Sir ,which parts are mostly damaged by diab... - Diabetes India
Sir ,which parts are mostly damaged by diabetes

parts are not damaged immediatly but in due course of time 10 years to 25 years depending on the rang of sugar.all important parts.
Hi Sanwaria, Any or all parts of the body, where through very small bore capillery blood has to pass through will be affected, as blood with high viscosity can not flow properly. For exaple how the viscocity affects the flow, take a glass of water and feel the contents with your finger. Then add some( one or two spoon fulls) sugar and feel the contents again with your finger. you must ahve noticed that after adding sugar, the liquid has become more sticky, which thus will have more resistance to flow, especially through very small tubes.
The diamenter of arteries are 0.5-8.5mm ,veins are 0.5-2mm, capillaries are 0.0062mm (6.2 µm) = 6.2E-3. This shows that your cappilleries are 6/1000 of a mm. now think of how the syrupy liquid with sugar will pass through this tiny tube if the sugar is added. It is evident that liquid without sugar will easily flow and liquid with sugar will have difficulty and slowly those capilleries will be not functioning and the area will not be supplied with blood. This will continue if the sugar level is not corrected to haelthy values.
Areas which are affected first are, your retina, muscles, sex organs,haert, legs, skin, hearing etc.etc... Which means slowly all the body parts will be affecetd.
So excercise is most important to ensure that blood will continue to flow through all parts, contrlolling food is scecondary and third is medicine.
Hope I could expalin to your satisfaction.
BR Pillai
If the sugar levels are not controlled within limits,over a period of time all parts of the body get damaged.We should be particularly concerned about lungs,kidneys,liver,heart,eyes and feet because they do the heaviest duties in the body.Please open the link given below and watch some interesting videos on the subject.
Blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves, autonomic nervous system, skin, blood and connective tissues.
brain,vision,heart, kidney sexual organs are the most affected due to Diabetes.
First of all pancreas is affected and diabetics caused and consequently, rest of parts are affected
Controlling blood sugar level is should be a way of life in today's scenario whether you are diab or not. High CARBS, Fats and sugar are to be reduced in daily life. People diagnized as diabs should be more cautious regarding food. Regular exercise and avoiding mental pressure should be in-built in life.
Any body part at any moment may be damaged with persistent high blood sugar for longer duration.