I'm talking here about the types of smartphones themselves, not the service or contracts etc.. Anyone have any suggestions?
Has anyone found a Smartphone that works ... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone found a Smartphone that works best for us folks with PD?
i ha ve just go tan iphone mainly because i have an ipad and the app "prologue togo" for when myh speech goes
it is great but i have it on contract anyway
it correct s yoru spellign as you go so is good for me as my typign is so dyslexic now!
lol JIll
what about a Tablet (the smallest you can manage, and use skype on it? i know it will look a bit cumbersome, but that is what i am probably going to do in this year's upgrade with Vodafone
I have purchased an iPhone thro Parkinson's UK (a % goes to PUK) and i have down loaded an app where you can save your fav numbers which are then represented as large icons within this app.
cell phones are so slippery and the buttons so tiny. Mine constantly slips out of my hand and i always drop it.I put these puffy grippy stickers on the back to give me some grip and now I drop it a little less often. I got the stickers at walmart in the scrap booking section. I love my ipad because it is bigger. I drop that a lot too, but it is holding up. I put a military grade cover on it.
The iPhone app sounds great. What is it called?
Thank you, all of you for your tips! I should have specified that it's a phone I need! We do not have a land line anymore and my old phone was dying on me, even with a full charge. Just to let you all know, I decided to go with the Apple iPhone 5. It has a feature called Siri. You can speak to your phone and tell it what to do and it can ask you questions back! Perfect for Hands free for driving and for someone with PD, and I got a non slip cover! Check it out on Apple's web site! I will let you know how I like it after I use it for awhile. Don't freak out at the price that says it's $700! If you already have a phone contract with say AT&T, as I do. It's $200.00.

AWSOME! My mom has been looking for a better phone with her shaking. I’ve been thinking of getting her an iPhone 7+ thru Amazon refurbished.
I've been meaning to answer this question all day, sorry.
My advice would be to definitely not go for Apple. Android is more customisable and there is a choice of big phones. The Samsung SIII is the phone of choice at the moment but look out for the Sony xperia z in the new year. This has the advantage of being waterproof as well as big. I think it will be great for us butter fingered parkies.
Once you get your android phone change the launcher (home screen) to 'Big Launcher'. This simplifies the usage incredibly and gives you big buttons to press as well as less fiddly texting apps, phone contacts and even an SOS facility. It won the 2011 Vodafone accessibility awards and the developers are open to suggestions and improves too.
It's easy to change on screen keyboards on android and tapping with Parkinson's is a bit hard so you'll want a keyboard you can Swipe. The new jelly bean keyboard-the latest version of android calls kit gesture typing, its also built in to Samsung's keyboard.
Tablets are great too but in addition to a phone but dont waste money on an iPad. I've got a Samsung Galaxy tab 2 10.1 - half the price of an iPad. You can share the phone's internet so don't bother with a 3g model.
Hope this helps you and others
PS. I wouldn't hold out hope for voice recognition being any use to parkies.
I tried a cricket version but found it too big, slippery and heavy with too small text key areas.
hi i have ajn ipad and nwo an iphone
the ipad hasthe prolgoquetogo app which converets text to speech - great 4 when myk speech goes
i do nto hav e aproblm iwth the keyboard(unliek this blog)
lol \jilliphone for texting but use t sideways for a bigger keyyboard