It is also said to remove blockages if any.How far it is correct. IS THERE A SIMPLE SOLUTION FOR AVOIDING BLOCKAGES AND GOOD FOR HEART, because almost all diabetics have chances of blockage in the arteries.Hope there is a better and simple solution for this since most of the supplements are very costly for a middle class person.I seek advice in this regard by learned people in the forum.
I have been reading about health supplement... - Diabetes India
I have been reading about health supplements, in particular SALMON FISH OIL to be rich in omega 3 and good for heart .

You can find very good quality Omega3 from ForeverLiving Products.
There is no match to this product and it is the purest Omega3 you can ever find. This extracted from fish from Arctic Sea.
Not Understood. Pl explain in details with name of products.
Dear sir , there are products like SALMON FISH OIL marketed by different companies who claim it to be heart friendly &removes blockages if any.Normally as one ages blockage of arteries are common and in particular a diabetic.Normally blockage up to 75%is okay more than that is risky.My question is omega3 is available in other products like palak, and flax seed.Hope this clarifies.
Don't fall into the trap of Omega-3 oils and salmon oil, herbal extracts etc. As rightly pointed out, they are quite expensive for common middle class. All food supplements are expensive as the manufacturer is not selling you a product for your health benefit, but taking advantages of your laziness and fear. To control cholesterol better, just start taking two or three pods of garlic early morning with a small bowl of overnight soaked desi chana/ Bengal gram. If possible, then soak the chana in silver bowl overnight. This should be simple & do report back on this forum after two months your progress.
Blockages gets aggravated in case of diabetics for their food and life style problems, like rich food and smoking. So if you can avoid them and lead a disciplined life, you have won the battle.
Cheap and best natural supplement will be palak juice one glass per day for omega 3 supplement. Also drink a glass of dried anardana juice two glasses ever day for one year. To make one glass of anardana juice boil one glass of water , add some anardana and boil like making of tea. strain and drink while hot.
I am diabetic since 1998. I have undergone Angioplasty in the year 2003 & it was a failure in 2004. The Doctors has advised either to go for By-pass or 2 Stents.. After Angioplasty failure I have tried alternative medicine that is CHELATION THERAPY. It is approved one. You can see in the net chelation therapy. The blocks are cleared. Sugar levels are almost within normal range. The cost varies from one to centre to other. In Hyderabad they charge Rs2000/- per dose. The doseage depends on the patient condition. Any person can take this to have good health since it will remove all toxins from brain to toe.All the dead cells will be rejunivated and immune system will improve. For blocks this is 100% sure that it will get cleared. Many centre have come up in every city nowadays. Mangalore, Bangalore, pune, Hubli Mumbai, sholapur etc. many centres are there. If you have any doubts & want further clarification you may be free to call me on 09000418552 or call my Doctor Saxena on 09849017813.
Try Mustard oil or Olive oil cooking. Also take 75 mg Aspirin daily. To avoid clotting.
it is essential to keep cholesterol and other blood lipids at normal or below normal.
Avoid too much fried foods. Be active is essential
just by ALSI (FLAXSEEDS) crush urself to powder , mix it with water and drink. One need to take about 250 gm in week / 1 kg in month things will change sure to drink atleast 2 glass water each time u consume flaxseed powder