I need to know if I can take it between my C/L 25/100 every three hours due to the fact that it only last two hours, is Amantadine a Dopamine Agonist? I’m also starting Amantadine, anyone on it for tremor? Good results? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks 🙏🏽
I am planning on starting MUCUNA I need a... - Cure Parkinson's
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Yes Shika amantadine as a dopamine agonist. In my personal experience carbidopa levodopa and Mokuna can be taken at the same time so long as you do not exceed Physicians prescription amount of levodopa... but that’s just my personal experience I’d like to say one size does not fit all. Ask your physiciant I have no experience with Amantadine
Respectfully, Buzz is incorrect. Amantadine is not a dopamine agonist. It is sometimes prescribed to help with PD symptoms and is also prescribed to lessen dyskinesia. I don't think it's the most successful med for either but it does work for some people. If you do a search here for it you will find lots of helpful information.
I’ve edited my reply to include a reference hyperlink regarding amantadine
I stand corrected.
Juliegrace, i would agree with you
In some places amantadine is referred to as a weak dopamine agonist. I dont understand pharmacology but I suspect it works in a different way and with differing outcomes to other DA’s. For instance, i dont read about the compiulsive behaviours of DA’s with Amantadine. Also links such as this one from PUK show that it is not listed with DA’s but separately.
Only on Amantadine. Helps with tremor but definitely not 100%. 100mg twice a day.
Thank you for your reply. Any side effects? how long have you been on it?
Been on Amantadine for at least 6 months. Side effects- ankle swelling, sleep probs but might just be PD and prob is. I’ve cut dose a little on occasion but tremors get more pronounced and frequent so I’m staying at present dose of 100 mg twice daily.