Coimbra Protocol 2 and vitamin D. - Cure Parkinson's

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Coimbra Protocol 2 and vitamin D.

38yroldmale profile image
22 Replies

Those have not heard about the Coimbra Protocol look at my earlier post. It explained it in depth. I wanted to share some of my new thoughts.

It’s said and I believe Parkinson’s is lots of diseases wrapped into one diagnosis. I don’t know what causes all of them but I think mine is caused my a high parathyroid hormone level. My low vitamin D caused by a genetic problem of processing D that was shown by my DNA test, not a lack of being outside. Most of my life in the summers I was outside all the time.

I’ve went to 3 neuros, all looked at me blood work and said nothing? Even my current neuro said nothing. Even if it was not a cause of Parkinson’s, wouldn’t they say anything about it? To a normal

Person low vitamin D is not good and should be addressed.

I’ve asked myself the question, what has modern medicine done to treat most autoimune diseases. My brother has a terrible case of Crohns, he has had it 40 years. He is currently on medicine that cost $13,500 a month. It is his last hope. It doesn’t seem to help much. He has had more help from the Coimbra Protocol that we are both on. That costs Less than $100 a month. My mother had MS, medicine seemed to help little with side effects that made her wonder if was even with worth it. I wish I could have helped her while she was alive. She probably wouldn’t have listened anyway because she was addicted to opiates that doctors gave her. God bless her but because of the doctor,who was her supposed friend, made her an addict.

I am maybe just hopeful but actually feel better everyday. I think I am actually regressing. I

Have been since I started the Coimbra Protocol.I also take 1 gram of B1 a day, full dose of Restore gold, fish oil. I had slight tremor but I haven’t felt since I started the CP. Exercise is also very important. I try to go 1 hr 5-6 days a week.

Please get your Vitamin D checked. If it’s low at all, ask for PTH test. That needs to be low on the spectrum for your immune system to be in check. Parkinson’s is an autoimune disease. Your parathyroid hormone regulates your immune system. Big Pharma knows that. Why don’t they look into it? Because they know there is NO MONEY.The are trying to shut down Dr Coimbra. No Duh!! Trying to discredit him. His success with Crohns and MS are undeniable. People are going into long term remission, not a drug induced relief of symptoms in the short term. He is out

To help people. He developed this because his Mother got MS and wanted to help her. If you do the Protocol under the care of a physician, it risks are very minimal.(or you can wait for Parkinson’s to completely destroy your brain, which is basically what doctors say to do)Everyone should start taking 10000 iú’s a day, that’s 100 percent safe.

My mood and depression has be reduced 85-90 percent. My Parkinson’s meds as been cut in half.

(I have thought about quitting them completely but i ask why if I’m doing well) My writing has basically went back to normal. I can type as fast as I could before. My fine motor stills are noticeably better. My gait is still off, but seems

To be stable. I noticed I look at my feet when I walk, it’s a habit I started it makes my gait worse. Keeping my chin up helps.I hardly use Cbd oil anymore (used this only when I needed a little help)

I know it’s early because I’ve been diagnosed for only about 9 months. However I knew something was wrong long before. I know I also feel better because I am also coming to terms with it.

I wanted to bring this attention because everything else that is helping me is discussed

At length on this forum. Exercise, b1 and restore gold in addition to this Protocol has made my life worth living, gives me hope and actually excited to see what happens.

What do you got to lose? Some books has been published by less than reputable authors

About Vitamin D.Anyone who tells you to take more than 10000 iu’s a day without doctors supervision is reckless. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t work......

Side note. I’ve struggled with athletes foot under my toenails (yellow nasty toenails) for more than 10 years. I’ve taken medicine for it to go away twice and it just came back as soon as I quit.

I just noticed they have cleared up nearly completely?

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38yroldmale profile image
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22 Replies
chartist profile image


Regarding your brother with Crohn's disease, Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) has been a lifesaver for many! Insurance likely will not cover it for an off label use, but it is affordable at $40 per month delivered to his door from a compounding pharmacy recommended by many of the LDN sites. It has shown itself to be quite helpful in some autoimmune diseases, but Crohn's disease is where they currently have the most and best experience with it. One 4.5 mg pill at bedtime is all that is needed and it has a very good safety profile at that dose which is approximately one tenth to one twentieth of a regular dose of naltrexone. It is contraindicated with powerful pain medications (opiods), but is otherwise compatible with most other prescription meds. He can discuss it with his doctor.

Regarding vitamin D and specifically PD, here is a link to a post I wrote on that subject. One of the studies showed a definite slowing of disease progression during the year that the patients took a relatively low dose of D-3 compared to some of the ultra high dose vitamin D studies that use over 30,000 iu / day of vitamin D-3.

Here is a link to a little info on LDN :

and one more on LDN / Crohn's :

Regarding athletes foot and toe nail fungus, some people find relief using 1.5% hydrogen peroxide that is also saturated with Borax laundry booster as a foot soak bath.


