Is there a way to increase the weight ? If... - Diabetes India
Is there a way to increase the weight ? If yes, what is the methodology.?

High protein diet and exercise,preferably under guidance are the safe remedies.There are certain drugs like anabolic steroids,cyproheptadine etc,but they are better avoided.
Weight is determined to some extent by heredity as such even above methods have limitations.
Saw your spread sheet readings. Your PP sugar not in control. Last 2 readings of FBS also above limits. Pl take care
Thankyou vey much for the good advise. Taking in to consideration about the lean muscle mass, your suggestion is reasonable well said as we are already in the frying pan!! ( senior diabetics). As per the calary calculation to build lean mass, instead of gaining a pound of lean muscle lets get satisfied for a half a pound of lean muscle. there by the count will be 10 kcalories per day. In order to achieve this what kind of natural food in take will be helpful and the time of having the same. Please sugesst. ThankQ.