Dear all, I’m hoping you wise and knowledgeable people will be able to help.
I have tried to research about having a General Anaesthetic when you have PD. My current general neurologist has advised trying to avoid surgery because GA can mean some patients get significantly worse and don’t recover neurologically post surgery even after months. I couldn’t find anything that mentions this in my search so far. I’m waiting to see a more experienced movement disorder specialist with interest in YOPD but that’s not till March. What do you guys think or what had been your experience on this?
My dilemma is as well as YOPD, I have two other niche conditions that require and may require surgery- thoracic outlet syndrome and severe funnel chest/ Pectus Excavatum that compresses the right side of my heart and causes a lot of issues. The second surgery causing the heart compression cannot be done until the thoracic outlet is addressed if I decide to proceed with it.
The thoracic outlet syndrome is on the same side as my PD and as it affects the blood flow to my arm and back out again I’m sure they are interrelated. It causes pain, weakness, claudation, stiffness and my arm/ hand is usually purplish/ freezing. Some overlapping of PD symptoms. My vascular surgeon thinks it would be helpful to do the surgery to remove the first rib and make more space for the nerves, artery and veins passing through thoracic outlet to reduce the compression. But I don’t want to make my PD significantly worse as a result of undergoing GA. I have two daughters aged 9 and 12 and want to be as well as I can for as long as possible.
As per my other posts I’m not on any medication for PD at the moment as only 6 months diagnosed. I use red light therapy, supplements, good diet and intermittent fasting, exercise and meditation.
Thank you for any insights in advance.
I wish there was a doctor who saw you as a whole person rather than looking at just their part of the body! I’m sure my issues are interrelated.