Ever since I’ve been taking antibiotics my on times went from 5 hours to 3 to 4hrs and my rigidity and fatigue is terrible to the point where I wonder if I can make it to the end of the supermarket aisle and without falling over as well.
I’m on day 22 since starting the diet and I’ve haven’t had much sleep the past two days and I also had a huge day of socials yesterday which absolutely drained me.
I’m not sure if these factors also played a part in today’s symptoms or whether the antibiotics are the issue the more I take them?
I’m feeling a bit down today because of how bad my symptoms have been, and I’m uncertain whether I’m doing is the right thing or not. I’ve read it can take over a month or two to see results but is it normal to regress so much you’re considering taking more C/L just to get by? I thought I would be able to improve so much I could take less but at the moment I feel like I need more than before I started the diet.