Compulsory walking for 5 kms is a must between 5.30 am to 6.30am