What is TINOSPORA TUBERCULATA ? Where avail... - Diabetes India

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What is TINOSPORA TUBERCULATA ? Where available ?How to use?Full information pl.

Ameerpet profile image
19 Replies

My grand daughter of 16yrs old has Type 1 diabetes.She is in USA . Please furnish full information about TINOSPORA

TUBERCULATA.Its name in Telugu ?

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Ameerpet profile image
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19 Replies

Diabetes TYpe 1 cannot be cured by this. I heard pumpkin juice helps type-1 diabetics a lot in type 1 ( not so much in type2) search and try. it can help but not cure. Also Karela juice supposed to hv plant insulin. Pls consult and do not take chance.

Ameerpet profile image

Miss.Radha disowns the information.This could be business promoting event.Ramachandran should not mislead the public without proper knowledge/information

Ramchandran profile image
Ramchandran in reply toAmeerpet

She told me she got it from her Agri.Land. There is no business. She is from Andhra, you asked the name in Telugu, so I directed you to her. Any way I can suggest the name in Hindi,sanskrit, English etc. Malayalam = Amrut or Chitamrut, English Tinospora Cordifolia, Hindi=Giloy, Goduchhi, Tamil = Eenchil Kodi. Ask somebody who may be knowing Tamil & Telugu you will get the answer. Or refer English-Telugu Dictionary. There are thousands of ways to understand a thing in this world, instead of blaming somebody without effective efforts. Why did you mention 'Business' in this matter I do not know. Anyway thanks.

You can ask local Ayurvedic fellows who may have this. Somebody say it 'sugarvalli', Amrut and Giloy is very common name. Guduchhi also is hindi name. Check for Guduchhi, which Available by search in EBay,Google,many other Indian herbal exporters, I think "IndiaMart.com" , "HerbalIndia.com" etc.are very famous.mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?s...

go this site and search for Tinospora Cordifolia.


Ameerpet profile image
Ameerpet in reply toRamchandran

She told that you sold some medicine to her uncle which is useless.

Ramchandran profile image
Ramchandran in reply toAmeerpet

That I do not know. I have send this to many, gave free to many. It is not useless.I cures many. I am living example. I am very much relived now, like many. By the way I am not selling. I advice to collect it by your efforts only from your surrounding. If not possible, I have contact, in Mumbai and Kerala, who is collecting this and sending by corrier. So the expense is to be recovered no? It is helping people. Many people I am giving free, even in Riyadh, I have some, I give free to friends and some poor people.

ssampath profile image
ssampath in reply toRamchandran

can you send it to me and i will bear the expenses and even prepared to send the money in advance as i am pretty old and retired and has both sinus and diabetic type 2 .i shall get my address also if you are prepared contact me and my phone no is

044 4266 8417

K.Srinivasa Raghavan.

Ramchandran profile image
Ramchandran in reply tossampath

Hi Sampath

My mail id is vkramc2011@gmail.com

First of all I want create awareness abt this medicine/cure which is quite natural. You need not spend a fortune for that. Humanity is more than sufficient+plus few bucks a courrier charges. If you can go collect it directly from my place, ask for free.My number is +966561154859


bipulbhattacharyya profile image
bipulbhattacharyya in reply toRamchandran

can you pl. send it to me and i will bear the expenses as I am unable to find the same in my native place. Pl. mail me at bhattabipul1969@gmail.com or call me in 91-8011004269

vikramaditya profile image
vikramaditya in reply toRamchandran

Hari Prakash Sharma

Ramchandran, Let me have the full procedure of using giloy or gudchhi . I and my daughter are both suffering from Dibetese. My e mail address is hariparkash1@gmail.com. i will be thankful to you.

aswini profile image

Tinospora Tuberculata in telugu it is called TippaTeega (This I have collected from English-Telugu dictionery)

Ramchandran profile image
Ramchandran in reply toaswini

Hi Thanks. You relived me v.much. One of the member asked me this name. I gave her another's contact number (I should not have done), who got this medicine as per the photos given to her. She was smart to collect it from her agri.land. But I was blamed for misinformation and doing business by some person. I think this reply will help her also.

veerendras profile image

I dont know why the things being taken personal:In this forum every body wants to know the experiences on any kind of medicine (Modern-Homoeo-Ayur) In side heart every body wants to know and want to use :if some one wants to know the source _if some one provides the informations others objects

Example - Tinospora < inside every body wants to know the availability- and he is ready to pay 200 Rs for that he will spent another 200 for searching (Transportation charges ahead)- if if some one delivers through courier by 300 > why one should feel bad

Medicine is such a thing Tinospora may not be effective on One butt may be Amrit for others

