Hello all,
I am new here and wanted to share my story. In Feb. 2018, my left foot started to drag and for many years before my left arm would not swing. I probably had this symptom for years and considered it my normal way of walking. It has been 7 years with increasing dosages of levodopa. Throughout this time, I have complemented my treatment with levadopa and dopamine agonist (I no longer take these as I experienced personality changes) with a series of non-traditional therapies including:
- energy meditation;
- permanent acupuncture on the ears;
- 45 day intensive Ayurveda treatment;
- exercise (at least 150 minutes a week);
- self healing spiritual exercises;
- microdosing ibogaine (with the supervision of a physician);
- microdosing ayahuasca;
- Chi Kung practice using Howard Shefke’s protocol.
- Cue 1
- I even developed some coordinated reset micro tactile stimulation gloves to desynchronize the beta waves in the brain of Parkinsons patients.
Of these, I continue meditation, Chi Kung and exercise although not as regularly as I should.
I suffer from dyskinesia which is quite debilitating and based on my dosage which was close to 1,000 mg a day went through all the tests required as a candidate for DBS.
Around 4 months ago, I showed up for my levodopa test after more than 14 hours without levodopa and my neurologist ran the UDPRS mobility symptoms test. I scored a 16 in this particular instance and after medication, I scorer a 5. The doctor was not convinced at this point I would be a good candidate given the mild Parkinsons results on the test. He sent me away and asked that I return after 2 months.
About 10 days ago, he ran the test again and this time I scored a 9 after more than 15 hours without the medication. I asked him if the test was subjective and he said that under no circumstance were these results subjective. He said that he could not recommend DBS with such a low score at this time and to continue doing what I was doing. He also lowered my dosage of medication by 40 percent. This is the second time he does so stating that the dyskinesia is a result of the medication.
I intend to go forward with high dosage thiamine, Chi Kung, meditation and exercise on a much more regular basis and see where this takes me.
In certain ways this condition has been a gift as it has made me change as a person holistically for the better. In certain other ways we all know the downsides.
Would love your thoughts on high dosage thiamine.
Thank you for reading. I am open to answer any questions if you have them.