So yesterday while just doing a general search I came across an old bit of news and a new clinical trial that I was surprised I had not previously uncovered. First the study:
Effective treatment of mitochondrial myopathy by nicotinamide riboside, a vitamin B3
In the study researchers cured mice that had a genetically caused disorder that impacts the brain in a way that has similarities to what happens in Parkinson's affected brains, and they did so by feeding the mice Niagen . . . not niacicn or nicotinamide . . . but nicotinamide RIBOSIDE, otherwise known as Niagen.
That's interesting right, but once again if only I were a mouse life would be great, but wait . . . there's more.
That idea has now been taken to the clinic and is about to be studied in humans:
Nicotinamide Riboside and Mitochondrial Biogenesis
So looks like pretty soon we should get some very interesting data on what NR can and can't do in HUMANS! Also interesting is that the dosage will be 10 mg/kg taken twice daily which for me would be about 1300 mg per day total. (Currently I'm taking 375 mg twice a day or 750 mg total.)
Anyways, for those that don't follow my posts regularly here is a link to a more complete discussion of Niagen: