I make a list of questions for the after-evaluation meeting. Feel free to write down here your questions so I can add them to my list.
Thank you.
I make a list of questions for the after-evaluation meeting. Feel free to write down here your questions so I can add them to my list.
Thank you.
Congratulations! One question I have is whether you will be ineligible for stem cell trials (or actual stem cell therapy once it's approved) after undergoing PTT.
Congratulations. You should join some of Marc's Zoom calls. We have 3 FUS veterans on the call most Sunday's.
What are the zoom calls? Can anyone join? I am looking for a Parkinson Support group
MBAnderson hosts the calls.
Saturdays, 7 PM – 8 PM-ish, US Central Daylight Time (GMT–6.)
Sundays, 11 am – 12 PM-ish, US CDT.
Post your list so duplicates can be avoided
The question i will like to ask is, does FUS PTT actually stop PD, slow progression or is it just a powerful symptomatic treatment?
Also I read in your profile that you have avoided PD meds. So does this decision of yours still qualify you for FUS, because from what I have heard you have to be unresponsive to PD meds to qualify for the treatment. You can't prove you're unresponsive to PD meds if avoided them
You can show you are unresponsive to meds by taking one during the evaluation.
What they may do then is give you 2 or 3, which would likely cause a response.
PTT doesn't stop the progression, but it may stop the progression of many symptoms.
I have it on the list but it is okay if you mentioned, too. I did not update the profile but I'm taking C/L for the tremor (5 pills a day) but is helping maybe only 10%; if I'm fully relaxed the tremor is barely noticeable , if I'm stressed the tremor is amplified, and this no matter if I took C/L or not; I noticed the C/L makes me sleepy and if I wake during the night I take the 6th pill.
Many congratulations. Hoping everything will go well with your evaluation appointment.
I read few times the articles posted on the Sonimodule site and that helped me to compose few interesting questions. When I'll be back I'll make a nice presentation. In dr. Jeanmonod article there is a basic question: which was first, the chicken or the egg!? As the brain is like an automated system dr. J considers the PD symptoms are produced by the improper electrical signals between the thalamus and a certain area of the cortex (similar to epilepsy); depending of the cortex area it could be a different neurological disease; the death of neurons seems to be a consequence of misfiring and not vice-versa. By fixing the misfiring the symptoms are resolved; the dopamine is the happiness substance so it should cut down the stress and reduce the misfiring (this is what C/L does); if stress produced PD is caused by the death of the dopamine neurons than why they die only on one side first? As f or misfiring that's normal that in a system a certain feedback loop circuit can get out of normal and FUS is just interrupting that overexcited or over inhibited helping the system to get stable.
I'm electrical engineer and I'm making an analogy between a servo system (or multiple servo-systems used by the robots) and the human body which is a complex machine; when the feedback loop of a servo-motor gives a positive feedback the loop is overexcited and the servo motor is "shaking" like our limbs; if the feedback loop gives a too negative signal then the motor freezes like the bodies of the people with no tremor PD; in order to make the system to stabilize and work smooth the servo system is auto-tuned , which means the correct parameters are determined to avoid the two extremes, overexciting or over-inhibition.
After FUS dr. J states that an autotune process starts in our brain to stabilize the all system and establish a different loop; he clearly states that the psychological factor is very important for autotune and that's why he makes sure the patients are mentally healthy.
This was my interpretation of his article by comparing with an servo system. The EEG is used to determine the abnormalities of the electrical signals in the brain. For example, is the epilepsy produced by the death of certain neurons or by degeneration of some electrical signals!? As far as I know is the latter.
In this situation I may conclude the FUS will suppress the symptoms for ever. What means stopping the progression? Suppressing the symptoms or stopping the death of the dopamine neurons? I incline toward the first.
Thank you ion. Much of this is very technical which has been a good exercise for my brain. Your 3rd to the last paragraph puzzles me though
".... that's why he (dr J) makes sure the patients are mentally healthy."
With the many issues that come with PD like extreme stress and anxiety, brain fog and mental fatigue, with one side of your body speedily going down, with stiffness and rigidity... With all these going on with PwP how you be mentally healthy? (Well apart from those who are relatively newly diagnosed, which not stage that I think FUS treats anyway)
Secondly since you only mentioned epilepsy in the second to the last paragraph, it wasn't clear to me wether your speculative conclusion (if i can put it that way) was referring to epilepsy or PD
So it was my understanding the clinic also does a psychological evaluation of the patient to make sure his mental health is above certain limits. That is very important for the post-surgery recovery.
As for the epilepsy, yes, I tried to make an analogy with the PD. It is known the epilepsy is caused by some disturbances in the brain electrical signals in a certain area of the cortex and not by the death of some neurons. So PD can be caused by the electrical disturbance in a different area of the cortex similar to epilepsy instead the death of the dopamine neurons.
I still have no clue what the clinic is on about or what they're evaluating. With medium or advanced stage PD, in my opinion, you can't be (psychologically) mentally healthy... but never mind
There are just too many issues going on. If they are talking of having a positive attitude, that I can understand. In my opinion that's not the right language for describing a positive attitude
I'll be in that town, Solothurn, July 5,6,7. I will be trying out the nearby Giger MD therapy. If you're there at that time, maybe meet for a coffee LOL
How much $$?
Giger MD- 1st visit is free, and each subsequent visit is 90 SFR. They recommend 3 consecutive days. Should be interesting.
How long will benefits last?
no idea, will find out.
Might something like this produce the same benefit?