What is the ideal target or normal level of... - Diabetes India
What is the ideal target or normal level of HbA1C to be maintained by a diabetic patient?

Upto 7 is acceptable but ideally you should aim to hit 6.Some gentlemen advocate even lower figure like 5.4 but risk of hypoglycemia should be kept in mind.

Thank you because my HbA1C is 5.6. I don't take any medicine for controlling my blood sugar but maintain strict sugar free diet. I have not tasted sugar for last 2 years in my tea. I mainly take bitter vegetables like bitter gourd. But I do have issues with my digestion always gas and acidity.
For a non diabetic your level is fine because you have no fear of hypoglycemia.Please keep it up.For acidity and gas,I use Rantac tablets whicch I will be needing occasionally.
The International Diabetes Federation and American College of Endocrinology recommend HbA1c values below 48 mmol/mol (6.5%), while American Diabetes Association recommends that the HbA1c be below 53 mmol/mol (7.0%) for most patients.
Actually, I regularly checked my blood but luckily my diabetes has not yet returned but my younger brother who is doctor MD in pulmonary medicine told me that once a diabetic is always a diabetic. He could be true,because of late my blood pressure systolic shot up to 150 and diastolic is 90. Inspite of so much reluctance, I have no choice but to take medicine of 40mg for maintaining my normal blood pressure. So, practically a normal diet is a distant dream for me. I am also having 1st stage fatty liver disease, but I could not understand why there is so much problem with my digestion. I am now taking Liv52 DS for last 6 month. However, its so nice people around are lending support and encouragement. But, my advise, don't be off guard, take care. So that you can travel many more miles in your life journey.
Could you suggest any diet plan? Actually, Last year I went to Apollo Hospital, Chennai and got colonoscopy done and took treatment under a gastroenterologist but everything was normal. But my stool is never fresh. Liver function test is also perfect. But I found that if I take any milk, poultry meat, fried vegetables and fish. Then my stool is not fresh. Lots of mucus. Yes you are right, I am very depressed, because inspite of all effort, doctors cannot diagnose what problem I am having.
Thanks for your positive suggestion. Since, I am not diabetic now. I shall once again take all these foods.
You see rice, wheat, potato, tapioca, beet root etc give not only starch/glucose but also an unknown number & type of other micro nutrients. (That is why there are different varieties of those things with different size, different color, different taste, different odor etc)By avoiding rice, wheat etc we will be inadvertently avoiding those things & that also may be a cause of your problems. So you have to restart small quantities of those also.
upto 7 is considered as well controlled.never try to go below 5..its dangerous