Hello all, wondering if anyone has any kind of feedback on DHIVY? I’m taking two carbidopa levodopa at 25/100 and the tremors are much much worse and stiffness is worse as well. I can’t take any more than two a day because my gut will not take it and the pain in my stomach becomes much much worse as well. You would think that I’d be on a ton of medication but I’m not. Wondering if this might help me. Any information would be great. Thanks.
DHIVY: Hello all, wondering if anyone has... - Cure Parkinson's

I am reading this book. His insights might help you. I have only read about 1/4 of the book and will try his Recipe.
Good luck,
Fighting Parkinson's…and Winning: A memoir of my recovery from Parkinson's Disease by Howard Shifke (Author)
A memoir of my recovery from Parkinson's Disease
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"DHIVY is a carbidopa/levodopa (CD/LD) tablet made to be broken—providing personalized and precise daily dosing for people with Parkinson’s disease"
I knew that, but I wasn’t sure if it was extended release or quick release. At this point, I can’t take extended release because it kills my stomach and quick release makes me shake way too much and takes way too long to even work. I was thinking, maybe if I took them in smaller scored doses it wouldn’t be so bad. At this point after eight years all I have is a tremor and nothing else..
These are almost certainly immediate release. Time release versions are always noted in my experience.
They are immediate release. I tried a bottle of them and liked it. I also stick with a low dose, breaking 3 pills in half throughout the day to avoid dyskinesia. If I felt like my cl levels were still high when it came time for the next dose I took a quarter of a dhivy pill instead. My doc said we could fight to get it covered by insurance, but I have since gone back to breaking generic cl pills in half. The pill itself felt like it had premium fillers, but that may have been because I knew they were expensive.
I think if your doctor recommended it he/she is getting money from the manufacturer or drug rep.
Hello Miss Rita…my husband takes Dhivy now 1/2 tablet every 2-21/2 hours…it is regular release…don’t think it comes in extended release yet…no artificial colors and is well fractionated probably better than I can do with pill cutter…lol…side affects and motor fluctuations still same as with generic c/l but this can be adjusted to take 1/4 tablet or even 3/8 (this takes a little help from pill cutter…all trial and error to see what agrees with you…you can also try eating crackers with your pill for stomach discomfort…stay well
for my husband more levodopa increases stiffness.
You could try what he is doing and get the madopar or equivalent ir tablet and cut up and take more frequently. Or ask for the 50/12.5 tablets which is the half dose.
He is also now taking 1/2 a 200mg entacapone tablet with it and it seems to be working to smooth his peaks and a NOW dopa mucuna which also peaks at a different time than the madopar.
He is also taking 1 x 0.5mg clonazapam cut in quarters spread over the day which helps the shaking and rigidity I think. Our philosophy is to take a fraction of the prescribed dose of these things for a while and if they are working, don’t increase.
He seems to be making his own dopamine over night so needs less at night and more morning to midday.
His regime now (pharmaceuticals)
6.30 1/2 madopar 50/12.5, 1 NOW DM, 1/2 entacapone
8.00 1 madopar 50/12.5
10.00 1 madopar 50/12.5, 1/2 entacapone, 1/4 clonazapam 0.5mg
1.30 1 madopar 50/12.5, 1 NOW DM, 1/2 entacapone
3.00 1/4 clonazapam
5.00 1 madopar 50/12.5, 1 NOW DM, 1/2 entacapone
8.30 1/2 madopar
10 1/2 clonazapam, 5 mg melatonin.
Miss Rita, i don't have much if any resting tremors so the only thing I take is Amantadine. It is prescribed 3 x;'s a day I frequently only take two / day, because it energizes me so if I take it too late I have trouble sleeping. I have been taking LuminAloe for the past two years. I am going to post my last entry on my Blog, titled Stiff?
I have a friend who has been given a diagnosis of Parkinson’s. She asked me a week ago, if I was having any trouble with my legs being stiff? She complained that her legs were getting so stiff, she was really struggling to keep going. I thought about it, and told her, “No, My feet swell a little bit in the Evening, but I am not at all stiff. Then during the week as I was thinking about it, I recognized I had been stiff… previously. They say we should write down how we are feeling when we begin to use the LuminAloe, because we may not recognize as we are improving because the normalizing of health takes place over time. As I was pondering her stiffness during the week, it dawned on me that I had been stiff. I had felt so stiff in 2021, I had resorted to using a toilet seat riser, to make sitting down easier, and stop falling onto the commode. Then In October my daughters gave me a bidet to help me avoid UTI’s and I had to remove the six inch lift. At that point in time, it was difficult to sit gracefully. Due to stiffness, it was more like I would fall on. So, gradually, without noticing, the stiffness has left me. I have even been able to weed the flower bed and plant some pineapple plants.
So, this week I told my friend, when she told me she feels like her legs felt like they are loaded with cement… I told her I believe it is the more comprehensive nutrition that I have been consuming that made the difference for me.