Is it helpful to keep a glucometer like acc... - Diabetes India
Is it helpful to keep a glucometer like accucheck or touchplus etc with me for timely monitoring of BS level

It is certainly very useful to keep track of the trends in sugar levels,particularly when you are newly diagnosed.It will help the doctor also to adjust the medications.You should keep a record of all the tests made at home and show it to the doctor when you go for quarterly check up.

Yes. I concur with this.
Which one is the best glucometer?
yes, keeping a Glucometer is very helpful in keeping a track of Blood sugar for people diagnosed with diabetes.
with the help of this you can track
-variation in BS level at different times ie Fasting, PP , after lunch, Random (evening) etc.
-your diets like whenever you eat some new dish, just check after two hrs the BS level and u will get the idea what effects that food has on yr BS level.
- you can make a list of items you can eat and define of qty and frequency of that food..
- Even you can decide timing of your workout based on your daily before using this I used to take walk in morning but my BS was never good in morning but when I started noting down the BS I realized that MY BS is good in evening and increases in morning... I switched to evening walk after one hour of taking dinner, and the results are wonderful..
-Every time you take a reading , note it down with time and date...
this will be very helpful..I have been benefited a lot by using this.. my HBA1C has been in range of 6.1-6.4 with the same amount of Insulin .. for the last 2 yrs(checked quarterly)...earlier it was above 8 and even touched 10.1....
So go ahead ...
Much easier is to use a continues blood glucose moniter which gives blood glucose value every 5 minutes and graphsthe trend for you and shows the graph on the screen as well records the values which then can be uploaded to your computer and or forwarded to your doctor.
for more information:
Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycemia is mostly prevailing complication in DM. Sine Hypoglycemia is more dangerous , so it is advisable to keep with. whenever it may prevail , have a check & take sugar instantly. in routine it also guides for intake.
marsh9 where is available this dexcom blood glucose meter in India especially north India In Punjab
Of course, it is useful to keep glucometer handy if one is already diagnosed diabetic. As for me I use one touch ultra once in a month and one touch classic once in a week. This is mainly because one touch ultra keeps 60 reading record with time and date where as one touch classic gives the previous reading only. I also do random check specially if I had heavy meal, for e.g. marriage or other similar functions and take medication as required.
A Diabetic living modern life without a Glucometer is worse off then a person without his/her spectacles. Sometimes i check 3 times in a day. Knowledge is power and without monitoring you cannot maintain control. I am a bit curious, what did yr doctor tell you?

I havent yet asked him. I check it in path lab at regular interval. Pl suggest which brand is the best?
I am using rite check glucometer, Once in 15 days, it is atpresent in the level - fasting-120,pp-140 random -180, I have been taking alopathy medicine for the past 7 years - diapride-2 mg both in the morning and night before tiffin and meals and my experience for these years , the bs level had never come down from 260. now i am taking ayurvedic,siddhatype medicine- now present level fasting 120-pp-140, do you agree with me?
Can you pls tell us more about your Ayurvedic Sidha treatment as what you achieved is a near miracle.

daily halfanhour before tiffin- 1/2 spoon sarkaraikolli niralevu chooranam in the night same is to be followed; then prepare a solution at present i donot know how to express in english-now i am telling in my regional language Tamil - take 1/2 kg of dhania seed make powder after heating the same; 1/4 kg of meti seed and make power after heating the same. now mix both powders; then boil two teaspoons of mixed powder in three tumbler of water'; boil in water and make concentrate till mixture become one tumbler; then warm the same and take this water; three times daily one small tumbler before diffin inthe morning; evening; night; in addition to this I took the alophic medicine diapride-2 mg both in the morning and night before tiffin and meals,as advised by the doctors. now gradually i have started reducing dosage i.e. diapride 1 mg both in thje morning and night you see the next effect afater a month. only a thing to be borne in the might , my weight has been reduced from 62 kgs to 58 kgs.
I am also using glycometer to check BS once in 15days . I am taking Galvus 50 in the morning and Melmet 500 during night before dinner. I am also taking ayurvedic medicine 2 times. Presently my BS is normal and HBA1C is 6.4. I am 61 years old and taking allopathic medicines for the last 2 years. Recntly only I started Ayurvedic medicine alongwith allopathic medicine. Hence I fully support bindhu
Only when you are travelling.
Yes. Because one can adjust the diet etc. depending on the readings that it gives.
Please don't waste ur money , it will become phobia . I know a young man who wastes 25k in. A month trying to do research, he became mentally sick . Your whole life will be wasted since your mind will make you to check, sure your sugar level will not be as you wanted. Please understand direct carbo in any form rice, sugar etc is the only cause for shooting up sugar, hence avoid direct carbo. Live with vegetables except starch vegetables such as potato etc, regular exercise, will keep your BS in the range below 150 with normal dose of medicine, which you can dispense with once you gIn the confidence
not agereed by your version. Check level once in a week not daily or so many times in a day. Agreed with that it may create some tense but for betterment .
I completely agree with you Mr. C. Dear friends, let us not get obsessed with the disease, other wise we may also loose our mental stability as Chinnamanur mentioned. I used to check 3 times a day till my doctor advised me not to be too anxious about it but live a normal balanced life.
Diabetes 2 is a disorder associated with lesser secretion of insulin. It is not a diesease. Hence medicines burn the carbo inside the stomach or some of them whip the pancreas. The best method don't eat direct carbo. Let us understand the facts, for any person our ONE gallon of blood can carry ONE Tea spoon of sugar, in normal person in a thre hours time they are stored in liver for later use. It does not happen in diabetic cases. U can't achieve ideal 80-120 levels, even u take medicines. In diabetics , blood stores excess non converted sugar in the blood vessels, shoulders, even In penis. If u r a diabetic, you should do weight training to burn all the storages of auger first, stick to Spartan food habits . Guys, diabetics 2 is blessing In disguise, u by virtue has become a saint, environmentalist , handsome with no fats in the body, you will lead a beautiful life. When u have butter do you look for ghee
Yes it is very helpful to monitor your sugar level. Its better to keep the watch on Fasting sugar.
I already warned RIKEN81 on some other post some days ago, but he is persistent in doing his business here.
I along with Medfree, once wrote to the organisers about one Robert 797 who was doing brisk business here fooling people. The next day he was not to be seen. His posts were removed.