i have come across in YOU TUBE a product under BestMade Natural Homeopathy Remedy for Parkinson's the AD says " just ten drops a dose dissolved in water and Parkinson's cured. it is marketed by AMAZON
billiards: i have come across in YOU TUBE... - Cure Parkinson's

Don’t you think this would be world news?
Anyone can sell things on Amazon. That doesn't give it any more credibility. Besides, 10 drop is way too much. I'm waiting for the one that only takes 5 drops to cure cancer too!!
The placebo effect is very powerful-even if the patient knows it’s a placebo. However I think it’s immoral to sell false hope in such a definitive manner.
Don’t fall for a false hope!
i agree billiards anything that gives hope whether placebo or not is better than being told THERE IS NO CURE why shoot the messenger
I feel it is really mean and nasty to give PWP false hope for a cure. It would be news all over the world if a cure for Parkinsons Disease had been discovered. Once a person has accepted a diagnosis of PD they need to get on with their life, visit a neurologist or decide to go with natural supplements. Suffering Socks
You guys kind of piled up on Billiards. I think it's important for us to disagree with people respectfully and not react in such a manner that belittles the other person.
Do you find that you have less constipation problem using this homeopathy med
Thanks for the info billards. Scam or not it's always nice to know what's floating around out there. As a B1 user an Internet patient of Dr. C, I am sure his protocol is looked upon as a scam by many. Some have been fighting the PD dragon for so long that they have developed a certain wisdom about miracle recoveries. Take heart.
i am suffering from PD almost 10 years (age 80). additional to EL Dopa supplement i am depending on
1, Yoga known as "alom viliyom", breathing through one nostril and exhaling through the next and vise the versa. 2, known as "bhamri" breathing through the nose deeply and closing the nostrils and plugging the ears with the thumbs keeping the fore fingers on the temple on the fore head above the eye brows. reciting "OM" through brain the air leaks through the mouth as though the humming sound comes through the whole brain is vibrating. for 15 minutes 3 times daily.
followed by
2,”MUDRAS” HINDI WORD AND AS POPULAR AS YOGA.: positioning the fingers
All to be done for 10 minutes each and as many times as possible.
Third : tongue exercise on facing the mirror first time of the day . Revolving the tongue from right to left and left to right ten times each side to activate the glands.
IN SUMMARY: result: excepting some MOTOR movement, and feet getting stuck to the floor . when Eldopa medicine stops working, and frees the legs after half hour on taking a tablet of 125 mg SANDOPA. Every 2 hours between 5 or 6 tablets a day.
Diet: pure vegetarian timely (very important) and plenty of water stored in MUD pot not refrigerated.
Work: domestic help; cuttings from health magazines and sticking them on the fridge for children to see head lines (good for them if they follow the full materials); and other domestic news like phone calls in their absence (if memory recalls).
Evening :Play billiards in the club for an hour; followed by going to the park with wife for 58 (y)(f)(t)ears of marriage.
The homeopathic remedy Zinc Met 30c & Agaricus 30c are indicated for PK (tremor), check this out. A good source is The Encyclopedia of Homeopathy by Dr Andrew Lockie.
slippy- yes, i have been taking zincum metallicum & arsenicum album for a while now. it has helped with my bradykinesia and anxiety. alot of people bad-mouth homeopathy, without ever trying it or not getting the correct remedy. they just dont understand how it works, so they discount it.
i have seen dramatic things with homeopathy. an example is when my daughter was 2 yrs old, and had her first halloween candy and had an anaphylactic reaction. her whole face was swelling up and her hips were enormous. i gave apis, which is crush bee, (homeopathy is based on the theory of like heals like, hence bees causing allergic reactions). within a couple of minutes the swelling was going down & within 15 minutes it was completely gone and she was back to normal.
i highly recommend learning about it. i have included a link for a wonderful homeopath who gives online courses, but also has free monthly podcasts/newsletters with a ton of info.
Also look at de-toxing mercury. Chlorella & vit C are good at this.
slippy- but do not take any chelating agents if you have mercury amalgam fillings in your mouth, because the chelators will stir up the mercury; it will go right to your brain, and you will get much sicker. and they need to be removed properly so that you are protected during the removal process.
The AD itself is poorly made and is not convicing. Its cruel to raise false hopes .