Coimbra Protocol 3: Please watch this. It’s... - Cure Parkinson's

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Coimbra Protocol 3

38yroldmale profile image
12 Replies

Please watch this. It’s got English subtitles. Please also go read some my posts about this. It makes a ton of sense. Please!!!

Sorry, this is my first post on the subject.

Much of this content is cut and pasted from other responses. In NO WAY am recommending doing what I am doing. If not done correctly under a care of a Coimbra trained doctor could be harmful. This is my summary of what I understand it to be. It was worked wonders with MS/Crohns.

The objective of the Coimbra protocol is to lower your parathyroid hormone To the lowest possible range. The only way to do that is with vitamin D at high doses. They work as inverses Of each other. High D means lower parathyroid levels. It’s proven your parathyroid regulates your immune system.

I am doing the protocol under the supervision of a doctor. I get me blood checked every 2 months. My grandfather, father, and I have had Parkinson’s. My only brother has Crohns. My mother had MS. Both me and my brother had DNA tests that said we are pre disposed to have low vitamin D. Modern medicine has failed my brother. His last option was stelara, doesn’t help. He hasn’t had a regular bowel movement in 2 years. After 1 month on the protocol he had about 1/2 normal with no other changes. He is feeling slightly better, which is awesome for him.

I’ve had low vitamin D sores since I was 18. They were always there but got smaller in the summer. From Utah, long winters. My doc said to go out in the sun more rather than any supplements. Seems strange that I got Parkinsons at such a young age?

This protocol but It made sense to me especia when it worked for my brother and my vitamin D sores.

My parathyroid Hormone was out of sight high and my vitamin D was very low. 3 neurologist and Regular Doc said nothing about my D.

And have life to live. Modern medicine has nothin but pills that make me sick. I am closely monitoring my blood, but I feel like I don’t have Parkinson’s lots of the time. (Other than Gait) I am being a Guinea pig, but I’m going to go with it. All my blood work has checked out so far, and I’m not a massive high doses. If it works for me, I will encourage it. I know it sounds crazy, but why is it the further away from the equator, the higher incidence and severity of autoimmune diseases? Around the equator, there are very few cases compared to the rest the world. Since the advent of sunscreen use, the number of autoimmune diseases has also risen substantially. We evolved as nudists in the sun. It is also I believe a product of our lifestyles as well. We spend a ton of time indoors, eat Fast Food constantly ( me especially) drink more soda ( me too) much more sedentary lifestyles. Exercise has been proven to slow progression which means would most likely help to protect against.

My genetics counselors told me that your genes load the gun, and life Experiences pull the trigger. It’s complicated but I’ve had very traumatic life altering events happened in my life the last 4 to 5 years. I think I would eventually have gotten Parkinson’s, but my lack of vitamin D supplements, life experiences and stress has made me get it at a much younger age. My dad and grandfather got it much older in life. They also had different lifestyles, less stress and such.

I truly believe the only way they can ever cure some of these life altering chronic Is fixing or altering our genes. Parkinson’s is so complex and many different diseases wrapped into one, I don’t believe it ever will be a cure all fixing.

If I continue to monitor my blood work, continue with the protocol, both b1 and the vitamin D, exercise, maybe I can slow down or possibly freeze progression. At least in the meantime, it leads to hope, which leads to a much better quality of life. Modern medicine says take this pill and hope for the best. Nothing slows it down

Maybe I’m an idiot for trying. But today it makes my life better? I would never recommend it to someone else because it might hurt me in the long term? But to me if there is a chance that it could work, it’s worth A try.

Modern medicine wants to fix you one way. With a patentable artificial Drug that they can make a fortune off. I can’t blame them, their objective is to make money. They haven’t found a cure, or in my opinion they are not close to a cure. People I tell think there has been a lot of progression in a cure. They have spent a lot of money trying which is great. If they had the cure today, it would probably take a decade before it came to market. A decade of progression. A decade of going downhill. I know today I am much better and feel like something is working. Sorry about the novel

Dr. Coimbra is no dummy. He was a large part of the human genome project that has been basically ignored . He wants to help people. He doesnt care about getting rich. Could it be that simple?

This is # 2

Those have not heard about the Coimbra Protocol look at my earlier post. It explained it in depth. I wanted to share some of my new thoughts.

It’s said and I believe Parkinson’s is lots of diseases wrapped into one diagnosis. I don’t know what causes all of them but I think mine is caused my a high parathyroid hormone level. My low vitamin D caused by a genetic problem of processing D that was shown by my DNA test, not a lack of being outside. Most of my life in the summers I was outside all the time.

I’ve went to 3 neuros, all looked at me blood work and said nothing? Even my current neuro said nothing. Even if it was not a cause of Parkinson’s, wouldn’t they say anything about it? To a normal

Person low vitamin D is not good and should be addressed.

I’ve asked myself the question, what has modern medicine done to treat most autoimune diseases. My brother has a terrible case of Crohns, he has had it 40 years. He is currently on medicine that cost $13,500 a month. It is his last hope. It doesn’t seem to help much. He has had more help from the Coimbra Protocol that we are both on. That costs Less than $100 a month. My mother had MS, medicine seemed to help little with side effects that made her wonder if was even with worth it. I wish I could have helped her while she was alive. She probably wouldn’t have listened anyway because she was addicted to opiates that doctors gave her. God bless her but because of the doctor,who was her supposed friend, made her an addict.

