In the following study it is suggested that nearly two thirds of PwP are insulin resistant :
Here are some very important quotes from the study:
>>> ' Another important take-away (although not specifically addressed in the Hogg et al. (2018) study), is that there are an increasing number of studies suggesting that IR negatively impacts dopamine functioning in the brain. ' >> ' This study suggests that nearly two thirds of non-diabetic people with PD may be insulin resistant, despite having normal blood sugar, and in some cases, despite being lean. ' >> ' IR is thought to precede the development of T2D by 10 to 15 years. ' <<<
Melatonin improves insulin resistance :
Melatonin improves insulin sensitivity even in people who don't have diabetes :
Melatonin has shown benefit in PwP :
Since both diabetics and people with PD are at increased risk for Cardiovascular disease(CVD) and the fact that CVD is the number one cause of death in the world, melatonin has shown benefit in preventing and treating CVD :
Melatonin also works against Covid-19 by decreasing symptoms and increasing survival:
Berberine is also helpful for PD and diabetes and enhances insulin sensitivity :
If that isn't enough, women with PD are at increased risk for breast cancer and melatonin may help :
People with PD are at increased risk for colorectal cancer and Leukemia and again, melatonin may be useful :
Levodopa usage has shown to contribute to gut dysbiosis while PwP typically are already suffering from gut dysbiosis and melatonin may be able to help in this area also :
If you have issues or side effects with taking oral melatonin, there are multiple ways to naturally raise your melatonin levels without supplementing it and these options come with no side effects other than improved health :
There are many more health benefits that melatonin has to offer, but the above are all relevant to this forum.