Does anybody use a vibration plate that they can recommend? More suggestions the merrier.
Good Vibration Plate Recommendation? - Cure Parkinson's
Good Vibration Plate Recommendation?

I use the LifePro waver. I think it is a good machine, quiet. I like that the company gives a lifetime warranty. A little more expensive than some other machines, but , I think, worth it
Has it made a discernible difference to any particular symptoms?
About a year or so ago, I started having tightness in my right hip. I would walk a couple of blocks and had to stop and stretch my hip out, it was painful to walk. So I started stretching before I left the house and that helped some.Then about six months later I was walking and my right leg got weak and felt wobbly, like it was going to give out any minute. I was freaked out. It continued to feel week and wobbly when walking. I tried to get an appointment with my Neuro but couldn't get in to see him for 6 weeks. I had to do something sooner. So I looked at the forum for anything, any ideas that I thought might help.I came across a post regarding a vibration plate. The writer indicated that it helped with a tremor or some motor issue. So ,being desperate, I researched vibration plates and bought one. I tried it out, and lo and behold, it helped - from the first use. I wasn't completely better, but there was a discernible difference. I continued to use the plate, 15 minutes a day and eventually, the issue went away. Now it didn't stay away. Now I vibrate a few times a week. If I go too long without, I feel the tight hip and weekness/wobbliness. My hips get tight anyway, but that's just my anatomy. Mind you, it does nothing for my UE tremor, also on the right.
Thanks. $200 at Amazon today: LifePro Waver Vibration Plate Exercise Machine - Whole Body Workout Vibration Fitness Platform w/ Loop Bands - Home Training Equipment for Weight Loss & Toning
I have the lifepro waver mini. Only had it a few days but already less tremors and feeling less rigid
Thanks! Only $119 at Amazon today: Lifepro Waver Mini Vibration Plate - Whole Body Vibration Platform Exercise Machine - Home & Travel Workout Equipment for Weight Loss, Toning & Wellness - Max User Weight 260lbs
that’s where I got it!
Powerfit My husband bought it on QVC. a couple of years ago.
Customer Service number 1-973-287-5186
I think it helps. I also have osteoporosis and it is recommended for that as well
Thanks! This one? $137 at Amazon? Powerfit Elite XL Vibration Plate Exercise Machine with Loop Resistance Bands - Whole Body Workout Fitness Platform for Home Training and Shaping (XL Model)
I also have the Lifepro vibration plate. The model is the Rumblex 4. Great company and products. I also have their hand massaging unit and red light therapy products.
The vibration plate feels wonderful. On days when I’m nauseous or dizzy, I pull up a chair and put my feet on it. It keeps my legs strong. A lot of people feel it helps with constipation.
Thanks! $400 at Amazon: LifePro Rumblex 4D Vibration Plate Exercise Machine - Triple Motor Oscillation, Linear, Pulsation + 3D/4D Vibration Platform
How often and for how long do you use it? Thanks!
I went on EBay and got one for great.
Yes I use a vibration plate in the middle of the night when I can't sleep because my legs are Twitchy with restless leg syndrome ... it helps me get back to bed after 5 to 8 minutes of standing on the vibration plate.
As you know, us people with Parkinson's get stiff muscles and the vibrations help loosen things up.
I also alternate using a powerful handheld vibrator and apply it my calves and thighs and all over my whole body!
Tanks Dave.