FUS PTT in Switzerland - 1 year 2 months ... - Cure Parkinson's

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FUS PTT in Switzerland - 1 year 2 months update. Evaluation at Sonimodul

Markbit profile image
25 Replies

Two months later, after one canceled trip due to covid contacts in January, finally got my consultation at Sonimodul. It was a 3 day trip, flying from Lisbon to Zurich, Zurich to Solothurn by train on day one, consultation all morning on day two, a walk on Solothurn suburbs on the afternoon (wanted to go to the mountain on the afternoon, but at the time we reached to the cable car, it was only available to go up, the ticket office to come down would be closed), and the third day was to return home! It was a trip with high expectations and a curious encounter! Expectations that i wold be able to do a second side surgery and relieve the symptoms that are worsening a bit on my untreated side.. The encounter was with a member of this group who talked with me one day before and suggested if we could meet because he would like to see me live and talk a bit with me, if he wants to identify himself, he will make by himself. I think this was a very impressive encounter for both us. We meet at Zurich central station, went to tee his workplace and then lunch together, me, Elsa and him. I was impressed how he was so dyskinesic and dysfuncional, with 7 years of Parkinson’s (i was like him one year ago, but not all the time), and i was very, very close to normal. We talked about a lot of things, but even seeing with his own eyes, i believe he was very skeptical with the results. After this meet we went to Solothurn, were we arrived to Alain airb&b, were we stayed one year ago, and once again was superb, it’s an 8 minutes walk from the clinic, and apart from being on the third floor without elevator (that is not a problem for me, but can be for some others), it’s cheap even for non Swiss standards. We get to the apartment at 5pm, planning to go to the supermarket, but for the second time Alain left us a lot of food, that saved us one trip to buy food by the end of the day. Elsa cocked one of the meals, after we took a bath. The house is very cosy, compared with the expected night temperature outside of -6ºC. After an average night of sleep, we woke up early, eated something and went to the clinic. After a short walk, reached the clinic right on time, and went for the evaluation. The usual greetings, i have a big empathy with Dr. Marc, talked about my evolution and Marc was very pleased. I made the Montreal Cognitive test, this time with a 30/30, then the neurological evaluation without any meds, and saw by Marc’s face that he was with a mix between pleasant and impressed, as my face was showing happiness and gratitude. After the examination i went for the brain EEG and took the levodopa dosage, waited a bit while David was putting the electrodes and his futurist helmet and did the exam, while i was trying to be as relaxed as possible. Finished the EEG, waited a bit more for the levodopa to take effect and went back for the second evaluation. Marc was even more impressed, and really happy with the results he was watching. That’s when Elsa started telling me “They are not going to operate you, you are too well”. After this second evaluation, we scheduled the discussion for 13:30 and went for a walk in Solothurn center. Stopped for a coffee, an hot chocolate and two soloturners, a fabulous cake they have there, a bit more walking along the river and back to the clinic. Discussion with Marc about my future. After my evaluation and EEG evaluation, Marc congratulates me, he says my recovery has been remarkable and that i have been really doing my part, reshaped objectives in life, the EEG presents a good pattern, and so, i’m doing so well, they do not see for now the need to operate the second side. What?!!! I didn’t say a word, but my face certainly spoke for myself. That’s not what you where expecting to hear? Well’ not quite, i know my symptoms are not very hard now, but i was expecting to solve them and became quite a normal guy, well i does not work like that, one year is the shortest time that we put between surgeries, but the brain needs more time to heal and you have space to improve even more, the EEG shows that you can make improvements, but they are more achievable trough another things like mindfulness, meditation, phisical therapies, rather than operating the second side right now. Usually when someone is operated and goes well on one side, the tendency is to think well, this hemisphere is done,let’s do the other, but it is not so linear…

Well, looking back it was hard to hear, but i think i understand better now. At least i have a Parkinson’s insurance that i can rely on if i get much worse, it’s called PTT, after all it’s brain surgery we are talking about, it’s not to be faced lightly. So we say goodbye to Marc, to Professor Jeanmonod, David and all that wonderful team. Some things happen because they have to, and i think the meeting the day before changed a lot the perspective on how i really am. Being so close to someone on my situation made me aware that i’m really, really well compared with what i could be right now if i did not fight. I am autonomous, i work, i drive, i run (a lot), i still have some projects, all this at 48 and with 14 years of PD.

Well, it’s time to readjust , put my head up again and grab a life.

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Markbit profile image
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25 Replies
Seamus6 profile image

fantástico e muito inspirador!

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Seamus6

Obrigado! 🙂

jimcaster profile image

Fantastic! Congratulations on your success. You inspired the PwP you met and all of us at the same time!

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to jimcaster

Thanks Jim!

