Interesting article: Study Shows NMN and Herbal Compounds Prevent Neuron Death in Parkinson’s Models 2022 which explains this paper: SIRT3-mediated deacetylation of SDHA rescues mitochondrial bioenergetics contributing to neuroprotection in rotenone-induced PD models 2022 (which is a preprint. Not peer reviewed)
"Key Points:
NMN prevents neuron death by improving the function of mitochondria in mouse cells modeling Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Honokiol and icariin, which activate the NAD+ consuming enzyme SIRT3, prevent neuron death and improve the motor performance of a rat model for PD.
Our cells utilize hundreds of enzymes to operate on a daily basis, yet few are well-renowned for their lifespan-extending and anti-aging effects as sirtuins. Considering that disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are a consequence of aging, enhancing the activity of sirtuin enzymes may provide a key to treating these incurable diseases.
In a preprinted (in the process of being peer-reviewed) article published in Molecular Neurobiology, researchers from Zunyi Medical University in China report that sirtuin activators NMN, icariin, and honokiol have a protective effect on models for PD. Shen and colleagues show that nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) prevents the death of neurons involved in motor movements (dopamine neurons) by improving mitochondrial function. Furthermore, honokiol and icariin also prevent the death of rat neurons while improving their motor performance, suggesting that these sirtuin activators could treat the symptoms of PD."
"One way to activate sirtuins is by providing them with more fuel, which is precisely the role of NMN. As a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), NMN provides the substrate needed to boost NAD+ levels. Sirtuin enzymes consume NAD+ as fuel, increasing their activity. Sirtuins can also be activated by more direct means, such as through molecules like honokiol (HNK) and icariin (ICA). HNK and ICA enhance the activity of sirtuin3 (SIRT3), a specific type of sirtuin that directly modulates mitochondrial ATP production. "
Bolt's HS understanding: The NMN boosts NAD+ and feed sirtuins and the Honokiol and Icariin enhance the activity of SIRT3.
I don't take NMN, but I do take Niacin, which is a NAD+ booster also. And I already take Magnolia Extract with is a combination of Honokiol and Magnolol. I think I am already in the ballpark of this strategy.