Such Objection raising people not only try to eliminate the person in forum by making complaints but also are responsible personally >> because of their act One in need expected to get controll suffering continues since could not source it




satishgoel profile image

giloy pills is available at ramdev;s patanjali yogapeeth shops also

rateeva6 profile image

Dr. Yerchuri, a great Ayurvedic and Nature cure physician who gives regular tips on various health problems in Zee TV Telugu channel advocated consumption of this TIPPA TEEGA LEAVES (Giloy leaves) for effective control of blood sugar. Though I couldn't lay my hands on these leaves, I got the same in powder form from a Nature cure medicine shop. I consumed just for a day and the reaction for me was horrible with loose motions and very severe headache. Those who can withstand may try.

sn_verma25 profile image

I would like to share my experience to the members of this group . I was hospitalised when type 2 Diabetes was diagnosed. Doctor managed my sugar level by injecting insulin. Sugar level was examined 4 times daily. Finally I was advised to take 18 units 30/70 insulin daily . Sugar level was controlled and at present I am taking one tablet of Metformin daily.

When I was in the hospital I met one patient who was suffering from diabetes and doctor was unable to control his sugar level. He told me that insulin is resistant because for the last 6 months he was taking Aurvedic and other herbal things . That treatment temporally give him relief but after sometimes he felt some problems and ultimately he was hospitalised.

The best medicine to control diabetes is insulin and in case it becomes resistant it would be very difficult save the life of patient. It would also be difficult to go for surgery in case of need. Doctors also advised not to discontinue the medicine prescribed without consultation.

Certainly there are many herbs which can reduce sugar level, but these are not properly examined and quantity, quality and side effects are not recorded. In case of insulin we can measured it in units but juice of herbs can't be measured in units.

It is my personal view. I never use herbal medicine and advised my friends and relatives not to depends on any Aurvedic/ Herbal tips to control diabetes.

psnbsm profile image

Bengali name

satvikgkp profile image


Is for effective in type2 daibetes.

shajiaeral profile image


How it uses?


Use it in a natural way for fast cure

The 2 cm long fresh stem squeeze and put inside a glass of pure drinking water at 6 PM and next morning at 6 drink the water with empty stomach and same time at 6 AM put another 2 cm stem squeeze and put in a glass of water and use it at 6PM and repeat the same action for few days. Every two days check your sugar count and adjust with your other diabetic’s medicines and dose of insulin.



Tinospora tuberculata


Tinospora tuberculata is a climbing shrub of the Menispermaceae family. The young shoots are glabrous while the older ones are with warted barks. The leaves are membranous, glabrous, ovate-cordate, entire or repand, and sometime subsagittate. The length of the blade is 5-15 cm long, breath is 2.5-10 cm and the petiole measures 2.5-7.5 cm long. The racemes is 10-20 cm on the old wood, solitary or fascicled. There are 2 – 3 flowers in the axils of ovate bracts 3 mm long, campanulate and green. The stamens are adnate to the base of the petals and anthers are quadrate. The drupe are elliptic-oblong in shape, pale yellow in colour measuring 3.5 cm long or less.

Plant Part Used

Dried stem

Chemical Constituents

Berberine, Boraperoside A – F (Furanoid diterpene glycoside), Columbine, Jatrorrhizine, Lysicamine, N-trans-Feruloyltyramine, N-acetylnornuciferine, N-acetylnornuciferin, N-cis-Feruloyltyramine, N-formylnornuciferine, N-Formylannonaine, N-formylnornuciferine Palmatine, Picroretine, Picroretoside[3], Rumphioside A - F (Clerodane diterpene glucosides, Secoisolariciresinol, Syringin, Tembetrazine, Tinotufolin, Vanillin

Traditional Used:

Recently this plant has been promoted for the treatment diabetes and hypertension and is being sold in markets in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan. Similar use has been documented in Brunei. The plant has been advocated in the treatment of various forms of fever including those associated with jaundice or liver. As a febrifuge a decoction of the stem is prepared and given to the patient to drink. It is also used in the treatment of malaria. In India it is considered as a powerful febrifugeboiled dried stem is also used to treat rheumatism and to treat different inflammatory conditions like ophthalmia, syphilis, gonorrhea, small pox and venomous bites including snakebites. In various skin afflictions, a decoction of the stem is used as a wound cleanser and had been shown to effectively initiate healing of syphilitic ulcers, sores, smallpox and infected wounds.In some cases crushed leaves are used as poultice as an aid to wound healing. The same is used to ally pruritus. The decoction of T. tuberculata is considered an emetic and at the same time an appetite stimulant based on the concentration of the decoction given. High doses acts as emetic while low doses can act as a bitter appetite stimulant. The same decoction is applied as a vermifuge. An infusion of the whole plant is used in the treatment of cholera. A lotion of the stem applied on the body acts as a vermifuge and prevents mosquitoes from biting. Necklace made of bits of the stem is supposed to cure jaundice by the Indians while the same is used to remove worms amongst the Malays. A little of the juice is applied to the nipples as an act of weaning of a child.

Anti-oxidant activity

From the CH2Cl2 extract of Tinospora cripa (synonym of T.tuberculata), 3 compounds were found to exhibit antioxidant and radical scavenging activities towards b-carotene and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. These compounds are N-cis-feruloyltyramine, N-trans-feruloyltyramine and secoisolariciresinol. They prove to be more active than the synthetic antioxidant butylhydroxytoluene.

Cardiotonic activity

Two triterpenes isolated from the stem of T. crispa i.e. cycloeucalenol and cycloeucalenone, showed mild cardiotonic effects. The former showed slight increase in the right atrial contraction force where it showed an initial reduction followed by sustained reduction of about 10% on the left atria of the rat in vitro. Cycloeucalenone on the other hand showed only slight change from the control of right and left atrial contraction force. In a preliminary screening of the chloroform extract of Tinospora crispa it was demonstrated that it has potent cardiovascular activity.

Antimicrobial activity

The aqueous extract of the stem of T. crispa showed significant inhibitory activity against adult worms of subperiodic Brugia malayi in vitro.

In a study to evaluate the efficacy of traditional remedies for malaria in the French Guiana it was confirmed that the one containing T. crispa was able to inhibit more than 50% of the parasitic growth in vivo. [20] In a study done in Thailand it was found that the crude extract of Tinospora crispa possesses antimalarial activity in a dose dependant manner against Plasmodium yoelii.

Three different extracts of T. crispa were tested for their antibacterial activities against the following bacteria Gram positive (Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Stretococcus pneumoniae and Clostridium diphtheriae) and Gram negative (Shigella flexneri, Salmonella typhi, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia coli) bacteria using the in vitro disc diffusion methods. The results showed that the aqueous extracts at all concentrations was active against S. pneumoniae and C. diphtheriae but show an activity against E. coli at the concentrations of 50% and above. The ethanol extract was active against S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, C. diphtheriae and S. flexneri at all concentrations while the chloroform extracts was able to inhibit the growth of E. coli at concentrations above 50%.

Anti-inflammatory activity

Various extracts of T. crispus has shown inhibitory effects on inflammation induced by carragineen on rat’s foot pad. The most effective extract was the n-butanol soluble fraction given orally. Similar effects were also illicited when the extract was give subcutaneously and intraperitoneally. When given intravenously it also reduced LPS-induced fever in rabbits.

Antidiabetic activity

The decoction of the stem of T. cripa has been used to treat diabetes by various communities in South east Asia. A series of studies had been done by various researchers on the hypoglycaemic properties of this plants.

The first study demonstrated that water extracts of the stem of T. crispa indeed has hypoglycaemic properties by stimulating the release of insulin from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans.

They continued further the illicit the probable mechanism T. crispa extract’s insulinotropic activity. They found that the extract sensitizes the b-cel to extracellular Ca2+ and promotes intracellular Ca2+ accumulation which in turns causes increased insulin release. This increase of intracellular Ca2+ is due to stimulation of Ca2+ uptake from extracellular medicu and inhibition of Ca2+ efflux from the cytosol. This physiological effect suggests that the extract contains an insulin scretagogues with potential of being developed into an oral hypoglycaemic agent for treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

Further research was done to seek other pharmacological characterization of the antihyperglycaemic properties of T. cripa extract. The result showed that the hypoglycaemic effects was not due to its interference in intestinal glucose absorption or uptake of sugar into peripheral cells.

A recent research done to further understand the effects of aqueous extracts of T. crispa on glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle. In this research it was found that the extract enhances glucose transport of L6 myotubes in an insulin-independent pathway in a time and dose dependent manner.

Clinical Trials

A controlled clinical trial on the efficacy of powdered encapsulated T. crispa was done. Twenty diabetic who were resistant to modern therapy were recruited and given the 1g capsule of powdered T. crispa for a total of six months. The results did not show any improvement in their diabetic status. However, two developed marked rise in liver enzymes which returned to normal upon withdrawal of the treatment. Patients on T. crispa capsules also showed weight reduction and elevated cholesterol levels. It was concluded that capsules of powdered T. crispa in a dose of 3g per day did not help in improving diabetes.

Adverse Effects in Human:

The plant may result in an increase risk of hepatic dysfunction due to marked increase in liver enzymes as evidenced amongst patients in one clinical trial to test its efficacy as an adjuvant to diabetic therapy. This is however reversible upon discontinuation of the drug.


shajiaeral profile image


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