I am maybe just hopeful but actually feel better everyday. I think I am actually regressing. I

Have been since I started the Coimbra Protocol.I also take 1 gram of B1 a day, full dose of Restore gold, fish oil. I had slight tremor but I haven’t felt since I started the CP. Exercise is also very important. I try to go 1 hr 5-6 days a week.

Please get your Vitamin D checked. If it’s low at all, ask for PTH test. That needs to be low on the spectrum for your immune system to be in check. Parkinson’s is an autoimune disease. Your parathyroid hormone regulates your immune system. Big Pharma knows that. Why don’t they look into it? Because they know there is NO MONEY.The are trying to shut down Dr Coimbra. No Duh!! Trying to discredit him. His success with Crohns and MS are undeniable. People are going into long term remission, not a drug induced relief of symptoms in the short term. He is out

To help people. He developed this because his Mother got MS and wanted to help her. If you do the Protocol under the care of a physician, it risks are very minimal.(or you can wait for Parkinson’s to completely destroy your brain, which is basically what doctors say to do)Everyone should start taking 10000 iú’s a day, that’s 100 percent safe.

My mood and depression has be reduced 85-90 percent. My Parkinson’s meds as been cut in half.

(I have thought about quitting them completely but i ask why if I’m doing well) My writing has basically went back to normal. I can type as fast as I could before. My fine motor stills are noticeably better. My gait is still off, but seems

To be stable. I noticed I look at my feet when I walk, it’s a habit I started it makes my gait worse. Keeping my chin up helps.I hardly use Cbd oil anymore (used this only when I needed a little help)

I know it’s early because I’ve been diagnosed for only about 9 months. However I knew something was wrong long before. I know I also feel better because I am also coming to terms with it.

I wanted to bring this attention because everything else that is helping me is discussed

At length on this forum. Exercise, b1 and restore gold in addition to this Protocol has made my life worth living, gives me hope and actually excited to see what happens.

What do you got to lose? Some books has been published by less than reputable authors

About Vitamin D.Anyone who tells you to take more than 10000 iu’s a day without doctors supervision is reckless. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t work......

Side note. I’ve struggled with athletes foot under my toenails (yellow nasty toenails) for more than 10 years. I’ve taken medicine for it to go away twice and it just came back as soon as I quit.

I just noticed they have cleared up nearly completely?

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38yroldmale profile image
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12 Replies
GymBag profile image

Great post , thank you

good luck

keep posting on your progress

park_bear profile image

Parkinson's is a heterogeneous condition with more than one cause. My vitamin D is right in the middle of the normal range. Interesting to hear about your situation and do keep on posting!

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to park_bear

Yes, your right. I know Parkinsons is lots of diseases wrapped into one. This post may only help a small number, but’s it’s helping me. Have you ever had your PTH tested? Parathyroid hormone?

LAJ12345 profile image

What is your vitamin d blood level like now? My husband’s gene test say the same as yours, that he can’t process vitamin d, but supplementing with 1000 sublingual his levels went way off the chart. If it’s high in the blood does it mean it’s getting through where it’s meeded?

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to LAJ12345

They are high. It’s more about the PTH level being low than vitamin D being high. What u need to worry about is calcium and drinking enough water for your kidneys. That is the risk with this protocol. You need to check is PTH level

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to 38yroldmale

Thanks. Do you take an oral dose once a day of vitamin d? Is it sublingual?

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to 38yroldmale

Would this test give all the information needed?

It seems to be the only one I can find that I can self order. Is it helpful to know calcium levels too?

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to LAJ12345

You MUST do this under a care of a doctor trained in the protocol. Looks

Like you are from New Zealand? I love that place, I’m from the States but spent 2 weeks there last year. You can do all the consultations over Skype. I’ve never met my doctor. Don’t do it on your own. You have to change your dose and make sure everything is safe. If u want, i can connect my doctor to you? You get a local doctor to ask for the tests here in the states.

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to 38yroldmale

I’ll have to check with hubby about consulting a doctor . He’s not that keen on doing anything much so not likely to agree. Thanks though.

Ivabla profile image

I've took my mother to doctor who was learning from Dr. Coimbra. Her levels of vitamin D was ok. She have deficit of vitamin B. But she took vitamin D with 10 000iu, that dose is the highest dose you can take and not be careful abiut what you eat. After a year of taking it she went to do colordopler and her veins are like baby the doctor said. It can be benefit from vitamin D. I've heard that is also good for thyroid.

Celtis profile image

I found this post so very interesting.

Some 30 years ago my five year old son began to have epilectic fits. He had a number of blood tests and the only one that came up for scrutiny was abnormally high parathyroid. I read up what I could find on it and I found a study that recommended high vitamin D for that problem ( an old study, done in the 50s and totally ignored by the medical profession)

We had to wait some weeks before we could travel to Johannesburg for further assessment, so, in that time I fed him large doses of malt and codliver oil. When they tested his bloods his parathyroid was normal and a very aggressive head physician wrote me off as a stupid vitamin obsessed idiot because I suggested that vitamin D might have something to do with it.

So thank you for posting. I am fascinated, thinking that the low immunity that dogs him today might be something that could be solved.

Fumaniron profile image

Thank you for such an inspiring post! You have a warrior spirit, and if anyone can optimize their health, I believe it's you. You've motivated me to dig deeper into the Coimbra protocol.I am starting to do research on it now.

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