Skydome profile image

Sincere and inspirational, you keep our hopes alive. Thank you!

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Skydome

Thank you Skydome!

Zella23 profile image

What an amazing team they are in Sonimodul! Their evaluation of you now even though it wasn’t what you were expecting was so empowering, showing their expertise with this condition and you. Clearly keep up what you’re doing and enjoy your life. So pleased to hear how you’re doing. Just brilliant 🤩.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Zella23

Yes they are indeed, Zella! And seeing not so close, i am still responding to medication on my untreated side, and one of the surgery criteria is to not be responding to meds. Now i have to readapt my expectations to this new reality. And it hasn't been so hard so far.

jeeves19 profile image

Great post. Thanks for that 🙏

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to jeeves19

Thank you Jeeves!

Jana86 profile image

Thank you for sharing your experience. A source for hope.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Jana86

You're welcome Jana!

healthabc profile image

keep sharing your inspirational story! So many need to hear it :)

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to healthabc

I'll try to, glad if i can help anything 🙂

Wonky-Bride profile image

I think that you have an exceptional attitude. Self-aware without being obsessive, disciplined, purposeful and so honest. A wonderful result.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Wonky-Bride

I think i have just found a way, my way. PD limits us, but we can choose what to do with our life even with limitations. I was lucky to engage with things that really helped me. PTT FUS was one amongst a bunch of others. Of course we need to be intelligent enough, humble enough, be able to listen to our body and have the courage to experiment new things. If we follow the way everybody does, we will find the same in the end. I just want to give myself the chance to live a different end. And it has been a wonderful journey. 😀

Wonky-Bride profile image

You are a humble hero to me!

Despe profile image

That's amazing news, no need for treating the other side! I believe your right attitude is the secret to your success. Attitude is everything. God bless you.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Despe

Hi Despe, no need for now. Attitude is not everything, but plays a key role. Having the luck of doing the right choices also helps a lot, and being smart enough to understand what are the right choices for each one of us is the hard part. Choose what makes you happy 😀

Janbol profile image

Hallo Marco, I followed your reports and congratulate your spirit.I have a telephone appointment with prof. Jeanmonod tomorrow.

I have a tremmor dominant PD and my tremors are very bad . I have a 550 yeat old type 1 diabetes, which is more and more difficult to get my injections placed. DBS is not an option anymore due to my age (almost 85 ). Do you have any suggestion for me? Thanks and regards. I live in The Netherlands.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Janbol

Hi Janbol. I' sorry but just saw your question today. How did the appointment with Prof J. went? I don't know what type of advice were you seeking, about your appointment or anything else? If it was about the appointment, you probably saw that professor J. is very human and very caring, and answers all the questions. If it's about anything else, please clarify, i would like to help!

Janbol profile image
Janbol in reply to Markbit

Hello Marco. I had my appointment with prof Jeanmonod.He and his team reviewed all my info ,data and videos. They are positve about my application for FUS PTT.

In the first week a may I will be in Solothurn for the further assesment days. I hope the PTT wil follow soon.

I try to stay active in sport , play tennis three times per week, play golf, and attent a parkinson movement class with a fysio


I was hoping for some practical hints from your site on the visit to

Solothurn and how you underwent the PTT procedure. Did you get a light sedation for instance?

Thank you for your reaction and regards. Jan Bol.

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to Janbol

Hi Jan, great to know that!My advices are common in this forum, exercise, on the top of the list, that you already try to keep, eating well, including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, few meat and do not be afraid of healthy fats, good suplementation, especially Vitamin B1 and D3, omega3 and one of the most important things that is rarely talked, a good social health, the felling of being lonely is one of the thing that most triggers disease progression. Look for Dr. Laurie Mischley's work, she is fantastic and can give you a lot of clues. In Solothurn i can advise you Alain's appartment, airbnb.pt/rooms/52162359 , it's well equipped and a 8-10 minutes walk from the clinic, cheap, but is a third floor with no elevator, 15 minute walk from old town center. If you go by train, Solothurn West Station is a 3 minutes walk from the clinic, just to give you some references. The evaluation is very complete, the team is all superb, do not have to be worried about that. The sedation is only before the FUS, the hospital is excellent, i eated one of my best hospital meal's in there, do not worry, if everything goes well you will get a new life.

NewHope1961 profile image
NewHope1961 in reply to Markbit

congratulations! It seems like this procedure would not really be meant for my walking or “ feet freeezing “ which I suffer from rather than the other symptoms one may have? My tremors and dyskinesia are pretty much under control, my issue is my walking and or “ feet freezing “

Markbit profile image
Markbit in reply to NewHope1961

Yes, as I remember it does not solve balance nor freezing issues? Good luck!

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