I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in November; stopped smoking February; a month later had slight tremor; and felt a bit off; read recently smoking protects most poeple against Parkinson's; any thoughts?
Smoking and Parkinson's : I was diagnosed... - Cure Parkinson's
Smoking and Parkinson's

I have seen doctors' presentations that said you are less likely to get Parkinson's if you smoke, but the potential benefit is not worth the risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and other illnesses caused by smoking that can kill you. I haven't seen anything that mentioned any benefit if you already have Parkinson's.
Just found it odd developed symptoms a month after stopping smoking going to start again; for a short time see wot happens; worth a try; as for health risks;rather have heart attack wotever than live with disability my friend thanks for your time
My husband was a life long smoker. He now has Parkinson’s AND lung cancer.
My husband smoked like a train for 45 years. He has Parkinson's, so it didn't protect him.
Guess I'm not a good barometer of this study. All I can say is I enjoy the intensity of a good cigar. my taste and smell has been affected by PD to the extent that I really cannot enjoy food or pleasant smells. I find my brain can actually "reproduce" aroma and taste to a certain degree by suggestion or visual cues! I was dx 11 years ago and have been sober for 22 years. The third Neuro resident I've "trained" at Mayo after looking at my history as expected said "I see you still smoke". I said yes but I don't drink. She returned with "I think I'd rather have you drink."
I smiled and quickly replied "OKAY!"..... my wife said "You don't want to see him drink"
I think some cigarette company is behind the propaganda that smoking prevents PD
I smoked for 30 years each day 25 cigarettes. In march 2015 i had my 4th hart operation, that day i stopped smoking. 1 month later i had a slight tremor in the ring finger of my right hand. a few months later i was diagnosed Parkinson.
Greetings from a recumbent trike rider in Belgium
I smoked I have Parkinson's. I think in some way it helped my nerves which helped tremor but it may have been psychosomatic. In any case it's bad for breathing and means you can't exercise fully which we know is really good for Parkinson's. I quit, I'm fine. Hang in there.
I believe it was said at a seminar for Parkinson’s uk that smoking could be related to causing PD?
So it’s just all swings and roundabouts really we are all do very different.
My husband is the parky he was dx 5 years ago he has never been a smoker but was 30 yrs a firefighter I blame this for his PD.
Smoke yes, dealing with it in his lungs all those years, but also the trauma and stress with his job.
I wish I could take it away, he has never smoked or drank, kind clean good hearted loving person.
Instead of smoking, it's better to use a low dosage patch.
It has long been known that smokers have reduced risk of pd. i dont think it is just propoganda.
“A paper published in Public Health Reports in 1959 describes findings1 from a collaborative study by the United States Public Health Service and the Veterans Administration (VA) that investigated the link between tobacco use and various causes of death. Approximately 200,000 people.
Smokers had a dramatically lower risk of PD, with those who smoked 10 or more cigarettes daily having the lowest risk.
Subsequent research has firmly established this perplexing connection, generally showing that active smokers have the lowest PD risk, followed by former smokers, while people who have never smoked have the highest risk. Indeed, a study published in the May 2015 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology reported that people with a history of smoking had a 45% lower risk of developing PD. Other research has shown a similar level of risk, including a large National Institutes of Health study3 reported in Neurology in 2010, which found that current smokers had a 44% lower risk of PD than people who had never smoked. The findings further showed that past smokers had a reduced PD risk that was inversely related to the number of years they had smoked: Compared with people who had never smoked, former smokers who had smoked for 30 years or more had a 41% lower risk, while those who had smoked for 20 to 29 years had a 36% lower risk, and those who smoked for 10 to 19 years had a 22% lower risk.“
MJ Fox and others have done/ are doing research.
I have heard that but my uncle smoked and had PD but died of lung cancer at 67