Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for January 2020

Dr. Paul Mason how lectins impact health, study on lectins showing that they went up the vagus nerve and caused Parkinson
akgirlsrock profile image

How many DatScans is too many?

Just concluded the Prothena Pasadena clinical trial which required a DatScan at ...
redhawk1 profile image

Madopar and sinimet

Are Madopar and Sinimet interchangeable?
nourilo profile image
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Help! Suddenly my daughter is talking out of her head, random talking, not makin...
Williemom profile image


Is this bradykinesia? Three years ago the neuros decided I had MS. After two y...
kaypeeoh profile image

How significant is the strain in bacillus subtilis PXN21?

Not being a microbiologist, I wondering how distinct the strain PXN21 is for bac...
pvw2 profile image

NLY01 Phase II (modified Exanatide) - Recruiting in Michigan

Apologies if posted already, but a location in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Unit...
Hidden profile image


Hi Friends, This might be a dream for now,but it may come true in ...
OREOLU profile image

Exenatide Once Weekly Over 2 Years as a Potential Disease Modifying Treatment for Parkinson's Disease (Exenatide-PD3)

Newly launched clinical trial
Farooqji profile image

Neupro to pramipexole switch and yikes

1 week ago went to neurologist. Have had RLS for years. Been on 1mg neupro patch...
JPB5 profile image

Olive oil massage

Has anyone tried it?
Farooqji profile image

Research on embryo-like structures struggles to win US government funding

US researchers say they are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain federal ...

Stay away from plastic bottles! “Bisphenol A exposure is involved in the development of Parkinson like disease in Drosophila melanogaster”

I know, it’s in fruit flies. Nonetheless, the health effects from toxins in plas...
rebtar profile image


Has anyone experienced insomnia, depression and intense anxiety with Rytary? Doe...
Beckey profile image

Gastric emptying Pancreatic Polypeptide in PD: Parasympathetic Denervatio?

Pancreatic Polypeptide in Parkinson's Disease: A Potential Marker of Parasympath...

Specific gut bacteria may reduce severity of Parkinson's disease

Hi Everyone, I am unable to attach the articles, but please check out the latest...
Poss profile image


Someone else posted a pet photo so blame him or her. Bozo, this Jack Russell Te...
kaypeeoh profile image

Muscular rigidity

Hi all This is a link to my vlog about muscular rigidity.
Ianfrizell profile image

What has helped with tremors?

These are happening on the left shoulder and arm and hand for about 2 years. Ma...
Bianhua profile image

He’s my brother

From the onset my younger brother didn’t realize what Parkinson’s Disease could ...
Kolya44 profile image

Meds for dementia

Are there any meds to help with beginning dementia in PD? My husband was diagn...
Mjm012649 profile image

Air pollution, lungs, Parkinson's disease

Air Pollution Robs Us of Our Smarts and Our Lungs. New science is showing that ...
aspergerian profile image

Bio complete 3???

Just watched a very long promotional video about this wonder supplement. I’m a c...
Astra7 profile image

Early onset events or meetups?

Does anyone know a group or an event where people with early onset can meet othe...
Tan22 profile image

How do I incorporate Mucuna when taking C/L?

I am taking 25/100 C/L every two to two and a half hours, totalling 500 mg a d...

Beauty in Each Day

Every day can be hard with PD. Whatever particular wave I'm riding on any given ...
AlpacaGal profile image

Project Aiming to Create Working Neurons Awarded $4M Grant

Project Aiming to Create Working Neurons Awarded $4M Grant...

Ambroxol in Parkinson's: Results of Phase ll Trial Published

Today The Cure Parkinson's Trust, in partnership with the Van Andel Institute an...
Farooqji profile image

Basic dopamine question

I'm hoping one ye clever cats can help me understand something. Dopamine is made...

Cognitive Deficits in 13% of Late-Career Clinicians : MCI etc...?

Perhaps relevant for PwPs who rely on physicians who seem out of touch with... ...