Psalm 119:143: As a believer that Jesus... - Cure Parkinson's

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Psalm 119:143

Psalm119143 profile image
27 Replies

As a believer that Jesus Christ is God and I have found him as my Lord & Saviour. The Bible has become a living book to me. its my comfort, my guide and my medicine, for sleep, peace of mind etc!! Thats why i write under the title Psalm 119:143!

Trouble and Calamity have found me in the form of Parkinsons. Everyone will encounter it in some shape or form during a lifetime.

I'm no different from you all, I was diagnosed about 2 years ago. I'm currently on Madopar 187.5mg x4 times daily. i also supplement that with 2x500mg magnesium daily. My most obvious symptom is a tremor in my right arm which ebbs and flows, i also have a husky voice from time to time. i have tried Vit B1 sublingual daily dose of 100mg. Any suggestions as to what i might add or subtact appreciated. Vit B1? am i taking too much or not enough? any thoughts out there fellow sufferers?

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27 Replies
JeanieBeanie profile image

You are taking far too much magnesium. You can overdose on it. I did and felt awful. On B1 Therapy max 300mg a day is recommended. Join FB B1 Therapy forum and read Daphney's book. It's essential. The husky voice could be too much medication.

Gallowglass profile image
Gallowglass in reply to JeanieBeanie

I had husky voice and dry cough. Went to a voice therapist who made it much better: chew gum often, do loud vocal exercises similar to what singers do ( I do it while driving so I don’t disturb people.) do breathing exercises similar to after surgery with a simple puffer device.

DianneN profile image
DianneN in reply to JeanieBeanie

Yes I agree , magnesium supplements can block the absorption of levodopa. I always check out the interactions of any supplements and prescribed medications.

Gallowglass profile image

I too am a believer. While I’m trying everything to reduce PD symptoms I’ve also decided to accept and offer the suffering as Jesus offered His suffering. Just as His suffering was for the good of others, so is mine, because through Baptism I am a part of him . I can even thank God for it.

SP56uk profile image

Another believer here too! Thank God forHIs constant reassuring presence. I wss diagnosed about 6 years ago

trishtheteacher profile image

Hi there! I’m a Believer, too, and could not handle PD without Jesus. I had DBS surgery about 2 years ago. I take 1 to 1 1/2 carbidopa levodopa daily, 500mg of magnesium, and B1.

Choc777 profile image

count me in as well…. I was 37yrs old when I was diagnosed now 20yrs later I’m at the advanced stage, I’ll be honest and say I’ve had some dark and painful moments along the way. We had to redirect our life journey, it hasn’t been a stroll in the park BUT through it all my God has been faithful! …His presence is tangible at times, it’s a complex, frustrating life we live but through it all I know it is well in my soul…blessings

rsacdoolittle profile image
rsacdoolittle in reply to Choc777

This is what my dad and I talk about sometimes, that it is well with my soul! The Book of Job as well as Psalms are so relevant in suffering. ZANDOPA has been his #1 supplement help through the years, he says. Also having this group to help us keep our heads on straight! Sometimes there is something there...but we just cannot see it for ourselves.

Tribselyov profile image

Now almost 11 years since diagnosis, I too am a believer (no DBS; just exercise and L-dopa), I am stimulated by your reference to King David's comforting message. It is likely that he suffered from a neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson's. Like many of us, he had a forced retirement (as leader of his troops against the Philistine Ishbi-Benob) and he sought and received comfort through his Faith. The Scripture outlines despondency prior to his severely weakened state terminally where he had hypothermia and autonomic dysfunction.

For more information, google "King David had Parkinson's disease."

anewrealityforme profile image

I am no longer a believer....If god was good we wouldn't have this disease!

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to anewrealityforme


Dabaa profile image
Dabaa in reply to anewrealityforme

Esperanto profile image
Esperanto in reply to Dabaa

Perhaps just out of an act of charity that you talk about every Sunday, you might want to stop contributing like this? Again, this is just not the place to evangelise.

Esperanto profile image

It seems if you read HU messages that PD is more common among believers than non-believers. Perhaps an idea to investigate this? 😉 But all kidding aside. Again, I ask you not to misuse this wonderful forum for evangelistic purposes. I too have spiritual beliefs that I am sure you do not want to hear. Time and again (on both sides) people get hurt unnecessarily. Just don't. Thanks!

in reply to Esperanto

Misuse including the guy a few months ago that claimed to be cured through prayer. I stopped using the forum in favour of other platforms that filter out such abuse and take you directly to the answers to your questions without having to wade through acres of misinformation.

Esperanto profile image
Esperanto in reply to

Perhaps it is good to make this discussed with the administrator of the forum. With the question of whether they once again speak out clearly against religious, political and nationalist propaganda.

in reply to Esperanto

I think that would be a very good idea. This should be a forum for sharing health experiences and knowledge. I assume the administrators read these exchanges maybe they'd like to comment.

This forum is no place for expressions of faith (imo), however, as you've raised it I'd suggest your faith is your business and good luck to you.

John Fowles: The Aristos. provides a reasoned and thus far more credible (again imo) understanding of the purpose of life giving hazard, tension and death..

Zscaleplanet profile image
Zscaleplanet in reply to

So is it safe to say then that your personal angst is with anything Christian or religious?

