By 2.30 he was running 1hr late. So I sat in the waiting area and thought " why the hell am I here". Everyone else needed his help . I was just adding to his backlog. I wanted advice on reducing 6mg Rotigotine patches . (I reasonably believe that my exercise routine including running produces my own Dopamine). When I asked for a test to confirm how much Dopamine was currently in my body I was told " no blood test can determine how much Dopamine you have at any given time".
This begs the question. (I did not ask it). "How was the decision arrived at to pump me full of L-dopa and Rotigotine". And why ? This is very old style ( but tried and tested ) medication. When asked about alternative medicines he had never heard of Mucanu Purien's !!!! And passed a negative response to its possible good effects.
This reminded me many years ago when Mary Whitehouse was asked which porn site had seen that was going to corrupt young people,. she replied " I never watch that kind of filth" !!
How can you pass a judgement on something you have no personal experience of ?