Niacin Cures Systemic NAD + Deficiency and Improves Muscle Performance in Adult-Onset Mitochondrial Myopathy 2020
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"NAD + is a redox-active metabolite, the depletion of which has been proposed to promote aging and degenerative diseases in rodents. However, whether NAD + depletion occurs in patients with degenerative disorders and whether NAD + repletion improves their symptoms has remained open. Here, we report systemic NAD + deficiency in adult-onset mitochondrial myopathy patients. We administered an increasing dose of NAD + - booster niacin, a vitamin B3 form (to 750–1,000 mg/day; NCT03973203) for patients and their matched controls for 10 or 4 months, respectively. Blood NAD + increased in all subjects, up to 8-fold, and muscle NAD + of patients reached the level of their controls. Some patients showed anemia tendency, while muscle strength and mitochondrial biogenesis increased in all subjects. In patients, muscle metabolome shifted toward controls and liver fat decreased even 50%. Our evidence indicates that blood analysis is useful in identifying NAD + deficiency and points niacin to be an efficient NAD + booster for treating mitochondrial myopathy"
So... Google tells me: "Mitochondrial myopathy is a progressive muscle disease caused by damage to the mitochondria"
And Google also tells me: "Mitochondrial dysfunction is a key feature of Parkinson's disease (PD) and is thought to be a major driver of the disease".
The Mitochondrial myopathy study used 750 to 1000 mg of Niacin a day. I take 2000 mg. I don't have a good reason for going to 2000. The NOPARK study used 1000 mg of NR and then 1200 mg in open label after the study. At some point I decided the BOLTPARK study would use twice as much.
I also take one of these every day (something to do with methylation and not raising homocysteine levels): L Methyl Folate 15mg plus Methyl B12 Cofactor - Professional Strength, Active 5-MTHF Form - Supports Mood, Methylation, Cognition – Bioactive forms of Vitamin B9 & B12