I would like know the best medicine / treatment for URIC ACID. I am having pain and swelling on my right leg since 2 to 3 months and I am taking some allopathic medicines and some relief is there. But not completely cured. Uric acid test reading was 7 when it was taken last month. I am a diabetic person since 15 years and insulin dependent. Request for more information on this subject please.
What is the best medicine / treatment for U... - Diabetes India
What is the best medicine / treatment for Uric acid..?

Hyperuricemia (British English: hyperuricaemia) is a level of uric acid in the blood that is abnormally high. In humans, the upper end of the normal range is 360 µmol/L (6 mg/dL) for women and 400 µmol/L (6.8 mg/dL) for men.
Non-medication treatments for hyperuricemia include a low purine diet and a variety of dietary supplements. Treatment with lithium salts has been used as lithium improves uric acid solubility.
* Avoid consumption of alcohol.
* Reduce how many purine-rich foods you eat, especially anchovies, sardines, oils, herring, organ meat (liver, kidney, and sweetbreads), legumes (dried beans and peas), gravies, mushrooms, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, consommé, and baking or brewer's yeast.
* Limit how much meat you eat at each meal.
* Avoid fatty foods such as salad dressings, ice cream, and fried foods.
* Eat enough carbohydrates.
* If you are losing weight, lose it slowly. Quick weight loss may cause uric acid kidney stones to form.
Dear sir ,
You must cleansing ''insoluble toxins'' from your blood. uric acid will damage kidney. check your blood test. please remove toxins from your blood. ''kinotakara'' is the best toxin absorbent cal me 9600981882 for more details about KINOTAKARA .
Sir, I presently working at Muscat and it will be difficult for me to call you and explain. If possible explain through this site the details of KINOTAKARA, what is that, is it available in market (gulf region), how to take etc.etc. or my direct mail:sivagovind@yahoo.com
sir, i find some notes from net on Kinotakara Its a pad to be put below sole to de-toxin our body from environmental effluents. Just google Kinotakara and find out some points on it.
I dont know more about its effects.
any body knows about effective allopathic tab or capsule to control burning/needle type prickling sensation , sleepless night over this problem. I take Gabantin 400 , GLA M, , Galinerve M 75
twice a day. Any other substitute to overcome this problem. I have control over BSF varies 115/100 with insulin/medicines.
Now I have an information to share with you all. One of my relative informed me that drinking of Boiled water with Corriander Seeds will help a lot to reduce the pain and swelling. I used for nearly one week and I found very useful and effective. Now I have reduced pain and swelling.
many thanks for the valuable information, but you have not mentioned how much seeds in what quantity of water and what amount of the fluid so prepaired to be taken daily' pl. reply
The best medicine to lower the uric acid level is SANSAMNI VATI or Giloy Ghanvati . Avoid dairy products and dals in your diet. drink Plenty of water. and eat Dalia for at least 15 to 25 days only in your meals.
black berrys are best for reducing uric acid levels.
Take 3 tabs of sansamni Vati each in morning and at night before sleep. And chandraprabha vati tablet 3 times a days.
take reports of uric acid from laboratory after one month.
Drink one glass of water added with lime juice every morning.
Keep medication suggested for diabetes as prescribed by your doctor.
Please report me your development after taking this medicines.
What t the carbohydrate rich food particularly. Plz if u can suggest coz suffering a alot
your info is useful. Can u pls clarify if ur a qualified Doctor so that i can follow your advise. Reg, 9900118696
take tablet zyloric 100 mg 2 times a day & take lemon water to reduce uric acid,this will dissolve the knots formation in legs.
good luck
shailesh gang
ayurvedic treatment is best
1-kaishore guggulu 2-2 tab morning evening after meal
2-giloy juice by any compny 20 ml after meal
3-half lemon in 1 glass water in morning
4-alovera juice in morning before breakfast
5-fast walking in morning
RESULT you will feel heaven
Take 8 glass of water and no medicine. I have cured myself in 15 days but I am continuing taking water for the last one year.
there is treatment inhomeopathyto cure excess of ureic acid,contact a good homeopath.
I am vegetarian 34year old gout sufferer .By looking at most of posts and online research, i feel i have no food choice, what ever i try to eat either has CARBOHYDRATE , Purine, or protein. so what left other than Potato ! i am sick of this gout. when i avoid most of foods and i start loosing weight rapidly and suggestion is rapid weight loss can trigger gout.
Does Ayurveda medicines (kaishora guggulu) cure gout completely or we have to take them lifelong. any suggestion on Allopurinol?
If you are suffering from uric acid, then trust me i have tried this particular medicine chandraprabha vati and it worked for me pretty well!
If you don't know how to use it ,
you can follow this link : healthy-drinks.net/chandrap...