38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to chartist

Thanks Art!!

Your a smart man!! Thank you for the links. Your study of vitamin D is extensive.

Let me ask you a question. It shown study after study that D3 it helpful in many symptoms and possibly slow progression. 10000 iu is perfectly safe. Why check patients For D levels and supplement? It helps a ton with depression.

It’s proven in these peer reviewed studies. It seems obvious to me.

chartist profile image
chartist in reply to 38yroldmale

There are a couple of reasons for testing your serum 25 OH (D) regularly. One reason is that often times when people start supplementing vitamin D-3 it is with the intent to try and treat a specific disease as is done in some of the high and ultra high dose studies. That can be a problem for some people who can reach the top of the reference range (30~100 ng/ml) or beyond with just 10,000 iu/day of D-3 while others may need 30,000 iu/day in order to get to the upper end of the reference range. So it is not so much a specific dose that is best, it is the dose required by the individual to reach the level they are seeking and this varies greatly from person to person. Some studies have suggested that for trying to treat certain diseases, it may be more effective to go above the reference range, but going above the reference range can involve issues with calcium ending up in soft tissues which is unwanted and should be monitored for along with the 25 OH (d) testing.

Another reason is because some types of cancer show a bell curve response to vitamin D-3 supplementing and some studies have shown that bell curve to peak in the 70 ng/ml area, so if you are going to try and replicate a study that has shown 70 ng/ml to be your desired 25 OH (d) level, you will have to test regularly to maintain that specific level. Another factor is the time of year. If you test in winter when natural production of D-3 is nil, it may take more D-3 to reach your goal than it would in the summer if you are getting a lot of mid day sun exposure with minimal clothing on.

Lastly, as we age, our ability to convert uv rays from the sun by interacting with cholesterol in the skin into vitamin D-3 declines and so a regular dose of vitamin D-3 that used to get your 25 OH (d) level to a specific area in the reference range may no longer do it.

I saw a commentary where they asked a researcher of vitamin D what she thought was relatively safe dose that a person can take every day without testing and she said she thought that number might be 8,000 iu/day and that is probably fairly accurate for most people. In the vitamin d study that suggested vitamin d could potentially slow disease progression, they used a relatively low dose, so no problem there with testing if you are going to try and replicate what they did..


TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to chartist

Hi Art, do you think 10,000 IU can be much for a small person of 47kg ?

I'm taking dr Berg's D3&K2 of 10,000 IU caps. I feel thirsty these few days. Scare of side effect of bone loss or whatever. Thanks

answerseeker profile image

Thank you for posting this information! I found this link helpful in explaining Dr. Coimbra's Protocol. Does anyone know doctor's trained in this protocol in the US preferably in the NJ area? There are elements here that seem to ring true for my husband's experience and would like to get someone who would follow and adjust with regular blood tests.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to answerseeker

My doctor lives in Seattle, I live in Utah. We do it through Skype.

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to 38yroldmale

May I ask the name of your doctor? Thank you.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to Despe

Dr Pinkleton

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to 38yroldmale

Thank you.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to 38yroldmale

May I ask how much is the fees? Thanks

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to answerseeker

Also, I found

Interesting. . .he applied his protocol to a Parkinson's patient.

38yroldmale profile image
38yroldmale in reply to Despe

It works with all autoimmune diseases. MS and Crohns are the most commonly used with the protocol.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to Despe

Could you give me the link of the protocol with that PD patients please. Thanks Despe.

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to TL500

Hello TL,

The link is right above 38yroldmale's comment.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to Despe

I looked but didn't see. Where in the link's article please? Thanks

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to Despe

I think I found sort of intro in "The Protocol" but doesn't mention PD result. Is that it? Thanks.

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to TL500

Yes, from "The Protocol"

"Through his research, based on the current medical literature, Dr. Coimbra came to believe that vitamin D could be a fundamental therapeutic resource, since it stimulates the production of regenerative substances in the brain. So, in 2001 he began administering vitamin D in physiological doses - 10,000 IU/day - to Parkinson's Disease patients. Such a dose is the amount our own body produces when exposed a few minutes to the sun. One day, a patient came back for a return appointment after 3 months of taking 10,000 IU/day. This patient also suffered from vitiligo, an autoimmune disease, and Dr. Coimbra noticed that a big lesion the man had had on his face on the previous visit was barely visible. The lesion had almost disappeared in just a few months of administering 10,000 IU daily."

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to Despe

Thanks Despe

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to TL500

You're very welcome! :)

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to TL500

Do you think he had as good result in PD as in his MS cure?

I was hoping to see testimonials of PD but seems none except where we talk about.

ElianaR profile image

Hello!! Where can I test my DNA for vitamin D absorption problems?, I think my mother and I have that. Thank you.

TL500 profile image

Could you share how much D3 you take?

and any K2?

Is Restore Gold fish oil? how much you take?

And all at once with B1? Thanks

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