Based on the topic title of this post, you knew full well what this particular post was about before you chimed in. Rather than just pushing on past this particular topic and going on to something else that interests you, instead you elected to involve yourself and mix it up with everyone who believes that God has been a factor in helping them through their Parkinson’s struggle.

You also said you stopped using this forum, yet here you are again mixing it up. Why may I ask? So you can insert your negative opinion into anything that is Christian or religious because you dislike both?

Many on this forum have been comforted through their Parkinsons journey by their faith in God. Me being one such person. You also noted in your one post that you believe this forum should only involve health experiences. Well, my health experience also involves God.

This forum is not being overran by religious or political discussions either. It’s very well balanced. An occasional religious topic here or there as it relates to Parkinsons is not going to hurt you one bit. Just keep on scrolling. Besides, it seems that those who are in favor of such a topic far outnumber your comments based on the number of likes the original post has received(14 last time I checked) which is substantially more than your comments have received.

Esperanto profile image
Esperanto in reply to Zscaleplanet

The original post was fairly balanced, but annoying are the ''I'm also a believer'' who satisfy each other with likes. They do not add anything substantial to CP. But evangelisation is unfortunately one of the unsympathetic forms of expression of this religion. Normally you can just ignore it, but after a series of posts like this it was enough. Glad you came back to it after two months again…

in reply to Zscaleplanet

I believe in a liberal or progressive form of Christianity as described by the likes of John Robinson, Jack Spong et al. I fully realise that will induce "raised eyebrows" amongst literalist evangelicals. People are entitled to believe whatever they like, preferably based on reason and not blind faith (once again imho). What annoys me is the clear and obvious preying on vulnerable people in the name of Jesus Christ who I'm sure would wholly disapprove!

I get involved occasionally because I still receive daily email summaries and my interest is in homing in on credible research that might help my wife, a relatively recently diagnosed Parkinsonism sufferer. But also I see posts about conditions that I know something about from personal experience and I try to help with practical solutions that have worked for me in a thoroughly verifiable way.

Recently I have been introduced to an AI based alternative to HU that allows me to ask pertinent questions to which I get immediate answers without having to wade through acres of dross which in my opinion dilutes the HU experience. The product is in beta and I can't divulge it's details until the authors give the go ahead.

Apologies for having an opinion!

Delfino profile image

Secondo la mia esperienza ne prendi poco. Io peso meno di 50 kg e ne prendo 1g e mezzo a colazione e 1g e mezzo a pranzo, i risultati li noti dopo una 15 ina di giorni, poi sempre di più.Non fare mai l'errore di smettere per troppo tempo, io l'ho fatto e il Parkinson è peggiorato. Adesso ho ripreso e sto meglio.

Parkie1 profile image

Revelation 213,4 tells us that pain and suffering will be a thing of the past in the promised new earth mentioned several times in the Scriptures. We are assured that our loving creator never intended his earthly children to suffer......our ancestors chose independence from God rather than his way , hence the need for his son to give his life to be a ransom for all of us to rescue us from the state we, and the planet are in. All will be reversed under God’s rulership where it takes back control Daniel 2:44 xx

Esperanto profile image

Dear fellow HU members, perhaps you have mistaken the purpose of this forum, but it should be focused on PD. In the broadest sense of the word, I am open to discussing spirituality and words of comfort, but there is no place for evangelisation, especially not with these questionable religious beliefs. 🙏

Parkie1 profile image
Parkie1 in reply to Esperanto

The word evangelise comes from a Greek word meaning "telling good news" .This is what we all aim for in this channel!! We are all hoping for a cure from this awful disease, and many of us are also conscious of our spiritual need and have a desire to express it. It's part of who we are regardless of the individual beliefs we have . All are entitled to our opinion. Some mock religion ...that is also an opinion!!! Cheers

Esperanto profile image
Esperanto in reply to Parkie1

Dear Parkie1, If you see evangelism as "telling good news," then I have no problem with it. But passively waiting for the New Earth, as stated in Revelation 21:4, may be reassuring for some here, but for me, it adds nothing. I know that after death, there will be an end to pain and suffering with or without Jesus. The potential comfort that offers belongs more on the desired platform of Jeeves19, a social PD support system.

There are certainly Christians who have genuinely tried to live according to God's Word over the past 2000 years, but unfortunately, it increasingly becomes just parole parole, while inequality continues to grow. Within one day, a few of the wealthiest Christians in the world could end hunger and poverty, provide accessible healthcare and education for everyone. Let alone if all Christians showed a bit more of their Christian side instead of destroying this beautiful Old Earth, in anticipation of the New one…

Interestingly, in secular circles, the concept of humans as stewards is gaining more and more recognition. It is explained there that humans are accountable for their interaction with nature, perhaps not to God, but certainly to future generations. We have borrowed the Earth from our (grand)children, and therefore, as Calvin said, we must hand it over to them intact. Our relationship with the Earth is not optional.

Given the current and expected political, ethical, and economic choices of all those who dare to call themselves Christians, I am skeptical that "telling the good news" will come from this direction. 🍀

Parkie1 profile image

I do understand your scepticism, but verse 5 of Rev 21 states that this promise of a new earth comes from the highest authority:" And the One seated on the throne said: “Look! I am making all things new.” Also he says: “Write, for these words are faithful and true". 🥀

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